Chapter 87 - Ch. 60 P. 2

Seeing her after such a short Training Session she looked like she was beaten all to Hell. Blood everywhere from the various cuts and scratches there were Bruises everywhere. There wasn't One place on her body that was Untouched. What shocked all the Males though was the fact that she just walked in like it was nothing. Even though she was breathing hard and limping in she made it seem like she was just coming in from a Walk.

Doctor Sebastian said "How about you Rinse off first while your food cools off some? I can look at your injuries when you are done."

She said Okay and looked like she wanted to ask something but didn't want to say anything. When Doctor Sebastian walked up close to her, he said, "What is it?"

Scarlet looked down and said, "I need my arm popped back into its socket do you know how to do that?"

When he didn't answer she Looked up at him seen that he didn't. So, Scarlet grabbed One of his hands and put it on her shoulder and told him to grab her arm and lift it and move it to the side, in a quick motion. When he did there was a Loud POP Scarlet's Knees gave out. He held her close and said, "I'm sorry what do I do Now?"

Laughing Scarlet said "It's fine. I'm Fine. It just Sucks that's all." She walked over to the wall again and put her wall back up. They could hear water Falling and see it draining from the bottom of the wall. It broke their hearts when they see that all the water was Red from her Blood.

When she finished cleaning up and sat down to eat. Aaron Plucked up the Courage to ask the Question that was on every One's mind. "Why are you fighting like that instead of using Your Powers?"

Pulling a bottle out of the Ground she took a long pull and said "I Don't have Powers Dummy. I have Abilities that allow me to Handle Myself. And just a Little Tad- Bit of Information Not Every Human Fights the Same Way. If you don't play by the Rules, then All bets are Off." Taking another Long Swig off the Bottle she continued "Matt is a Hot Tempered and is a Trigger-Happy Explosions Expert. That means he Makes things Go Boom." She made some Mountains in the sand and then made a Nuclear War Explosion Completely Destroying it.

Scarlet Took Another Long Pull on the Bottle and Let the Group Settled down after the Shock they No Doubtfully Received. With the Looks on their faces Scarlet Just Laughed and Continued "Tony on the other hand is a Cool Headed, Extremely Smart Thinker. Which is Way Worse. He uses his Mind to think his way Through a Mission."

After a Few Bites Off her Food Scarlet Finished by saying "I Spent Years of my Life Traveling and Hunting these Males. To take Revenge on them for the parts that they played In the Massacre of My Family and All the Pain and Suffering I had to Endure all these Years." When She Finished Speaking, She has Tears Pouring Down her Face and Absolute Murder and Malice in her eyes.

They all Shrank back when they see what was in her eyes. Aaron didn't know what was Happening anymore. All the stories that He was ever told about her were all Lies. They were LIES!!

"We were told by Those Strange Males that the 'Great Spirit' was going around Casting Spells and on Everyone and is a Murdering Thief. They were Promising Protection and Safety From you to those who Served Them. When that didn't work, they would use Force to do to make them do their work."

Aaron Informed them of everything that he had heard involving her and the Group of Males she has Taken Control of. When he was done telling them Everything that he had gathered so far Scarlet just Started to laugh and roll around on the ground. Food Long since been Eaten she was about Half a bottle Deep when he Finished his story. Scarlet was Drunk and Happily ran up to Her the Closest Male and wrapped her arms around him and said, "Hey Web Head did I really cast a Spell on you? It seems useful how did I do it?"

Doctor Sebastian just Laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and said, "Yes you did My 'Little Spirt'. The Moment that I laid eyes on you and you Stole my Heart."

Scarlet gave him the oddest look and said "That's not what a spell is you Big Dummy, that is a Thief. And how Exactly did I do that?"

Kissing her Head, he answered her "When you walked up to the Entrance to my Nest, and I seen you Step out of the web around your foot like it was water. You had me wrapped around your Finger."

Scarlet just Giggled and gave him a Kiss before getting up and saying, "Alright Break over Back to training."

No One moved a Muscle after they herd that One comment, because of the Shock they got when they heard her saying that she was going Back to Train More.

Alex was the First to snap out of it and run after her. When He grabbed her arm, he tried to stop her from Continuing to hurt herself when she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck and put Her Lips to His. After she let go, she said, "Go back inside Please." Being shocked by the Kiss Alex did as he was told and went back inside.

When she started this time though she had Weapons, and the beatings were a lot worse this round. The Other Difference was that when she took One out it just reformed and didn't stop for about Two hours.

Scarlet just stumbled around for a while and landed on the ground with a Thump. Thinking that it was okay to finally come out Doctor Sebastian was the First to her and started to get her Cleaned up, then examined and began treating her wounds.

With tears in their eyes, they were careful with her as they moved her into the cave. Scarlet Never Lost Conciseness the whole time but she was drunk enough that things didn't Register as Pain that much. They tried to get her to take it easy and lay down with Travis, but she refused and wanted to sit up and said through swollen and busted lips "Let's Play a Game." Then gave a Wacky Smile.

Travis said, "What kind of Game do you want to Play?"

Aaron couldn't believe what he had just heard and said "Why are you talking about? Why would you let her play anything when she is like this already?"

Scarlet looked at him through her One good eye and said "I do Whatever I want, Whenever I want, and none of you here can do anything about it. So, Either you play, or sleep outside."

Not having very many options he said through Grit Teeth "Fine. What do you want to Play?"

Happy with herself she smiled and said, "It is a game of Focus and Skill." Holding up a sharp stick about the size of a Stake, Scarlet put her hand on the ground Fingers spread apart and proceeded to put the stake between her thumb and Index Finger. Then proceeded to move the stick in-between each finger before going back to the Starting place. As they watched her, they seen that she just kept getting faster and faster until she said "And Sixty. Okay your next Kitty."

When they each had a Turn Scarlet said, "Okay now that All of you have had a turn let's play for real now shall we?" Confused about what she meant by 'for real' Travis was about to ask when he seen that she had taken out something shiny and said "Okay Everyone this is called a Knife, and it will Cut anything off. Now we shall use this just like we did with the stick. First to cut off a finger Loses. HAHAHA"

As she put her hand down and tried to start the game Travis said, "Why don't we just continue with the stick?"

Laughing she said "Tony Likes this game and I need to Play like it is real. And just a heads-up Matts Favorite Game is Much worse. There is no need to practice that One though because it is mainly just Luck."

Trying to stall her a Little More Nick said, "What is his Favorite Game?"

Scarlet Laughed again and said, "It is called Russian Roulette." She reached over to retrieve a Six Shooter from the ground. She held it up, opened the Chamber and proceeded to emptied it. Picking One Bullet and shoving it into an open slot. She then Spun and closed it. Then proceeded to place the barrel of the gun to her head she said, "Now we pull until One of us gets the bullet and dies. That makes him the Loser. Then we reload and do it again and again until there is only One left."

Panicking Travis grabbed the Gun and said, "You are Never to Practice that Game EVER!!" Grabbing her face, he made her look at him and said, "Do you understand me?" With tears in his eyes, he held Scarlet close and Pressed his lips to hers and forced Every ounce of Love that he had for her into the Kiss.

As he did this the Glowing thing started to happen again and this time it Healed Scarlet's wounds and made her Sober up. When he Ended the Kiss and seen that she was all healed up he was Surprised to see what happened.

When Scarlet opened her eyes, she looked into Travis' teary eyes and said, "How did you do that?"

Hearing her question, but not understanding it he said "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."

Touching her face Scarlet said "You healed me Completely. I'm Not even Drunk anymore. How did you do that?" 

Travis just Held her close said "I don't know how it happened, just don't ever Put a Gun to your head Ever again."

Letting him hang on to her she said, "That won't be my choice, but if I need to then that will be the way of it."

The others came up to us and were saying things along the same line as Travis was involving 'Not doing it again' and 'They Loved her and didn't want to lose her."

Aaron was at a loss when he was just sitting there watching what was going on. He couldn't believe how Crazy this Female was. He had Never come across One like her anywhere.

Travis said, "Okay you had enough Training for tonight how about you get some rest, and we can continue on our way tomorrow."

Looking at him she said, "You don't like the way I train do you?"

"No!!" they all coursed together.