Chapter 77 - Ch. 51


The Males were still on Edge after Scarlet said 'Harmful' and sat there unhappy about her not willing to let Doctor Sebastian check her. They had to force themselves not to say anything or try to interfere again. When the food was ready Nick gave the Pup some and Went over to feed Scarlet. When She took the First sip a Moan escaped her lips, and she relaxed more into Travis. With a Huge Smile on his face Nick said "I'm glad you like it. Here have some more."

Scarlet was more than happy too and as she finished the bowl, all of them were excited when she asked for more Nick was more than willing to give it to her. After she ate Two bowls of soup she Stretched and sniggled into the blanket and Travis' Embrace. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close with a Huge Smile on his face.

Travis was about to ask her if she wanted to get some more rest since she was still tired. When the cave started to Violently Shake. Everyone started to panic, and they tried to get out of the cave, but before they reached the Entrance it Slammed shut and trapped everyone inside. Nick was about to smash it open when they herd Laughing coming the bundle in Travis' arms.

Scarlet said "Rocky Chill out and relax. You're scaring the Males. Don't worry I'll do it just Clam Down." Looking at Travis she said "Kitty go back and sit. I'll handle the Big Baby."

Everyone Stared at her in disbelief and didn't understand what was going on but did their Best to try and relax as they all sat back down.

Nick was the One that beat everyone to the punch by saying "Okay we are trying to relax can you explain what is happening?"

Scarlet Giggled and said, "Remember when we all moved from that big group not too long ago, and I said that I made a Deal with Rocky to move us?"

Getting the acknowledgement from the Group she continued "Well, I made another Deal with him when I sent that poor excuse for a Dragon Male away? Now that I'm Better He wants his payment. He is just a Little Pushy about asking me for it."

The Males were all Mad that Rocky the Earth Element would be asking for Payment Now of all times and after she just started to feel better. Scarlet started to Laugh at their reactions and said, "It's nothing that I need to move around for, I just need to sit here and 'Hum a Few Bars' so to speak." With a Big Smile on her face, they all looked at her with such Crazy expressions, because they didn't understand what was going on.

When Travis Sat down with her he said, "You're going to Sing to them aren't you?" Scarlet turned to him with a Pouty face and said, "How is it you always know what's up?" He Kissed her head and said "I just know that's all. I Hurd you sing before, and I think it would be the Perfect Payment. Is it alright if we hear it too?"

Scarlet just shrugged and said, "Sure I don't care." After she answered his question and grabbed Travis' hand, Tightly closed her eyes, and Started to sing a song in 'Greek' that involved 'Earth'.

All the Males were captivated by her Song and Voice even though they didn't understand the Language she used. When she finished the song, she opened her eyes and seen that All the Males were staring at her with wide eyes. Travis held her close said "Thank you for Letting us hear you Sing. It was a Real Gift for us to hear it."

Scarlet laughed and said, "Thank you Kitty but I have Three More I need to sing."

Nick was so excited to hear that he jumped up and said, "You need to Sing Three more and we get to lesson to it too?" Ending with the Biggest smile Scarlet had ever seen Causing her to laugh hard. When she was finally able to stop Doctor Sebastian fed her some water and said, "It is a Real Honor for us to hear something so Beautiful such as your Voice and can't wait to hear your next song."

Scarlet Blushed so hard that she hid herself in the blanket and said, "Alright now I need to think of the Next One." After a Little bit of Thought she decided on a song involving 'Water' and to sing it in 'Italian'. When she finished, she went right into the next Two with a small pause. The Third was a song involving 'Fire' in 'Russian', and the Last was a 'Air' song in 'Latin'.

When she was done, she Opened her eyes she became completely Stunned. Looking at their Faces she seen tears in their eyes and out of nowhere Travis turned her to face him and looked Deep into her eyes. He was also crying and touched his head to hers. He didn't understand why she was crying but the songs sounded sad. So much sadder than the ones that she sang before when they were alone in the Green Rock Mountain Village. He said "I love you so much Please don't be so sad. You are the best Female in this Entire World and will Always be."

Scarlet just Smiled and said "They are just Songs that came to mind I'm not sad I promise. I just needed songs that involved the Elements. They just sounded sad that's all."

When she finished speaking, he gave her a Deep and Passionate Kiss so he could let her know that he was always going to be there for her no matter what. With a Deep Moan from Scarlet, He knew that what he was doing influenced her and was happy about that. When he Ended the kiss, they just Stared at each other, and Travis smiled at her look of Bliss. He said, "Do you need to pay them anything else?"

Snapping herself out of the Bliss she said "No. Not right now at least. I need to pay them back for the other time a little Later."

With a Shocked and Curious Expression Nick said, "What is the Other Payment?" Scarlet forgot about everyone else in the Room and when she looked at them, she blushed and said "I just need to play with them, but I don't have the Energy to do that tonight. That's why I just sang."

Alex said "What is the other payment? What does playing involve?" Alex's mind swam with in the gutter and was panicking because he knew what Males asked from Females.

Scarlet gave a secrete smile and said "It's nothing like what you are thinking. All it is, is just singing and dancing. They don't do anything Inappropriate. Think of the Elements as Friends in a way. They don't interfere in things that go on during the day-to-day life and don't hold Grudges, but if you make a deal with them you need to Hold up your end or else, they will interfere. The Natural Disasters that happen are also not forced by them. The world Keeps going on day to day and if there is a Storm, Quake, or Eruption Odds are that they are just natural Occurrences."

Henry said, "So when Ryder disappeared before you made a deal with the Elements to get rid of him?"

Scarlet gave a Light chuckle and said "I could have done it myself if I was better, but I was so sick before I couldn't. So yes, I had made the deal to get him out and back to where he came from to tell his Boss that I won't be taken by force."

They all understood but had a hard time excepting it. Travis was the only One to not have an issue with anything and excepted everything that His 'Little Spirit' said. She was Unique and he knew that the only way to be With her was to except everything and Trust her Completely.

Holding her tightly he said "Now that you have given them their payment get some rest. It's already Night and you need Sleep." Kissing her head, he said "I love you Good Night." With that he laid down with her and snuggled down for the Night leaving Scarlet no room for arguments.

Not having the Energy to argue with him about it, Scarlet just got comfortable and closed her eyes Feeling Safe and Sound with being Snuggling into her Kitty.