Chereads / Sex God : Daily New Stories / Chapter 79 - JOANNE'S FALL PT. 05 – BATHROOM FUCK


Part 4

Joanne goes to her office and is straight away forced to lick Claire's pussy who is fully dominating her. They go to a shopping centre for Joanne's punishment which turns out to be getting a black bunny nipple piercing. Afterwards Claire takes Joanne back to Joanne's house where she ties up, blindfolds and gags Joanne. Joanne is then fucked by someone she can't see who she later finds out is her blackmailer.

Part 5

When Claire left her house, Joanne put her bedsheets in the wash and replaced them with clean ones as her blackmailers cum was stained on the sheets he fucked her on. After that, Joanne took a shower and tried to get the smell of cum and sweat off from her.

After the shower, Joanne stared at herself in the full length mirror in her bedroom. Her first look was to her thick thighs, thighs that Claire had made a few comments on that made her insecurities come back to the surface.

Finally, her eyes landed on her big, heavy tits. Her new black bunny piercing on her nipple nearly covering all of her areola.

I can't believe I have a nipple piercing, I am way too old for this! Joanne thought to herself, lightly playing with the piercing in her fingers.

She grabbed a pair of black jogging bottoms and a black hoody and covered herself. She knew it would be fairly easy to hide the piercing from her husband as he hasn't seen her naked in a long, long time.

Joanne realised it was nearly 6pm and Freddy would be home soon. The thought of seeing him, looking into his eyes after what she's done makes her feel sick to her stomach.

I'm a cheater, Joanne thought to herself, I've cheated on my husband now with multiple men and a woman.

Joanne hung her head in shame and wiped away a single tear dripping down her cheek.

Right, come on Joanne. You can't let Freddy see you like this and get suspicious. Joanne thought.

She brushed her hair back and headed to the kitchen and started cooking dinner for her and Freddy.

"Hey." She heard Freddy's voice calling out.

"Hi." Joanne shouted back, her voice a little croaky as her body started to shake in fear of seeing her husband.

She heard Freddy grunt something back but she couldn't work out what it was. Joanne wanted to have as little contact as possible with him until she was able to control herself, so she remained in the kitchen as he started to watch TV.

Nearly an hour later, Joanne put down two plates of food onto the dinner table and sat opposite her husband. She watched him tucking into his food, his grey hair shining and his unshaven stubble, all a reminder of the lack of interest he has in wooing her.

As Joanne stared at her husband, she started to think how he is partly to blame for her predicament. If he took any interest in me, I wouldn't have gone online to get pleasure from strangers! Joanne argued in her head. Yet, I didn't have to send any photos to anyone. That's my own doing.

Joanne hung her head again, unable to look at him again. Until her phone started to ring in her pocket.

She grabbed it and her heart skipped a beat seeing it was her son. She hasn't spoken to him for weeks since he moved to his university.

"Ben! How're you?" She asked.

"Hey mum, good. How're you?" He asked back and Joanne smiled at hearing his voice. Her worries about being blackmailed instantly washed away as her mother side returned.

"Is that Ben?" Freddy asked looking up from his plate for the first time since they sat down.

"Yeah." Joanne told him.

"Put him on speaker." Freddy said.

Joanne put her phone on speaker and placed it onto the table.

"So, what's going on, how's Uni?" Joanne asked her son.

"It's great, having a blast. How's things back home?" He asked back.

"We're good son," Freddy shouted down the phone, "I hope you're not enjoying yourself too much over there." He said with a laugh.

"Don't worry Dad I'm sticking to my work." Ben said in a joking huff.

"So, what are you calling for?" Joanne asked him, wondering if he needed money or something.

"I was planning on coming back for a visit next month if you don't mind me staying for a few days?" He asked.

"Of course, that's fine!" Joanne told him, not being able to contain her smile at the thought of seeing her son.

"That's great, do you mind if some of my mates from Uni come as well? They want to go out on my home town." Ben asked.

"No problem son, as long as they don't mind paying rent." Freddy joked down the phone.

"Sure thing Dad." Ben laughed back.

"Ignore him," Joanne told him, "They can all stay it's no problem."

"Thanks mum," Ben replied, "I should get going, but talk soon."

"Bye!" Both Joanne and Freddy said before Ben hung up.

"That'll be lovely having him back." Joanne said, looking up at Freddy who has a smile on his face.

"Definitely, I hope he's keeping himself well." Freddy replied back to her.

Joanne stared at her husband, quicker than she thought it would her shame and guilty returned. One big happy family? Joanne thought, if only people knew what a horrible person I really am.

An hour later, Joanne had finished her dinner in silence and gone to bed. Leaving Freddy to watch TV in the living room.

Then suddenly, her phone starts to ring and she felt sick seeing it was her blackmailer. Every inch of her body wants to not answer, however she knows it will only end up worse if she doesn't.

"H-hello?" Joanne stutters out putting the phone to her ear.

"I will let you off this once not calling me Master." She heard him say back to her. She instantly remembered the voice from when she first went to the glory hole and sucked his cock.

"Sorry Master." Joanne whispered, although Freddy was downstairs watching TV, she didn't want to risk him hearing.

"That's better slave." He replied, "I had fun fucking you on the bed you share with your husband."

Joanne didn't reply, once again tears began to well in her eyes and the sick feeling stayed with her.

"Slut?!" Her Master said.

"I'm here, sorry Master." Joanne replied.

"You answer me when I talk to you whore!" He shouted down the phone.

"Yes Master, I apologise." Joanne told him, wiping her tears and trying to compose herself.

"Good girl, now. For your punishment for cumming as I fucked you." He told her and Joanne could hear the joy in his voice.

"Please Master, I didn't mean to. I can't have another punishment like the last one." Joanne tried to plead with him.

"Ah yes, the piercing, that was hot to see in person. Seeing you like a real slut for black cock!" He replied, laughing at her, "Anyway, you do not tell me what you can or cannot do. You belong to me and will do as I wish, when I wish!" His serious, threatening tone scaring Joanne to her core.

"Y-yes Master." Joanne nervously replied.

"Okay, this Friday you are going to Jacob's bar." Her Master told her.

"Jacob's bar?" Joanne asked, never hearing of this place before.

"Yes, I'll send you the details." He told her.

"What am I supposed to do there?" Joanne asked and just in time managed to remember to say, "Master."

"Good girl," Her Master told her, "You will find out when you are there. Claire will give you more details." He informed her.

"Yes Master." Joanne replied, knowing she had absolutely no say.

"See you whore." Her blackmailer said and hung up the phone.

Joanne threw her phone onto the bed and put her head in her hands. What now? What sort of public humiliation is going to happen to me now?! This isn't fair! I'm a good person, I don't deserve to be treated like this!

The Next Day.

Joanne was sat at her desk, having been in for a few hours and not hearing from Claire she was happy to actually get some work done. The last week or so of blackmail has taken a toll on her work and she has fallen behind.

That was until she heard a knock at her door.

Oh no. She thought.

Before she could say anything, the door opened and in walked Claire. Dressed in a short, grey pencil skirt and a tight blouse. All showing off her amazing, young figure. A figure that Joanne was jealous of.

The door closed and Claire's face turned back to her evil grin that she's had since getting involved with the blackmail.

"Hello slut." Claire said sitting opposite Joanne.

"H-hi Mistress." Joanne replied, her hands shaking in her lap.

"So, I heard you were talking to your Master last night?" Claire said.

"Yes Mistress." Joanne replied.

"And?" Claire asked, her face showing genuine interest in Joanne's reply.

"He told me that you're going to give me more information on my punishment Mistress." Joanne told her, knowing it's best to just comply.

"You are unbelievable." Claire said with a laugh and shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" Joanne asked, even more confused.

"You really don't recognise his voice?" Claire asked.

"Should I?" Joanne asked her, wracking her mind for who he could be.

"You really are just a self centred bitch, aren't you?" Claire shot at her, "You've met him plenty of times!"

Joanne's mind was running wild trying to figure out who he was and why she can't remember him.

"Anyway," Claire said, clearly annoyed that Joanne couldn't work out who her blackmailer was, "To your punishment."

"Y-yes Mistress." Joanne said to her, fearful of what it is going to be.

"We are going shopping for some new clothes." Claire informed her.

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Joanne asked her, worried about what sort of clothing Claire wanted her in.

"Too conservative," Claire bluntly replied, "I'm going to slut you up."

"I don't want to look like a slut." Joanne whispered to her Mistress.

"Too bad it doesn't really matter what you want is it?" Claire said back to her, completely dismissing Joanne's feelings.

First the piercing and now new clothes? She must really hate me. Joanne thought.

"However," Claire said, bringing a glimmer of hope to Joanne, "I'm sure you have a lot of work to do so I'll leave you be for now. We will go shopping on Friday lunch before you go the bar."

"Yes Mistress." Joanne replied, although she hated the idea of still not knowing what her punishment was, she was grateful to have a few days off from being their slave.

"See you later whore." Claire joyfully said whilst standing up and walking out of Joanne's office.

Finally, a little normal life. Joanne thought to herself, having a slight sigh of relief.

The next few days Joanne managed to have a little bit more of normality in her life, to the point she almost forgot that she was being blackmailed to cheat on her husband. That was until Friday came and Claire barged into her office.

"Right then slut," She said shutting the door, "Let's get going."

"Where are we going Mistress?" Joanne asked her back, standing up from her desk and already dreading whatever was going to happen.

"The shopping centre." Claire said, "You're driving."

Luckily for Joanne, this drive to the shopping centre didn't have any of Claire fingering her or humiliating her even further. It was actually a silent drive until they got to the shops.

"What are we buying?" Joanne asked as they walked through a clothing store.

"We want you to look properly slutty, you know like your true self." Claire told her as she flicked through a few items of clothing.

Joanne hated how much Claire treated her like a slut, I'm not a slut, Joanne thought to herself, she's just making me into one!

"Here you go!" Claire suddenly said, "Go try these on!" She ordered.

Joanne looked at the clothes in Claire's hands and sighed.

"Are you serious?" Joanne asked.

"You do not question me slut!" Claire barked back at her, loud enough for a few people in the shop to turn their heads.

In fear, Joanne grabbed the clothes and headed to the changing rooms.

A few minutes later she looked at herself in the mirror, dressed in a short navy blue skirt that only just covered her arse, she also wore a black top that had a slit down the centre and only meeting at the bottom. Without a bra on, her large tits are nearly completely exposed, and if she moved too much then her nipple would pop out.

Finally, she was wearing black high heels, something she hadn't worn in years. Although they did make her thicker legs look more toned, Joanne sighed to herself thinking she looked like a prostitute you would pick up on the street.

Then a knocking started on the door.

"It's me, let me in." She heard Claire's voice say from outside.

Joanne instinctively opened the door and let her Mistress inside.

"Wow you look like an actual whore." Claire laughed at her, her hands reaching up and grabbing Joanne's tits.

"I can't wear this out in public." Joanne told her.


"Don't fucking tell me what you can or can't do, you do whatever I tell you!" Claire shouted at her.

The shock of being slapped by the younger woman forced Joanne to remain silent in fear.

"Now, turn around." Claire ordered.

Doing as she was told, Joanne turned around, although it was hard in these heels.

"Mmmm look at that fat arse, you look hot." Claire said loudly and her hands grabbed Joanne's arse cheeks, "Right, get changed, you're buying these and I have a few others for you to buy."

"Y-yes Mistress." Joanne whispered, scared of getting slapped again if she argued.

After buying those clothes and a few more that Claire picked out, the two women were walking through the shopping centre but Joanne was just grateful to have her normal clothes back on.

They both got back into Joanne's car before Claire turned her head and started to give more instructions.

"Right, let's go to Jacob's bar." Claire ordered.

"I thought I wasn't going there until tonight?" Joanne asked back in confusion.

"Well, we will get there early, just fucking do it." Claire ordered harshly.

Joanne puts this Jacob's bar into her maps and drives there, at least it's half an hours drive away so chances are there won't be anyone she knows in there.

When she pulls up outside, it looks like a bit of a run down bar, wooden walls and a few beer cans outside the front door.

"What is this place?" Joanne asked.

"You'll see, lets go." Claire said getting out of the car, to Joanne's surprise she is holding one of the bags of clothes in her hands.

For God's sake, here we go. Joanne thought to herself.

Getting out of the car, she follows her blonde assistant inside of the bar. It's quiet inside, about 10 - 15 people inside, mostly men. It looked like a little country bar, except there was no music playing.

"In here." Claire barked, Joanne turned her head and watched her walk into the bathroom.

As Joanne followed, she realised that on the door it said "Men's".

Does she know this is the men's? Joanne questioned.

Even against her better judgment, Joanne walked inside the men's bathroom and saw Claire standing holding one of the cubicles open.

"Come on!" Claire shouted.

Stepping inside, Joanne was surprised at how spacious it was.

"Right, get undressed." Claire said.

"What?!" Joanne asked back, not believing that Claire wants her to get naked in public.

"You're putting your new clothes on, come on whore." Claire ordered.

"Please, I can't wear that here." Joanne begged, being in a rough bar dressed like that she feared for her safety.


"What did I tell you about telling me what you can and can't do?" Claire shouted.

"Please Mistress." Joanne begged.


Joanne's face burnt red and stung from being struck again.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Joanne whispered, a single tear falling down her face.

Joanne took off all of her clothes except for her bra and big, white underwear.

"Fucking hell you can't wear those old womens underwear, you'll have to go commando." Claire said harshly.

Joanne didn't want to get struck again and feeling totally helpless to this young woman, she let her bra and underwear drop to the ground and stood in front of her completely naked.

"That's better slut, now get dressed into your new clothes." Claire ordered, handing Joanne the bag.

A few minutes later, Joanne is dressed in a slutty short skirt, an open top that just covered her nipples and the high heels. Without any underwear on the black bunny piercing is poking through the material.

"Perfect." Claire said with a laugh, "Stay there."

Joanne watched her Mistress open and close the cubicle door, leaving her alone for a moment.

I can't believe I'm dressed like this, I'm a successful business owner, not some cheap hooker! Joanne argued in her head.

"Hey there," Joanne heard Claire say.

"Hey there girlie." She heard a man's voice say, someone must've come to use the bathroom.

"Do you want a little fun?" Claire asked this unknown man.

Oh no, please don't! Joanne panicked.

"Sure thing." The man said, his voice was deep and very masculine.

"Go into cubical two, there's a slut in the one next to it waiting." Claire told him.

"Thanks darling." He replied.

Some footsteps grew closer and Joanne heard someone enter the cubicle next to her. She looked down and spotted something she didn't see before, a very obvious glory hole.

Not again! Joanne thought, but her hopes were crushed as she saw a large, very black cock start to poke through the hole.

She stared at it for a few seconds, it's probably the smallest black cock she's seen but still bigger than her husbands.

"Well slut, I haven't got all night!" The man on the other side shouted.

Joanne started to panic even more, other than the first lad that fingered her down an alley way all that time ago, all the men she has done sexual things with have been planned by her blackmailers. But this wasn't planned, this is a full on stranger to all of them.

However, knowing that Claire is probably listening, Joanne dropped to her knees in front of this hard cock and stared at it, knowing she was about to cheat, yet again, on her husband.

She gripped onto the hard cock in front of her, allowing her fingers to reach around it. Ever so slowly, Joanne started to stroke the thick shaft up and down, staring at his delicious looking cock.

Why do they always look so beautiful, Joanne thought to herself, instantly hating herself from liking these cocks.

"If you're not about to suck my cock then I'll find someone else, slut!" The man shouted from the other side of the wall.

"S-sorry." Joanne stuttered, knowing that if Claire found out she didn't suck this cock, then she would be punished even more.

One last sigh, Joanne licked her lips and leant forward onto the thick, black cock.

She felt the warmth of his cock inside of her mouth as she wrapped her lips around his shaft. His cock was so smooth, so thick, so delicious that Joanne instinctively flicked her tongue along his head and tasted his precum.

She had gone two years with no sexual contact at all and in the last few weeks she has sucked so much cock she's lost count.

"That's a better slut." The man moaned as Joanne slowly bobbed up and down, taking half of his cock into her mouth.

Her tongue massaged his head and Joanne found herself enjoying the feel of giving a slow blowjob. Having the power to please this cock however she wanted to, rather than recent times where it's been fully forced onto her.

Taking the cock out of her mouth, she ran her wet tongue from the bottom of his shaft and ran it all her lips.

"Mmmmm." Joanne moaned around this stranger's cock, she started to bob faster and faster, getting into sucking off this black man's cock.

Her black hair started to bounce around her and she had to pull it back, feeling some of her spit having gone into her hair.

"Fucking hell slut, you do love sucking cock don't you!" The stranger moaned.

"Mmmmm!!" Joanne moaned back to him, her lips sucking onto his shaft even harder as she bobs up and down. Feeling his cock twitching in her mouth was giving Joanne great joy, knowing that she can easily give a man so much pleasure.

"Oh fuck, I'm about to cum you fucking whoooooooorrreee!!!" The man moaned and Joanne suddenly felt her tongue getting coated in thick, salty cum.

His cum didn't fire out like the other cocks she's sucked recently, it more poured out of his slit and slid down her tongue. He tasted fucking delicious and Joanne instinctively swallowed down every drop. Her hand wanking the bottom of his shaft as she kept bobbing up and down on his dark head. Milking every last drop of cum from his balls.

"Fuuuuckk yes, that was amazing." The man moaned and suddenly his cock disappeared.

"Thank you." Joanne moaned out before realising what she just said.

"Fucking white girls." The stranger laughed and Joanne heard him leaving the cubicle, "Your slut did a good job." He said.

Suddenly Joanne's cubicle opened and Joanne realised she never even locked it. Claire emerged and stood over Joanne, on her knees and still swallowing down the last remnants of his cum.

"How was that slut?" Claire asked.

"I.... I.... I...." Joanne stuttered, not only did she enjoy sucking this stranger's cock but Joanne realised how fucking horny she is.

Although she was horny, Joanne hated herself for getting turned on by this. No, this is blackmail! I don't want any of this!! She argued in her head.

"Come on you stupid slut." Claire laughed turning around and walking away from the cubicle.

With a huff, Joanne picked herself up, her knees sore from being on the ground for so long. Although she hated the idea of being out in public dressed like this, Joanne knew better than to argue again with Claire and followed her into the main bar area.

As soon as she stepped into the bar, she noticed a few of the men looking her up and down like she was a piece of meat. She was hit with mix emotions, humiliation from looking like this but also confidence, knowing that these men still want her.

After so long of feel undesirable by her husband, Joanne felt nice to have men attracted to her again.

She suddenly felt a hard grip onto her wrist and Claire pulled her in close.

"Okay then slut," She whispered, "You're going to sit there, by yourself, dressed like that should get you some attention, you're going to fuck a man of your choosing."

"What!?" Joanne shouted at her, I don't want to fuck anyone here! I just want to go home to my husband!! She screamed in her head.

"You heard me, when some men inevitably hit on you, you are going to tell one that you want to fuck." Claire told her again.

"W-what if there isn't any that I want to have sex with?" Joanne asked.

"Well, you aren't leaving this bar until you've had a black cock inside of you, oh don't forget that, you only take black cock." Claire sternly told her.

"Y-yes Mistress." Joanne stuttered, in fear that she is about to have sex with a complete stranger, at least she can make them wear a condom. Unlike when her master fucked her and came inside of her unprotected pussy.

Joanne was undeniably horny, however she had no desire to cheat on her husband with another man, however, she knows she has no say in the matter.

"Good girl, now go get some black dick." Claire said spanking Joanne's arse.

She slowly walked over to a table, each step she would try and pull her skirt a little lower as she can feel the cold air hitting her arse cheeks.

Joanne sits on a tall stool at a high up table, turning her head she can see Claire sat on her own whilst on the phone and she wondered if she is talking to her Master.

"Hey, would you like a drink?" Suddenly a man's voice asked.

Turning her head, Joanne is startled to see an older man smiling at her. He must be in his 60s, a nice looking man, except.... He's white. So, Joanne knows not to waste too much time with him.

"N-no thank you." Joanne stuttered back.

"Fair enough." He replied and walked off.

For a few minutes, Joanne played with her hands at the table out of nerves as she awkwardly looked around the bar.

After a few minutes, Joanne watched another man walk over to her, this time, a black man. He looks to be in his 40s, he's tall but slim with a nice smile.

"Hi there, do you mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Of course." Joanne whispered, her nerves taking over, not having flirted with anyone since before her marriage many, many years ago.

"Are you here alone?" He asked, Joanne spotted his nice teeth as he smiled.

"Y-yes." She replied, barely able to look him in the eye.

"You seem nervous? Is everything okay?" He asked, his hand reaching over and holding onto one of hers which is shaking in her lap.

"I'm fine." She quickly snapped back and pulled her hand away.

"Whatever." He said, Joanne watched as he stood up from the table and stormed back to his friends.

Joanne turned her head and saw Claire giving her an evil look, one to tell her not to fuck the next one up. Joanne tried to plead with Claire through her eye contact but Claire was having none of it.

"Hi." Suddenly a man's voice said from behind, making Joanne jump.

She turned and saw a young looking black man standing next to her.

"H-hi." Joanne stuttered out.

He smiled at her, showing his perfect, white teeth. Joanne looked at the boy, he was tall and very muscular. He must play sports, Joanne thought to herself.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked, although he looked young his voice was deep.

"That's fine." Joanne said back to him, trying to have a little bit more confidence.

The younger man sat down next to her and Joanne saw he is only drinking a soft drink.

"H-how old are you?" She asked him.

"I'm 19." He replied and a sigh of relief came to Joanne, "So, how come you are here alone?" He asked.

"I.... I've never been here before so thought I'd nip in." Joanne said to him, trying to act calm and casual.

"I was going to say I've definitely never seen someone as beautiful as you in here." He said with a handsome grin, his hand reaching over and landing on her bare thigh.

Oh my god, I have a hot 19 year old hitting on me!! Does he actually want me?! Joanne thought to herself.

"That's nice of you to say." Joanne said back, her eyes moving to the floor out of embarrassment.

His hand remained on her thigh, when he gave her a little squeeze Joanne felt her pussy flutter. The taste of cum still in her mouth, she found herself incredibly horny.

"What's your name?" He asked.

Joanne considered lying to him but she would never see him again so thought there was no harm.

"Joanne, what about you?" She asked back.

"I'm Leon," He replied, "You're married?" He suddenly asked, obviously spotting the ring on her finger.

Oh fuck! Joanne thought to herself! More humiliation hitting her.

"Errrr..." Joanne stuttered out, having no idea how to talk her way out of this one.

"It's okay," He says squeezing her leg again, "I don't mind."

His hand ever so slowly moved up her thigh, Joanne instinctively opened her legs a little. She looked down at the contrast of his black hand on her pale, thick thigh and her pussy clenched in pleasure at the sight.

Oh my god, oh my god! Is this really happening!!?

His hand continued to go further up the inside of her thigh, then, Joanne remembered that she has no underwear on when his finger touched her soaking wet pussy.

"Oooh, you were looking for some fun." He whispered to her.

Joanne looked around and saw Claire smiling at her, her pussy on fire as the tip of this young, black mans finger traced her lips.

"Not here." She whispered and grabbed his wrist.

"Bathroom, now." He whispered in a dominant tone.

"I... I can't do it there." She whispered back, not thinking of herself as someone that would fuck in a bar toilet.

"You just sucked my uncle's cock in there, why's this worse?" He bluntly asked.

"What?!" Joanne blurted out, how does he know??

"He said some white slut sucked his cock in the cubicle and seeing you dressed like this I assumed it was you." Leon whispered, "Now, let's go."

His hand moved a little further and a single finger pressed inside of Joanne's pussy.

"Ooohh." Joanne moaned in shock that she is now being fingered in the middle of a bar. Her pussy so fucking wet that Leon was easily able to slide his finger in and out.

"Oookay let's go." Joanne moaned, her horniness taking over her thoughts.

As she stood up to go the bathroom, knowing she is about to get fucked by this young, black man Joanne was struck with more guilt. She knew that if it wasn't for being blackmailed then she would never do anything like this, however she felt guilt for being so turned on.

The walk to the bathroom was short but Leon's hands were all over Joanne's curvy arse as they walked. She caught Claire's eye as they walked past and she gave her a knowing smile.

As soon as the door to the bathroom was closed and Joanne was alone with Leon, he grabbed onto her hips and held her against the wall. A moment of fear hit Joanne, realising that this young but clearly very strong man could do whatever he wanted to her.

Suddenly, he leant forward and before Joanne had a chance to react, his lips pressed against hers. Her head spinning, she instinctively kissed him back. Pressing her lips back against his, she felt his mouth open and his soft tongue entered her mouth and ran against hers.

"Mmmmm." Joanne moaned as she made out with a 19 year old black man in a public bathroom.

What am I doing?! She thought coming back to her senses, feeling like kissing another man is cheating even more.

His hands grabbed onto her unsupported tits and squeezed tightly. Joanne pulled her mouth away from his and gave him a smile so he didn't think anything was wrong.

"Fucking hell, you have great tits!" Leon moaned, his head going down and taking her nipple into his mouth.

"Ooooh God." Joanne moaned as he bit and licked her nipple, his other hand placing with the piercing in her other tit.

God that feels so goooood! Joanne moaned into her head, holding herself against the wall as this young man felt sucked on her tits.

She felt his hand go back underneath her short skirt and a finger easily slid knuckle deep into her dripping wet pussy.

"Fuuuckk!" She moaned loudly as he pumped his finger in and out of her as he carried on sucking on her tits.

He pushed a second finger deep into her and Joanne felt her pussy clenching around him, feeling like she was ready to explode.

"Fuuuucck meeeeee!" She moaned as he finger fucked her against the wall.

"Come on then slut!" Leon ordered, turning from his nice self to dominant, "Bend over the sink!" He ordered.

Joanne looked at the counter that went from wall to wall, multiple sinks across it and a mirror that went all the way across the wall.

Oh fuck, Joanne what are you doing!? She thought as she saw herself in the mirror whilst being led over to the counter.

Looking at herself dressed like a whore, Leon's hand pressed her back down and she bent over the cabinet, unfortunately she was still able to look at her self as she felt her short skirt getting lifted.

"You really are one hot milf." Leon moaned and Joanne watched him getting his cock out in the mirror.

Then she felt it, his thick, black cock rubbing against her soaking wet cunt. He ran it up and down her pussy lips and spread her juices all over.

"Oooh god." Joanne moaned, hating that she is acting like the slut that her blackmailers are turning her into, but it felt so fucking good!


"You love getting fucked by black cock, don't you?" Leon moaned.

Joanne hated saying the words, but she couldn't stop herself.

"Yeeeesss!!!" She shouted as his cock stretched her pussy lips and pushed inside of her, "Fuuucck!!" She moaned again.

"For a whore you still have a tight pussy!" Leon moaned as he slowly went deeper and deeper into the milfs cunt.

Joanne hadn't seen how big his cock is but it felt never ending. She felt every single thick inch dive deeper and deeper into her white, soaking wet pussy and she fucking loved it!

"FFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKK!!!" Joanne screamed as she felt his balls pressing against her, she arched her back and stared at herself in the mirror as her uncontrollable moans poured out of her mouth.


"You filthy fucking slut!" Leon moaned and he started to fuck her properly. Knowing she's taken his entire cock he was now using her hole for his own pleasure.

"Fuck... fuck... Fuuuckk!" Joanne moaned over and over as she watched herself getting fucked by a young black man in the mirror.

Her baggy top opened and her big tits fell out and bounced around, her nipples pressing against the cold and filthy countertop as his black cock hammered in and out of her pussy.

She felt a hand reach through and squeeze onto one of her tits, grabbing her piercing and twisting it causing more pain and pleasure to the married white woman.

"Fuuuuck meee!!" Joanne moaned, feeling immense pleasure by this man's cock.

She hated looking at herself but something about watching this young, gorgeous black man wanting to fuck her made her pussy spasm even more!


"Bounce back on my cock you whore!" Leon ordered.

Instantly Joanne started to impale herself on his thick, long cock. Pressing her thick arse cheeks against him as she took him balls deep in her cunt over and over.

"Oh yeah... so fucking deep..." Joanne moaned over and over and she could feel her own orgasm building up as she rode his cock like this.

Faster and faster, she bounced her cunt back on his cock. Letting go of the cabinet, her head fell into the sink but she used her free hand to rub her swollen clit as she fucked herself against the young man.

"Fuck yeeesss!!! I love your fucking cock!!!" Joanne moaned louder and louder as she gave herself double pleasure.

"What a fucking slut!!" Leon moaned as the old milf put her own head in a filthy sink to help make herself cum.

Then, like a ton of bricks, Joanne rubbing her clit made herself cum harder than before.

"FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!" She screamed as her pussy spasmed around his fat fucking cock. She felt herself gushing around him and lost the rhythm of bouncing back. Not missing a beat, Leon grabbed her hips and started to batter her pussy once again with his giant, black cock.

"FUUCKK YEEEESSSS!!!" Joanne screamed.

Suddenly the bathroom door flew open, Joanne was shaking and moaning uncontrollably but could see another black man smiling at her from the door.

"Geeettt ouuuttt!!" She moaned, the humiliation of being caught getting fucked like this somehow increasing her pleasure.

"Sorry." He said with a smile and disappeared.

For split second Joanne thought she recognised him but she was brought back to reality when Leon shouted.

"I'm about to cum you little whore!!"

"Cum in my fucking mouth!!!" Joanne quickly told him, not wanting another load of cum in her unprotected pussy.

"Fuck, get on your knees!!" He shouted.

Joanne felt his big cock leave her pussy and instantly felt empty without it. Once again, she was on her knees in this dirty bathroom but she didn't care. She grabbed his wet cock and shoved it into her mouth. Bobbing up and down on it like a dirty fucking whore.

Leon grabbed her black hair and pulled her mouth down onto his cock until it pushed down her throat. Joanne gagged and her throat tightened and spat around his cock but Leon didn't let her go.

"Fuuuuckk yeeesss!!!!" Leon grunt and Joanne felt the first shot of his cum firing directly down her throat.

His cock was so far down that she didn't even taste it, although she was in one constant gag of having her throat so quickly filled.

His cock expanded as rope after rope of cum fired directly down her throat.

When he pulled out Joanne had a pile of spit pour out of her mouth and down her chin.

"That was fucking amazing." Leon told her as he panted for breath.

Joanne fell forward out of exhaustion but caught herself with her hands, spit still dripping down her chin and her pussy juices dripping down her thighs.

"Yeah..." She panted out.

She could hear Leon moving around the bathroom but she was too busy trying to catch her breath and come to terms with what just happened to pay any real attention.

"Here you go." She heard him say.

Looking up, he was holding a piece of paper in his hands. Joanne weakly reached up and took it from him.

"It's my number, if you ever want to go again." He said with a smile. Then, without even saying bye he just walked out.

Fuck.... I can't believe that just happened.... Joanne said to herself.

It took her a few minutes but she eventually built up the strength to get off from the dirty bathroom floor. Her tits were still outside of her top as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her hair was frizzy and a mess and her skirt was riding up.

"What's wrong with you?" She said to herself in the mirror.

Putting her tits back into the top and pulling her skirt down, Joanne started to walk out of the bathroom but struggled not only with the high heels but also with her pussy feeling freshly battered.

I just had massively public sex! Someone even walked in! This is a nightmare!! Joanne argued in her head as she left the bathroom.

She headed back into the bar and looked around for Claire. She looked back at the booth that she was previously sat in and saw her sitting chatting to a young black man, probably around Leon's age.

As Joanne walked closer, she realised it was the black man that walked into the bathroom as she was cumming. Then, the closer she got, the more she felt like she recognised him.

Who is he? I'm sure I know him. She thought.

Joanne finally reached the table but for the life of her couldn't place his face.

"Hello slut, you don't remember but this is my boyfriend. Who you've met many times." Claire says with a huge grin on her evil, beautiful face.

The black man stood up and smiled at Joanne, then it hit her.

"Hi there, my slut." He said and it all came to place, his voice, this was her blackmailer, Jason. Who she has met on many work events and once even when she bumped into Claire outside of work.

"Y...Y... You?" Joanne said, feeling light headed and dizzy as she came face to face with the man who made her life hell for the last few weeks.