Chapter 120 - Ch. 88 P. 2

Boone was quick to put Scarlet on the table and Moved out of the way but stayed close. Tony moved to stand in front of Scarlet who was still covered in the blanket. As he moved the cover from her head, he seen that she was looking down and moved his finger under her chin and made her look at him.

 She in a terrified voice said, "Please don't hurt me." And held the blanket closer. Boone had to fight every instinct in him to not move and help her.

Tony gave a light laugh and said "Do not worry Little Woman. I will rock your World and you will beg me for more."

With that he tried to kiss her. Scarlet moved quicker than anyone could track and stabbed him in the neck. With a quick twist of the Blade, she made sure to cut the Main Artery. Leaving him dead before he even realized anything had happened.

Boone was shocked to see a sight from such a sweet and innocent Little Female, but he quickly tried to come back to reality. When he was able to process what just happened, he realized that he had to except that a Female like her really exists in their World.

He was shocked when he heard that Nick, a Male that he knew for his entire life and had not a single Band was now a Four Banded Male. All because of this Little Female had unlocked his blocked Power and she was able to turn him into One. Now she was killing those that oppress us and is working on setting us free.

Boone watched as Tony fell to the floor and he said "Well that works. What's next? The Guards will be back, and they will alert 'Matt' as you called him. Scarlet thought about it as she cleaned up and moved the body into the ground covering the deed that was just completed there. After a minute she said, "We keep to the plan and move on to Matt now."

When they made their way out and the Guards were just outside the door, Boone said, "He said that she was not his type, and we need to find him another Female NOW!!"

One of the guards said "Well well well look at him. He cannot even do a simple job right. What a useless Bandless Male you are!!"

Scarlet had had it with them and went to make a move but was stopped by Boone and heard him say "If he didn't like her there is no reason that you couldn't have her. She is still an untouched Female after all."

Scarlet couldn't believe her ears when she heard him say that. Smiling to herself she thought "This is going to be fun. I'm going to get to put a lot of people in their place. All this unfairness is going to end."

When the Guards heard what Boone said they got excited. Since the Strange Males came here they haven't had the chance to be with any Females. They couldn't pass up this opportunity especially since she was Unwanted by the Strange Males, they could keep her since they are Saving her.

One of the Males pointed down a hallway and said, "My room is on the Left take her there." Boone was about to move when another said "Why should she go to your room?! My room is on the Right across from his! Take her there!"

Another Male was about to tell him to put her into his room when Boone spoke up and said "If you are going to fight about who's room to put her in, you are going to alert Master. How about I put her in One of the Empty rooms, and you can fight for her there. I need to get another Female for Master quickly."

With that said they all agreed to it, and he went into an empty room that was further down the hall. Placing her down on the room's only bed he was about to move out of the room, but once he set her down, he was pushed out of the way and out of the room quicker than he even realized it happened.

Since he didn't have any Bands his senses and reaction time were slower than theirs, before he knew it Scarlet was alone in the room with all of them. Even after what he had already seen her do, still he didn't like that she was in there with Five strong, trained Dragon Males.

He was about to try and get back into the room when Scarlet walked out and jumped back into his arms before he realized what happened. Looking in his arms he said, "Do I even want to know what you did in there?"

Shaking her head 'No' they continued on their way. Having a mutual understanding about that, Boone deeply regretted not being able to get a chance to pursue her. She had incredible Power, and she treated her Males with Real Love and respect. She was so nice and Beautiful you could hardly notice the Scares, a Male couldn't find a better Female.

It was about Twenty Minutes later when they made it over to Matts area. Boone was about to take a turn at a junction when Scarlet suddenly said "Stop! Don't Move a muscle."

Boone froze completely and didn't move an inch as ordered. Scarlet poked her head out of the blanket and looked down. She said "I was right. Boone take Three steps back."

Doing as he was told, he took his Three steps and waited for the Next order. Scarlet said "Put me down I need to go on from here alone. Just head to the meetup spot."