"Good, If you fully agree, then let's head over to his palace" the leader told Feyre.
The council, along with Feyre and the others with the help of the witches, went to the king's palace.
The king was surprised to see them, especially the council.
"What brings the council here? Is there a problem?" he asked the council. Then he looked at Feyre.
"What did you do now?" he asked.
"I think you should be asking yourself that question" she replied.
"And what do you mean by that statement? Is that how you address your father now?" he asked her furiously.
"You are no father of mine" she told him.
"We are here to take you into custody and put you on trial for the allegations leveled against you by your daughter" the leader of the council.
"What allegations? This brat is just lying because she wants to be queen" the king replied as he glared furiously at Feyre.