Chapter 213 - Ch. 170


 The next few Days they didn't know how things were going to go with Scarlet. They kept her well-fed with food that would help replenish the blood and support her health.

Scarlet slowly began to recover and since she was doing better this Morning, Doctor Sebastian did a careful examination to check on Young.

After what happened with Scarlet a few Days ago with her bleeding no One was sure what was going to happen with the Young. They didn't know if she was even still carrying them now or not.

Finally having the answer that everyone wanted to know he looked at Scarlet and said "I feel that the Young are still with us. But we need to still be careful until they are born. Do you understand this my Love."

Scarlet had been doing better these Days, but she had not yet fully recovered from the incident and was still a Mentally and Emotionally unstable. Even though they were able to help her heal these Days, she always worried about the Young and if they would survive.

Now that she had been told that she was still carrying them it was like a great weight off her shoulders. So much so that her shoulders actually slumped a little. Nick and Alex noticed the difference more than the others and couldn't be more excited.

They all celebrated with yummy snacks and board games. Not all of them played every game. Most of the time there was One of them helping Scarlet play, they switched between each Male from One to the other every other game.

Doing this helped to have her move around enough to make sure that her body didn't get too stiff. They also made sure to switch between their Hot and Cold bodes so that it also helped to relax her muscles.

As they helped Scarlet change hands to Nick from Alex, she sat up and put her hand on her stomach. With a worried look on their face she grabbed Nicks hand and put it on her stomach saying, "Did you feel that?!"

Nick concentrated on feeling her stomach and waited for a long time. He was about to give up when he suddenly felt it.


There was a small bump against his hand and as soon as he felt that shock completely overtook his face. He said, "Doctor Sebastin, I need you to feel this."

Doctor Sebastian rushed up to her and placed a hand on Scarlet's stomach. Closing his eyes and concentrating on feeling Young. After a few Minutes of nothing he sat there with a disappointed look on his face and said "I don…"


It was the Young that he felt, and it was a surprisingly Strong Bump too.

With a huge smile replacing the worried look he looked at her and said, "I think that I know who the Father is."

Shocking everyone in the room Scarlet grabbed his hand and said, "As much as I want to know who the Father is, but…"

Putting a hand back on her stomach she looked back up at him and said, "Does it really matter who the Father is?"

This One question shocked everyone out of their curiosity. It was a good question. Was it important or was it something that they wanted to know."

Travis said, "Who the Father is not important when it comes to family, but it may help us with timing out the length of your Pregnancy."

It was then that the rest of the group realized what he said made sense. They were completely in shock as they really thought about it. Scarlet looked at him and took a deep breath and said, "Okay who is the One I get to blame?"

Laughing at Scarlets comment Doctor Sebastian looked from Nick to Alex and said, "Well, it seems that the Father is going to be in trouble since he was the One that has made our Female upset."

Both Nick and Alex looked at each other than to Scarlet. They were mixed up on what they wanted to do. On One hand they wanted to know if they were the Father, but on the other they didn't want to be the One that made their Female so uncomfortable.

After a long moment of silence Scarlet cleared her throat to get their attention and said in a calm voice, "I want to know. I want to know who the Father is."

Looking between Nick and Alex she said, "I just want to know how long I'm going to be pregnant."

Making everyone in the room laugh Travis said, "Well good Doctor. Who is the Father of the Young?"

Doctor Sebastian laughed and said, "Well my Love. Knowing the Father doesn't necessarily mean that we will know how long you will be pregnant."

After he looked everyone in the face he said, "The Father is..."