What entered Ye Ling's vision was a bright, but bone chilling blue light followed by the outline of a small bell, it's color unrecognizable.
Kong Junyu couldn't help but look at Ye Ling with awe and a slight hint of envy.
So, only the Demon Saint could activate the formation and take out that bell...what is it even, anyways?
He couldn't help but wonder as he walked towards Ye Ling.
Ye Ling, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off the bell in his hands as he clutched it tightly. It was only when Kong Junyu's aura landed on him did he wake up from his stance.
"Th-this thing...it's dangerous."
Ye Ling couldn't help but spill out, his gaze turning solemn as he quickly hid the bell to avoid falling into a trance again.
"What is it even about? Is it a Dharma Artifact or a treasure of some sort?"
Kong Junyu asked in a confusing tone of voice, his brows furrowed as he stared at the clasped hands of Ye Ling.