Chapter 26 - Chapter 24

The two Pokémon clashed fiercely. Clodsire's high defenses made it hard for Durant to land decisive blows, and its Mud Shot attacks slowed Durant down. But with a clever combination of Hone Claws to boost accuracy and power, and Iron Head for heavy damage, Durant managed to weaken Clodsire significantly.

In the end, it came down to one final exchange: Durant's Iron Head versus Clodsire's Earthquake. Both Pokémon fell, ending the battle in a draw.

As the battle concluded, James smirked and walked over.

"You've improved, Arth. I'll admit it. But next time, I'll crush you."

"Yeah, yeah," I said, rolling my eyes. "Good luck with that."

Before leaving, James added, "By the way, there's talk of a rare Pokémon research station nearby. You might want to check it out. You'll need all the help you can get for our next fight."

With that, he left, leaving me with a mix of irritation and motivation. My friends patted my back, and I couldn't help but smile. Another rival battle, another step forward.

Now, time to find out more about that research station—and maybe add a new ally to the team.

The crowd that had gathered began to disperse, murmuring about the intense match. My Pokémon were exhausted but proud. Araquanid stood tall despite its lingering poison, and Lokix, though battered, carried itself with an air of triumph. Durant, as stoic as ever, simply clicked its mandibles in satisfaction.

"Well, that was fun," I muttered, recalling my Pokémon.

Herbert slapped me on the back. "Fun? You just went toe-to-toe with James and tied! That's huge!"

Jacob nodded. "Yeah, but you know he'll be back even stronger next time."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I said with a grin.

After a quick visit to the Pokémon Center, we decided to explore Aparri. The bustling coastal city was full of life, with fishermen hauling in their daily catch and merchants selling wares unique to the region. The scent of the sea mixed with the aroma of freshly cooked seafood.

"Let's check out that Pokémon research station James mentioned," I suggested.

As we walked through the town, a small commotion near the marketplace caught my attention. A group of children was gathered around a struggling Sizzlipede that had wandered into the area, clearly overwhelmed by the noise and chaos.

"Sizzlipede!" I called out, kneeling to calm it. My own Sizzlipede poked its head out of its Poké Ball, watching curiously. After a moment, the wild Sizzlipede relaxed, and the children cheered.

"Nice work, Arth," Jacob said.

"Bug Pokémon just understand me," I replied with a shrug, recalling my Sizzlipede and letting the wild sizzlipede escape, The Pokémon research station was situated at the edge of the city, overlooking the sea. Inside, researchers were studying the migration patterns of Bug and Water Pokémon in the Aparri region.

One researcher, Dr. Reyes, approached us. "You must be the trainer who battled James earlier," she said with a smile. "Word travels fast here. Your Araquanid is remarkable—its size and strength are beyond normal."

"Thanks," I said. "We've worked hard together."

Dr. Reyes nodded. "If you're interested, we recently came across a rare phenomenon. Some Bug Pokémon in this region exhibit unique adaptations. Would you like to assist us in observing them?"

"Of course!" I said, my excitement growing.

As I stepped out of the station, I spotted James leaning against a post, his Clodsire resting beside him.

"Didn't think you'd take my advice," he said, smirking.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Same as you. This station has plenty of interesting things for trainers like us," James replied.

Before I could respond, he added, "By the way, Arth, your Bug obsession is pretty obvious now. Don't you think it's time to diversify your team? You're making it easy for me to prepare for you."

I smirked. "Says the guy with a Toxel on his team. You've got a lot of nerve."

James laughed. "Touché. Anyway, don't lose that edge. It's no fun if you're not a challenge."

With that, he walked away, leaving me with a mix of frustration and determination.

We continued through Aparri, with the sun setting and casting a golden glow over the coastal town. The breeze carried the smell of saltwater, and the sound of crashing waves echoed in the distance. Our group of friends made our way to a nearby Pokémon Center to rest for the night.

"Man, I gotta say, I'm enjoying this trip," Jacob said, sitting on a bench and fiddling with his Pawmi. "It's not every day you get to roam around with a bunch of Bug types."

Herbert grinned, glancing down at his Naclstack. "I'm just here for the adventure—and maybe a few good battles."

"Speaking of battles," Alexander piped up, adjusting his hat. "I still don't know how you guys convinced me to keep a Skiddo, but at least I've got a decent partner for traveling now."

We laughed, but I couldn't help but notice how Alexander looked a little more at ease now, especially with his Skiddo bouncing around playfully. Maybe he was finally starting to warm up to the journey.