Heading up to one of the halls within the sanctum he found his friend Elizabeth a member of the sanctum and also his classmate.
"Hey Liz" Lucian said.
"Oh hi Lucian how was your assessment yesterday,i see you survived"said Elizabeth.
"Yeah I did survive,wait you didn't want me to survive?"said Lucian.
"Hmmm maybe, maybe not who knows the will of fate" said Elizabeth,and with that they entered into the hall leaving goosebumps all over Lucians body.
"Good morning all" a thunderous voice boomed across the hall.
As expected it was Master Inez teaching about weaponry today, cold weapons actually.
"Ok class you know the drill Grab your weapons!!!"said Master Inez.
Then with no less than 50 students moving quickly to pick their suitable and preferable weapon the hall resounded with chit chats and footsteps in one word it was disorganized.
"Slowly!!"with that word the noise died down and everyone moved orderly and slowly as it there was a guns pointed at their heads.
Picking up a katana Lucian smiled."hi baby did you miss me"said Lucian with a voice that made the people around him give space.
"Much better" said Lucian while swinging his katana around him.
"Ok students before we start there were 20 people who survived yesterday out of 50, the 20 who survived are gonna be given their own personal cold weapon"
Said Master Inez.
"Oh this is nice" said Elizabeth while holding up a scythe,as soon as she said that everyone around her shuddered and moved a bit far away from her.
"Ok so today is gonna be fun! the one's who are gonna be given their own personal cold are gonna fight for it!"
Ain't that fun?!" Said Master Inez.As soon as he said that everyone's faces paled except for Elizabeth who was grinning and giving of a creepy vibe while holding a scythe.