The year is 3047, and humanity has yet again entered another age of warring period. Countries are thrown into turmoil by the endless skirmishes for resources and territory control. One of the major powers, "Eagles and Stripes," dwells on policing the world. Another significant power, "Stars and Skies," invades smaller countries to contain and expand their territories and improve businesses to develop their infrastructure. Finally, of the three significant powers is the "Ravenian Empire," the powerful and diplomatic-tied empire that controls some of the most critical weapon systems and natural resources the world has known. Each of the three major powers balances the universe, and just government rules are followed by the ordinary person. However, many wars have drastically reduced the population and strength of every country. Now, each nation and significant power alike have resorted to using the most vital military technology available: troops controlled by humans. These superior weapon drones are known as "Titania," drones that possess memories and combat capabilities of the deceased.