Chereads / I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 469 - 469 Invincible: Accepting The Cute Atom Eve, Robot Analysis, Well-Worn Taxes and Darkblood Demon.

Chapter 469 - 469 Invincible: Accepting The Cute Atom Eve, Robot Analysis, Well-Worn Taxes and Darkblood Demon.

Allen observed the girl in front of him. It wasn't that he had anything against Atom Eve She was a sweet girl with a righteous side, trying to do her best in a dangerous world... for the time being.

But time changes everything and the rest of her team is worrisome. On one side, there's Robot, whose path will grow darker with time, eventually committing acts that could only be worthy of a villain. Dupli-Kate eventually left heroism; maybe it wasn't meant for her after all. Eve suffers the reality of the superhero's path with many emotional problems, which leave her on the verge of breaking down many times, showing how difficult it is to be a superhero in this world. As for Rex... well...

Allen didn't have the story memorized, and although he had access to it, he wouldn't look at it. He didn't need a guide on how to live, nor was he worried about maintaining the canon. He had become too selfish in that sense—he would just act as if the so-called "canon" didn't exist. And no matter what changed or how the story moved, he wouldn't let himself be influenced by "what was supposed to be."

He does not want to take responsibility for what the new guardians will experience in the future.

[Allen, if I recall correctly, this world also has parallel universes, and in the end, it doesn't matter about the original story because this world just shows you a hell of "What if" scenarios.]

'That's also true.'

Unable to do anything, Allen turned to Atom Eve, the girl who had felt uncomfortable and defeated moments ago from being rejected, now had a bright look as she approached him again.

"Have you decided…?"

"First of all, why should I do it?"


"I don't know how you think the world works, but I'm a busy man. Using my time on you means I have less time for myself. Why should I do it?"

Eve froze. She had only thought superficially about asking for some advice, but she hadn't imagined what that would actually entail. Want to learn about politics? Go to the president. Want to learn math? Go to Albert Einstein. Obviously, they'd explain it better than anyone else and give you a lecture on their specialties, but why would they do that?

Allen sighed as he saw Atom Eve lower her head with a pale face, looking like a scolded puppy.

"One hour…"


"You can follow me for one hour a day. During that time, you can ask me questions and learn if you want..."

Atom Eve's eyes teared up. She shook her head to regain her resolve and nodded.

"Thank you so much!"

"Don't disappoint me... if it's not what you expected, Eve..."

Eve swallowed nervously, a mix of fear, expectation, and excitement filling her. She wanted to get stronger in using her powers; she didn't want to feel powerless again.

"Got it!" Eve responded firmly.

Allen smiled slightly while narrowing his eyes, "At least you've got guts, pink girl."

Eve blushed, then turned around and flew past Mark. He, who had been watching everything, couldn't contain his frustration.

"Mark Grayson..."

Mark stopped and looked at Allen. There was no trace of kindness in his expression as if Allen were his sworn enemy.


"Don't do it..." Allen's eyes held a bit of kindness as he looked at him, which left Mark stunned.

"What do you mean...?"

"I'm not your enemy. Whatever you might think isn't worth worrying about. Just focus on improving your skills, strengthening your mindset, and you'll see that one day you'll surpass your father... don't worry about the rest..."

Mark remained silent, his eyes widening as he listened to Allen's words. However, Invincible had grown through his story by failing over and over again, getting beaten over and over again, and being on the brink of death over and over again.

This superhero was destined to be that type of hero, so Allen's words meant very little to Mark, who flew after Eve at a distance.


Gwen – I feel sorry for him...

MJ – He's definitely going to do something stupid, and maybe Allen will end up beating him up.

Aphrodite – No, my husband will kill him~ because the reason this guy "Invincible" will come back is because of the cute pink girl~

Megan – What a fool... A lot of guys think that to win a woman over, they have to defeat her other suitors, but that's wrong. If a man wins a woman's heart, it won't matter if there are 99 other guys around her; she'll only look at him~

Allen crossed his arms and then smiled in amusement, the smile of someone who was about to make someone's life miserable. "Originally, I thought of not bothering the protagonist. After all, I still regret what my viewers did to Bleach..."

Unohana – Dear...

Yoruichi – hehe that smile~

Rukia – *sighs*

Allen wasn't planning to hide anything from his girls, especially regarding his own worlds. So, once he revealed his true identity to them, he told the Bleach girls how his world had been altered by two people, Urahara Kisuke and Aizen Sosuke, who, as spectators of Allen, acquired knowledge they shouldn't have had.

Of course, the girls didn't blame Allen. Also, if someone told you they regretted there not being a person you never met, how would you feel? That was the case for them. Their lives were what they were, and they couldn't feel anything for something they never lived through.

Still, Allen had decided not to bother Mark too much. After all, he would have enough problems without Allen interfering. But if Mark came to him, Allen wasn't nice enough not to teach him a lesson or two about the difficulties of the world.


Albedo – Allen-sama, your laugh of absolute evil is wonderful🖤~

"Who are you calling an evil being?" Allen snorted with a half-smile. "I'll just let things happen, and whoever has bad luck will get it. Haha."

Allen disappeared from the spot...


As in the main story, Eve introduced Mark to her friends. Everything happened similarly; Rex mocked him and humiliated him for being so pathetic despite his strength. Robot showed disinterest. Dupli-Kate greeted him normally. Eve and Rex fought again. The biggest difference was that this time, Robot didn't present a hypothesis about the Flaxans but about Allen.

"I've reviewed the recordings thousands of times, and I have an estimate of Allen Walker's strength..."

Robot's words drew everyone's attention as he projected a hologram of Allen. Several windows appeared with parameters, but they seemed like approximate and incomplete data.

"It's the best I can do. Mostly, I'm basing this on conjectures and speculations..."

Rex exhaled cold air, "What a monster! How can he have so many abilities?!"

Dupli-Kate opened her eyes in astonishment, "Telekinesis?... Was that the reason we couldn't move?"

"Negative. During that specific moment, he didn't use any abilities..." Robot answered emotionlessly.

Eve shrugged and smiled faintly, "He's an amazing person... matter and energy manipulation? Why is there such a big difference between users?"

Mark trembled, "Is that...?"

Robot's eyes shone as he understood what had caught Mark's attention.

[Omni-Man Percentage = 82%]

"I think it's easy to tell. That percentage is an estimate of the Regulator's power compared to Omni-Man..."

This time, no one spoke. They knew he was strong, but they never imagined it would be to this extent. After all, we're talking about Omni-Man, the man who deflects a giant meteor every year. The man who stops alien invasions and defeats Kaiju-sized mutant monsters without hesitation.

There was a terrifying silence. However, what Robot didn't tell any of them, not even Cecil, was that this estimate was based solely on what Allen had shown, and from what it seemed, that definitely wasn't all of his power.


Allen, unaware that people were talking about him somewhere, decided to continue with his work. He now had access to the GDA's information, so Allen was free to search for criminals, villains, and superheroes. Yes, Allen would also regulate the activities of superheroes who decided to be like the Supes from The Boys.

Makima – We have two supervillains with recent sightings nearby. One is likely dead, and the other is hiding in the sewers...

"I don't want to go ghost hunting or ruin my appetite..."

Albedo – Allen-sama, there's a superhero who is accused of drug use...

"Mmm... doesn't sound too interesting..."

Harley reviewed the information on her screen and smiled as she found something for Allen, then floated over to him, "Daddy, what do you think?~"

"I like that, thanks Harley ~"


Allen teleported to another area and called the authorities.


They say when you enjoy your job, it stops being a job. Maybe not in all cases, but Allen enjoyed being The Regulator.

It was a building with many apartments, and it was where Allen's next job would take place—a petty criminal, someone of little importance in this world. However, Allen didn't refuse. There was nothing more satisfying than ruining the day of a son of a bitch.

"Your Honor, the SWAT team is here."

A police officer approached Allen and greeted him. The fifty-year-old man might have felt a little uncomfortable, after all, Allen could be the youngest judge in history, and technically, he was. That, and many other things, from army positions to taking part in government organizations with middle-level influence.

Many people were nervous because Allen could cause a huge mess if he wanted to, but incredibly, his results were impressive. He hadn't failed, and he hadn't abused his power too much... well, almost.

Allen advanced with the SWAT team. These were ordinary men and women who could easily die in confrontations with anything other than criminals. But it was precisely because the current target was an ordinary criminal that Allen could afford this luxury.

The agents quickly climbed the stairs, deactivating the security cameras and silently opening doors until they reached the top floor, where the criminal's apartment was located.

The captain looked at Allen, and he nodded. Then, a man stepped forward with a battering ram to break in.

Allen frowned and stopped them. "Wait, seriously, you're going to enter like this?"

Goodbye to stealth...

The agents didn't understand what Allen was referring to, but he slapped his forehead, pulled out his phone, and showed a video of the FBI entering a building.

"But..." The captain turned pale.

"What?" Allen looked at him coldly.

"But this is a meme, sir."

"Who's in charge here?"


"Captain... Nickson, who's the commander, chief of police, the judge, and your superior?"

The captain snapped out of his stupor, straightened up, and saluted Allen seriously. "You, sir!"

Allen sharpened his gaze. "Good answer, Captain, go ahead..."


Inside the apartment was a man, somewhat overweight, with signs of premature balding, glasses, dark circles under his eyes, and bloodshot eyes from lack of sleep. He was sitting in front of several monitors.

His name was Cypher, a hacker who had rarely been recruited by the crime syndicate for miscellaneous jobs, like unlocking a file or tracking a hero. He appeared a few times in the story, completed his tasks, and then disappeared without much explanation. Originally, he was meant to be killed without any fanfare.

This guy was a minion of a minion; to call him a villain would be generous; he couldn't even be considered a decent criminal.

"Wait, seriously, you're going to enter like this?"

Cypher stopped looking at his monitors while stealing personal data from someone when he heard people arguing outside his door.


Cypher might have smoked weed and not slept for two days, but he wasn't stupid. He quickly pressed a button under his desk, and his computers began to burn.

He didn't even try to escape, he didn't have the physical ability to descend the emergency stairs, so he prepared to be arrested and interrogated.

"Probably just wants to get to Machine Head..."

Machine Head was indeed a notorious villain in Invincible. He didn't have powers, but he had access to technology, influence, and resources that helped him control organized crime. But unfortunately, Machine Head was not Allen's target. Allen won't admit it, but among Cypher's crimes was cheating in video games, that's unforgivable!

Cypher waited patiently for the agents to enter. But after three minutes, nothing happened. This made Cypher nervous, and without thinking, he grabbed his peace pipe to smoke a bit.


Cypher dropped his peace pipe and turned around. His head stopped working as three combat helicopters suddenly appeared in the distance for no reason.

"What the hell!"

At that moment, the apartment windows shattered, and three special agents burst in, shouting. One of them crashed onto a table, breaking it; the other slammed into the wall; the third landed in front of Cypher and immediately pulled out a light machine gun, starting to shoot at everything except Cypher.


The man screamed and crawled across the floor into another room. When he thought he was safe, he heard beeping from the ceiling.

Cypher's face went pale. "Don't tell me..."


The ceiling exploded, and two more agents dropped in. One grabbed Cypher, pushed him against the wall, and yelled in his face. Cypher, terrified, screamed as well.


Not knowing how he got out of that room, he watched in horror as agents were everywhere. One of them was stabbing a teddy bear his ex-girlfriend had given him; another was smashing a mirror for no apparent reason; one grabbed the collectible figures from his shelf and started biting their heads off.

"What's wrong with you?!"

Cypher screamed before being knocked to the ground.

Allen entered at that moment, his hands behind his back, and despite being surrounded by agents who seemed to have fallen into a frenzy of madness, he remained calm, nodding in approval. Without hesitation, he walked toward the kitchen, grabbed two loaves of bread and a jar of peanut butter, and made himself a sandwich.

"If the police entered like this every time, I guarantee crime would drop by half..."

The chat turned pale. While it was funny as a joke, this was too much.


"Crazy bastards! I'll sue you! I'll report you! You're sick!"

Cypher had gone insane with rage while tied to the floor, watching the agents surrounding him. At this point, they all had their faces covered, and he was trembling with embarrassment. Allen had forced them to act like lunatics, but in the middle of their act, they had gotten carried away.

Gwen – You're the only person in the world capable of moving army helicopters to recreate a meme...

"No, Gwen, these are well-spent taxes..." Allen grinned shamelessly. He then walked between the agents to Cypher and squatted down. "Listen, little bastard, I know you work for Machine Head, now talk."

"Huh?!" Cypher was about to shout but noticed that Allen wasn't wearing a police or SWAT uniform. "I don't know what you're talking about, but you'll find out from my lawyers that everyone's getting fired; this madness has broken at least ten laws."

Cypher was confident, not only because of the exaggerated destruction the SWAT agents caused but also because all the evidence had been burned.

Feeling like he had control, Cypher spat at Allen, but the saliva stayed suspended in mid-air.

Allen's eyes flashed. "Reparo..."

As he murmured a spell, time seemed to reverse, and all the broken and destroyed things were reconstructed in front of everyone's eyes. Cypher's face went pale when he saw his computers were also being repaired. The saliva in the air flew back towards Cypher, who could not resist opening his mouth and swallowing it again, feeling nauseous.


"Well, my friend, you've made some very serious accusations, but where's your proof?"

Cypher opened his mouth but couldn't speak. Allen mocked him and walked to his computers. "I think I'll first check the history to see if there are any illegal things..."


That day, Cypher sang everything he knew about the crime syndicate...


The next day, the world became sad as something devastating appeared in the news.

The reporter almost seemed to cry. "I don't know how to report this... the Guardians of the Globe are dead..."

At noon, a funeral ceremony was held, with Omni-Man leading it. The world mourned, with only two exceptions—the culprit and the one watching from the top of a building.

Allen felt the temperature drop around him. Without looking, he spoke, "What do you need from me, Damien Darkblood?"

Darkblood was a red demon, wearing a beige hat and trench coat. "Chilling human, I just seek the truth..."

Allen smiled and looked behind him. "It's an honor that a demon fears me..."

"I detect the demon's scent on you..."

"That's because I ate one this morning."

Makima blushed and hit Allen's head, even in her doll form.

Darkblood narrowed his eyes, but it was hard to tell if he could sense the dolls' presence.

"Human, who killed...?"

"You don't have to ask more, it was Omni-Man..."

Darkblood closed his notebook and sighed, then looked at Allen and walked up to his side, watching Omni-Man give his speech.

"That man is dangerous..."

Allen laughed in response, and Darkblood silently observed Allen before disappearing...

"If you need me, you can call me... dangerous human."


A/N: Power is corrupting Allen someone must stop it 🍷🗿

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