Chapter 97 - Ch. 70


 She walked behind a tree to remove and keep her outer cloths and swim just in her bra and underwear, but a Male came out of nowhere and pinned her to the tree.

Scarlet had been so distracted with the turn of events she wasn't paying any attention to anything around her. When this Male took her by surprise, she was about to make a move to defend herself when the weight was lifted off her and a Boiling Hot arm snaked its way around her waist and an Equally Frigid Cold Voice saying, "What were you think you're doing to My Female?"

Trying to catch up with what just happened She looked up and said "Fireball?"

The Other Male got to his feet with slight difficulty and said, "I'm Adam a I'm a Lion Male from 'Rough Rock Tribe'." Setting his sights on Scarlet with a wicked grin he said, "She is going to come with me Now and you won't make a fuss."

"Wow this guy was confident." Thought Scarlet. Wrapping her arms around Nicks waste and leaning into him she said, "What makes you think that you can get by My Fireball here?"

With his head held high Nick was happy that he followed her because he was being praised by His Female. Holding Scarlet tightly by his side he wasn't happy about the way this Lion Adam was talking to his Female.

Stepping forward Adam was cocky as he said, "I have someone that she cares about very much and if she doesn't want them hurt then she will come with me Now."

Completely clueless about what was going on, Scarlet threw out her energy and did a head count. Everyone was there and accounted for. So, who could he have been talking about?

Scarlet grabbed her clothes and hid behind Nick as she put them back on because she felt modest suddenly. Nick was about to say something when Adam said, "Give me your hands, you will be restrained and ride on my back."

Glancing at Nick and giving him a signal to back off she obediently gave her hands, and he roughly pulled her to him and tied her hands. After he quickly changed and motioned for her to hop in his back Scarlet struggled to get on until she suddenly felt herself getting lifted and put on Adam's back.

She was barely able to give him a 'Thank You' smile when Adam broke off into a run and they were out of sight within Seconds, Leaving Nick standing there with an angry look. He quickly ran back to the others to tell them what had just happened and find out who wasn't there.

Scarlet had to quickly hold on to Adam's Mane to not fall off, which was hard to do because her hands were tied, and she couldn't get a good grip on him. They ran until the sun started to come up and he started to slow down when they were approaching a cave where Two more Lion Males were standing guard.

When they noticed that Adam had returned with a Female on his back One of them went inside to get the person in charge while the other walked up to them and snatched Scarlet off Adam's back and started to drag her into the cave.

They didn't get far when the voice of a Male was herd echoing off the cave walls saying "So the Wild Female is Finally here. Hurry and make her Kneel in front of me."

A Female's voice was heard next saying "I hear that she is a Scared and Hideous thing. I don't know if I want to lay eyes on such a Lowly Creature."

Laughing the Male said "Don't worry My Dear…"

They stopped talking when they saw that Scarlet was being dragged in and then thrown to the floor like she was nothing more than a piece of trash. Laughing he said, "My Name is Kyle chef of the 'Rough Rock Tribe', and this is My Female Charlotte. You are here to make us powerful and if you satisfy us, we will allow the Males to Mate with you."

Scarlet weakly said "Where is he? The One that you took from me?"

Kyle got angry and before he could say anything Charlotte walked up to her and Kicked her hard in the stomach saying "Who said you could talk?! You will do as we say and not speak unless we tell you that you can. Understand?!"

Kyle made a motion to One of the Males on the side, and he tossed a bag onto the Floor in front of Scarlet saying "We got your Kids. The other One is in a different location and will ensure that you do as we tell you understand?"

Scarlet was seeing Red at this point. She didn't think that they would have involved Kids in this. Standing up she tried to reach for the bag to check on the Young One and Charlotte went to kick the bag away.

Moving at a speed that no One could track Scarlet had grabbed the bag and freed herself of the restraints. When Kyle went to give an order to Capture her, she used her Energy to make the Earth around Charlotte become sharp spikes and make it to where she was trapped. She couldn't even breathe too deeply, or her skin would be deeply skewered by the spikes surrounding her.

With pail Faces they all looked at Scarlet as she said "Where is the other Young at? If you don't bring him here soon, I will spear this trash." When she finished speaking, she moved One of the spikes closer to Charlotte's throat.

Kyle didn't waste any time trying to figure something else out and told One of the Males to get the other Young and he ran out as fast as his legs could carry him.

As soon as he was gone, Scarlet was sure about them not trying anything as she checked out the baby in the bag. It was a Cheetah Cub, and he was in bad shape. Scarlet tried her best to help him but in the end it was useless. He had been too badly hurt and he was too Young to handle the damage that had been done to his body.

He died on the table leaving Scarlet Mortified. She attacked the Male that threw the Cub and ripped him Limb from Limb without him even having a Second to react and defend himself. No One expected her to have such skills because they chose to not believe the stories.

When Scarlet finished taking her anger out on the Male; all that could be herd was the Excruciating Painful Screams coming from Charlotte and then the Mortified Screams coming from Kyle. Charlotte couldn't handle the sight of someone getting torn apart like that and forgot about the Spikes all around her. She was dead within a few Seconds after she forced herself on the spikes in vain attempt of trying to get away. Kyle's knees hit the ground wondering where his plan went wrong and how things could have ended up like this.

When the Male who ran out earlier to get the Other Young returned, he gasped at the sight before him. He was so shocked that he ended up dropping the bag with the Young in it and running over to Charlotte who got speared through the back.

He didn't notice that the bag never hit the ground but in fact was held by the Wind and handed to Scarlet like he was a present. She pulled the Little One out of the bag and was shocked to find that it was not a Cheetah Cub but a Fox Cub instead.

As she was checking him over, she found that he was a bit older than the Cheetah Cub by at least a month and his injuries were less severe. As Scarlet was finishing up her Evaluation and treatment the Male from before got her attention "Why did you do this? They were giving you a safe place to stay and Males for your pleasure! There was no need to do this!"

Scarlet couldn't believe what she was hearing and said "You said that they were nice to me?! After they kidnapped Two random Young to threaten me with and beat me as soon as I got here! They were supposed to be good to me."

Taking the Young Fox Cub and carefully placing him in the cloth that she kept her Little Fuzzball in before she turned on her heel and started to leave. The Male ran towards her and tried to stop her while yelling "You won't be leaving here just like that! I will Kill you for what you did."

As he started to run towards Scarlet, he was unaware of the Small fact that He was sinking into the ground the more he ran. He only realized what had happened after he was up to his chest in sand, but by then it was too late, and he couldn't get out. Scarlet just left him there yelling and demanding she let him go and make things right.