"Randelian," a bush that grows widely in rainy seasons. These bushes are known for their abnormal growth, surpassing even the average height of a human male. Only an ogre or orc might be able to match its height. Painted with a dark green color, these bushes begin to dominate the entire area they grow in if there is enough water supply, and in the rainy season, the rain becomes their main water source. And If left unchecked, their growth can even overtake the entire forest.
Consideration about limiting methods reveals that adventurers and wanderers who venture into the forest are the ones who most often limit these bushes. Due to their abnormally long growth, these bushes obstruct the vision of those who traverse the forest, forcing them to slash through the bushes to clear their path. Because of the large number of adventurers and wanderers exploring the forests, the growth of these bushes becomes limited soon before they can spread extensively.