Chapter 169 - Ch. 126


 After they were all fed, Doctor Sebastian did a full exam on Scarlet to make sure that she was cleared for training. Only after she was checked thoroughly, they were off to the Training Area.

 Since they were in no hurry, and they all felt that Scarlet needed to save her Energy they walked to the Training Area. After a while Scarlet began to feel like the trip had turned into a journey was taking way too long and wanted to just send them there quickly. Sadly, though, as soon as she brought it up, she was firmly and unanimously rejected.

They did compromise though and picked up the pace and they made it to their destination by about Midmorning. The guards at the door were surprised and tripped over themselves to open the doors for her.

Just before the doors closed behind them, they were suddenly opened again and Scarlet couldn't believe it when she heard that same Snarky, Stuck-up voice coming from the doorway.

Jewel came into the Training Area to hunt for Males again and said "Who told you that you could close the doors like that?! I am the Young Chef's Female, and no door should be closed in my presence. Especially if I have already told you to keep these doors open for me!" After she looked around with her nose high in the Air, without even sparing a glance at the Male next to her she said, "Lift me up you moron! How am I supposed to know if I like anyone if I can't see them!"

As she was lifted up on to the Males shoulder her eyes locked onto Nick again. She pointed and said "I want him! That Five Banded Male will be mine today." The Male that was holding her began to walk towards him. When she seen Scarlet's signature Red hair, Jewel cried out "What are you doing here again you Wild Female!?"

Before Scarlet could answer Jewel waved her hand in front of her and said "Never mind that; I don't care why you are here. What I want is that Five Banded Male there and you Will move out of my way! Now!"

Nick had barley registered what she said when another Male had come up behind him and grabbed his arm. He smiled at Nick and said "You have been picked by Our most Perfect Female. Be happy that you get the most Beautiful and perfect Female in the whole Dragon Clan."

Nick shrugged off the Males grip on his arm and began to laugh so hard that he doubled over. The Male that grabbed him became furious and yelled "How dare you! You dare to laugh at our Perfect Female!"

 Before he could grab Nick again Scarlet appeared between them and had the Males hand in a firm grip and glared at him as she said "He is Mine and has always been mine. If you want him, you need to get through me First."

With that she pushed his hand away which resulted in him stumbling back a few steps. This surprised everyone there. Not only did their Clan have a Five Banded Male but the 'Great Spirit' already had her hands on him.

Jewel wasn't happy about seeing Scarlet here again and now she was taking yet another Male that she had her eyes on. She decided right then and there that she wouldn't stand for this and came up to speak her mind for everyone to hear.

"This so called 'Great Spirit' has already taken a Great Male from our Clan and now she wants yet another One of our strong Males! We of the Dark Rock Dragon Clan shall not stand for it! There are too few Good Males out there now and she wants to have them all for herself!"

The other Females in the room who were also there scouting out potential Mates began to side with Jewel and began to demand that Scarlet not be able take any more of their Males from them. One Outstanding Male was enough but there were hardly enough to choose from to begin with. Now the pool was even smaller all because of those Females from the Green Rock Mountain City have started to take the stronger Males that they already had their eye on.

Nicks booming voice could be herd over the crowd calling for silence and the whole crowd instantly became silent. His voice could be heard from everywhere in the enormous room and just before he was about to address the crowd Jewel screeched "Who are you but another Male that has fallen under this Witches spell! You will be my Male now and I will make sure that the Band on your Connection Symbol will be bigger than any of my other Mates. This I promise you."

Nick put on a cocky smirk and said, "I want my Band to go all the way around until it connects to the other side. Are you able to give me that?"

Jewels eyes along with everyone else's in the room were as big a Dinner plates. They were all shocked at the request for a Full Band when at most a Male would get about a Quarter of a Band. She shuddered as she said "I don't know you well enough to have your Band connect. But I will make sure that it goes almost halfway. That will be better than any Female could do for a Male."

The whole Training Area started to whisper about how Impossible that would be. Waving his hand in the air Nick addressed the room again. "The 'Great Spirit' was never here to choose a Male but to train among them." Pulling Scarlet to him he removed her jacket and lifted her in the air for all to see her arm.

Jewel was the First to see the Two Connecting Bands and was the First to call her a liar. She raised her head to look at Nick with her chest heaving up and down from the anger that continued to grow and continued to yell "That is fake! It is impossible for a Female to have One Connecting Band let alone Two! She, must have painted it on!"

Before the others could make a seen along with Jewel there was another loud voice that came over the crowd and everyone's head whipped over towards the newcomer.

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