Chapter 156 - Ch. 115


Shaking her head to indicate that she didn't hear anything Scarlet said, "When I heard you before it started as whispers, and then I heard you clearer as things… progressed."

Nick said, "Well why don't we see how things progress then shall we?" Wiggling his eyebrows as he gave her a silly smile.

Scarlet figured out where he was going with that pretty quickly and she said, "Not happening." There was no way that she could go another round with him so soon. As enjoyable as it was being with him her body couldn't take it.

It took all night to get to the Power and Energy regulated and she was still worn out from the Two of them and she still needed to recover.

Nick on the other hand was upset when he got denied and put on a pouty face as he held up a snack and said in an equally pouty voice "Open please."

Scarlet laughed at his little act and said "Alright Fireball that's enough. I love you very much. The Complete Band should be proof if that should it not?" Then opened her mouth for the Snack.

With a glance at his Connection Symbol on her arm he gave in with a smile and said "Alright my Love. I should be more considerate of your body in the future since you were of course served for so long last night."

Scarlet's face reddened all the way up to the tips of her ears after he said that. Before she could stuff her head into the blanket again Travis said "'Little Spirit' how about we try and see of it was our bond could be the reason behind the mindreading."

Blinking a few times, she cleared her mind and said, "I hope that it will be able to clear things up a bit."

Travis walked over and kneeled down in front of her then leaned forward and gave her a small kiss.

As soon as their lips contacted the other a reaction took over. Scarlet and Travis ended up in a make out session that happened before they even noticed. They had to literally be pulled apart in the end.

Breathing heavily Travis said, "I was not able to hear anything."

Between breaths Scarlet said "I didn't hear anything either. It might only happen when we are umm. Yeah." She didn't look at any of them after saying that since she was too embarrassed to even say it.

She was trained as a Doctor and she had talks about all sorts of things that involved sexual experiences, but things were different when they involve her and her own experiences.

They all knew that they wouldn't be able to do anything with her tonight since she still needed to recover from last night. It was almost a sure thing that the mindreading thing was just between Scarlet and Travis, but until Scarlet could Mate again that answer would need to be tested at a later time.

When they were done with the testing Doctor Sebastian looked at Alex and asked, "Did you feel anything or experience anything last night?" Thinking about it he said, "I felt like I was experiencing pleasure through the bond, and it felt like my head was foggy, but I didn't hear anything."

As Alex mention 'feeling pleasure through the bond' so casually Scarlet couldn't stand it any longer and said, "I think that it is time for bed."

Alex had just stood up with her still in his arms and the group was about to move to the bedroom when Windy the Wind Spirit swiped Scarlet out of Alex's arms and Rocky sucked her up into the Earth. Thus, leaving the rest of the group stunned by what just happened.