Chereads / Sex God : Daily New Stories / Chapter 136 - THE CAMGIRL PT. 18

Chapter 136 - THE CAMGIRL PT. 18

XVIII: Friends in the Shower


Blake didn't have to see Liam's face to know that Marie was standing in the doorway, likely as wide-eyed as she was. She hadn't really even wanted Liam in here in the first place, but she knew Marie might not see it that way.

"Marie," she called, "I think Liam might be just be using you as his beard. I've been trying to seduce him for like the past hour and he hasn't even tried to take a peek at my tits. He must have a secret stash of boner pills for whenever you guys do it."

Liam's face went bright red, eyes bulging, but Marie's laughter triggered a sigh of relief from Blake. She decided to push further and give Liam an opening to get out of explaining himself.

"Can you get Liam out so you can help me, by the way? I need to take a shower but I'm so sore, I don't think I can stand in the tub on my own."

Liam shot her a quick glance and Blake winked in reply. A moment later, he was on his feet, but Blake thought she heard a grunt and some soft moans before the door shut.

"He's gone," Marie said, "Alright if I pull back the curtain?"


The hooks clattered on the shower rod as Marie came into view, and Blake blinked.

Marie's blonde hair hung down to her shoulders in a calculated mess of waves, and a magenta dress clung to her skin, accentuating her subtle curves and lean figure. Blake had more curves than her friend, but Marie had the slim underwear model look down, if missing a few inches in height. She looked a little flushed, but even without that, Blake would have known her friend had had at least a few drinks given where she'd come from.

"Damn," she breathed, "I knew you got dressed up for sorority events, but...damn, Marie."

Blake's friend blushed and giggled at the complement. Then she raised an eyebrow at Blake, "Do I want to know?"

Blake shrugged, "I needed a bath and Liam wanted to talk. I told him he could either wait or talk from the other side of the curtain."

Marie snorted, "You guys are so weird. He said he did that with one of the girls on his floor earlier this year, but she was soaking her legs in cocoa butter or something like that."

Blake shook her head. That explained why he hadn't been as jumpy as usual.

"You don't really need to help me up, Marie," Blake said, gripping the edges of the tub, "I just wanted to mess with Liam a bit."

Marie giggled at that, then her lips curled into a devious grin, "Want to mess with him even more?"

Blake raised an eyebrow, "What did you have in mind?"

Marie shrugged, "I need a shower too if I'm going to reward Liam for staying over tonight."

Blake held back a frown at the spike of envy she felt toward Marie right then.

"He might get some ideas if we both come out of the shower at the same time with wet hair," Marie continued.

Blake had to laugh at that, though it was cut short by the pulse in her pussy that followed. Knowing the effect that would have on Liam was a heady feeling and wondering where his imagination might go at the sight was dangerous.

"Take off your dress and hop in then," Blake said, unstopping the drain and switching the flow of water from the bath faucet to the shower head. An attempt at reaching up to actually turn on the water, however, left her sloshing backward in the water.

"Fuck," she breathed, taking the tie out of her now-wet hair as Marie giggled, "I might need some help after all."

Water sloshed behind Blake, and twisted in surprise, stilly unused to this bolder side of her friend. Blake blinked when she found her face not far from Marie's bare pussy. She had to shake herself to keep her oversexed mind from carrying things too far as Marie extended her hands to help Blake up, then steadied her once she was on her feet.

Fuck, it's just Marie. Why am I so sex-crazed lately?

Taking a deep breath, Blake pushed aside any inappropriate urges. She'd promised Liam she would be better. Doing anything with his girlfriend after that would definitely be too far. She didn't think he would mind but taking any liberties without his permission would just be shitty. Blake didn't want to give Liam any reason not to trust her.

When Blake looked up though, she found Marie's eyes roving her body, and shivered at what Marie might be thinking about. When Marie's eyes finally reached Blake's face, they spent a bit too long fixed on her mouth. When she met Blake's gaze, Marie's eyes widened, though they retained a mischievous glint, and her cheeks went bright red.

"Sorry," she said, raising hands to her face, "I might have had a little more to drink than I thought. I've been trying to get more comfortable with..." She trailed off gesturing to herself and Blake, "With this, but I shouldn't have been staring."

Blake found herself grinning and shot Marie a wink as she twisted back toward the shower head and turned on the water.

"Blake! Oh my God, what happened?"

Blake's brows drew down for a moment in confusion, then she remembered her ass. She half-twisted to put it out of Marie's sight, but Marie caught her wrist, preventing her from turning all the way away. Her friend's eyes were full of concern, mischief gone.

"I was stupid," Blake admitted, "I kind of did a spanking show and wasn't really paying attention to how red my ass got. I'll be fine, but I'll be sore and tender enough for the next few days to remind me not to be so stupid. It's why I couldn't really wait to take the bath."

"Shit," Marie breathed, "Does that even feel good?"

Blake shrugged, trying to keep thoughts of Liam spanking her from her mind, "It can. During my shows I can handle a good amount without it hurting if I'm really worked up, but it's better if you actually do it with someone you trust."

Blake turned back to the shower head, then glanced back at her roommate, realizing that Marie hadn't taken her eyes off of Blake's ass the entire time. She still hadn't. Blake almost called her on it, but instead turned her focus to cleaning herself. Once she had wet enough of her body to warm it back up, Blake turned to put her hair directly under the shower head and began running her fingers through it. She grimaced at how gross and stiff it felt but made sure to soak every strand. When she glanced back toward Marie, Blake's eyes widened. Marie's gaze was roving over Blake's body, eyes wide, and Blake thought the other girl's eyes looked a bit hazy.

"You need the water?" Blake asked, trying not to embarrass Marie. The attention was a little awkward, but letting her own eyes rove up and down her friend's body for a moment, Blake decided she would likely be doing the same thing if she'd had a bit to drink. Marie was hot. Slim, like Blake, with smaller, perkier bits and little nipples, but a few inches taller, which made her waist seem tinier and her legs thinner and longer.

Marie blinked, remembering herself, then shot Blake a sheepish grin, "Uh, yes please."

They carefully danced around each other in the now ankle-deep water but couldn't avoid brushing against each other. Blake had to bike her lip. The contact felt good, and despite her sore pussy and ass and...well, pretty much everywhere, it seemed Blake was still a little worked up.

Blake didn't really have all that much else to do but watch as Marie let the water run over her, and either Marie had forgotten again that Blake was there, or wasn't shy about running her hands all over herself as the rivulets of water rushed down her smooth skin. When Marie was done, she studied Blake for a moment, "Do you want any help with your hair?"

Blake raised an eyebrow, "Sure, but what--?"

She trailed off as Marie squirted a generous amount of Blake's color-treated shampoo into her hands and lathered them before stepping forward. Blake's eyes went wide as her roommate closed the distance between them until their stomachs and breasts pressed against one another. Blake felt her breath catch as her mouth fell open. Is she trying to make a move on me? Blake wouldn't be okay with that--as far as she knew, Liam might not mind the idea of it, but the actual act was different all together, and she didn't want to betray his trust. On the other hand, however, if Marie did something, Blake wasn't sure she would be able to make herself care until after they were done. Blake found her eyes fixed on her friend's pink, pouting lips, and flinched when she felt Marie's sudsy hands grasp the hair at the base of her scalp.

Marie didn't seem to have noticed.

"Liam does this every once in a while, when we shower together," she said, "It feels sooo good and, well, you look like you kinda need it."

Blake nodded, biting her lip. It did feel good. Really good. Marie's fingers threaded through her hair, massaging her scalp as they her oily, sweat-stiffened locks. Blake felt herself sway a bit, and suddenly became very keenly aware of how Marie's arms wrapped around her, trapping her arms at her sides.

"I can see why Liam likes to do this," Marie commented. Her voice seemed almost absent-minded, "Your hair is much more fun to do this with than his."

"Mhm," Blake murmured, putting all her concentration on standing up straight and not leaning forward into her friend's chest. It had to be the hardest thing she'd ever done, as the only distraction would have been to let her mind wander, but images of Liam standing in Marie's place lay just on the edge of her thoughts. Stupid Liam always being perfect. Chest glistening and strong hands running through her hair, big hard cock pressed against her belly, leaking--

Blake blinked, coming back to reality as Marie's hands left her hair. She almost moaned at the loss of contact, but managed to mutter a "thank you," instead as she twisted past Marie to stand back underneath the steaming water. Running her own hands through her hair felt good, mostly because her hair was no longer as stiff and gross, but it definitely came nowhere near close to Marie's massage.

When Marie was done with that, she stepped aside and held out the shampoo bottle for Marie, but the blonde shook her head, "I showered last night. Here, let me do your conditioner."

Marie reached past Blake and deposited a large glob of the shampoo's matching conditioner into the palm of one hand, then pulled Blake toward her a bit so that the warm water peppered Blake's back just below her hair. Blake's breath caught again as Marie pressed herself against Blake once more, a bit firmer this time, it seemed, and threaded her fingers into Blake's hair.

"Fuck that feels good," Blake knew how that sounded, but couldn't find it in herself to care. Marie's fingers felt so damn good. The implications of that sent shivers through Blake's body, and she couldn't help a moan from slipping out at the way her pussy clenched. Her cheeks grew immediately hot, but Marie just giggled, continuing her ministrations, and used her elbows to pull Blake closer. Blake hadn't anticipated that and brought her hands up against Marie's chest to keep herself from falling. Once she steadied herself, she tried to pull back, but Marie's hands kept her pulled close.

"It's okay," Marie breathed, voice barely audible over the pelting water, "Just relax."

Blake stiffened for a moment, knowing she shouldn't, but leaning against someone like this, especially a friend, felt so good, and she hadn't done it in so long. Blake closed her eyes and let her weight settle against Marie, relishing the feel of her roommate's slick, soft skin pressing against her as Marie's fingers worked magic against her scalp. It seemed to go on forever, and Blake could have enjoyed it forever, but eventually Marie's fingers slowed, then stopped.

Eyes fluttering open, Marie looked up at her friend, and saw that familiar haze in those green eyes. Marie was smiling down at her. Neither of them said anything. If they did, that would break the spell. Instead they held each other's gazes as Marie's hands slowly fell from Blake's hair. Blake felt the blonde bend and stretch a bit, then raised an eyebrow as Marie grinned, holding up the bottle of bodywash. Marie flipped it open with her thumb, and her grin widened as she squirted the translucent liquid where their breasts met.

Blake's eyes widened as Marie closed the bottle and pulled back. She looked down at their bodies as the soapy fluid dripped down their bodies and shivered when Marie pressed her hands against Blake's stomach. Marie began massaging the bodywash into her skin, slick hands roaming around Blake's middle and up to her breasts, making her gasp. Blake's attention, however, remained fixed on the bodywash as it continued down toward Marie's bare pussy. Not really thinking, Blake reached out to stop the flow with her fingers, then found her hand pressed against Marie's pelvis. Then she and Marie were soaping each other up, running their hands over each other.

Blake discovered the lean hardness of her roommate's stomach, making her pussy pulse and sparking the desire in her to lick something off that flat stomach. Her hands gravitated up Marie's sides after that, fingers dancing along her ribs, then up to the small peaked mounds of her breasts. Somehow, Blake kept enough control over herself not to tweak or pinch her friend's nipples, but otherwise, her hands moved of their own accord, roving over Marie's body just as Marie's did over her own. Once Blake had thoroughly lathered up her friend's front, she started to move so she could do Marie's back, but Marie pulled her close, pressing their bodies together as her arms snaked around Blake to soap up her back. When Marie started applying pressure in a light massage, Blake let her head fall forward onto Marie's shoulder as she moaned into the blonde's neck. She didn't even think Marie was trying to give her a real massage, but the other girl's thumbs just felt so damn good. Somehow, Blake remembered herself enough to start returning the favor, exploring the planes of Marie's back with her hands and fingertips, massaging here and there as their lathered fronts slipped against one another.

By the time Marie's hands reached Blake's ass, a familiar heat had built up between her legs, but her ass's tenderness helped her from giving into that. She hissed when Marie pressed a bit too hard, and Marie pulled back. Blake blinked.

"Did that hurt?" Marie asked, voice breathy.

Blake shook her head, "Not too much."

Marie gazed at her for a moment, then, "Turn around."

Blake raised an eyebrow, but turned around to face the showerhead, letting the warm water wash the suds off her front.

She heard another squirt of bodywash, then jumped, needing to steady herself with her hands against the wall as she felt Marie's hands on her ass. She was gentler this time, caressing rather than kneading. The slick movement felt good on her tender skin. Marie's hands moved farther down, too, kneading and squeezing as they ran over Blake's sore legs.

"Fuck," Blake breathed. It had been far too long since the last time someone had done that to her. Thoughts of Liam's hands running over her naked legs floated on the edge of Blake's mind, and she didn't think she had the strength to keep herself from diving in much longer.

Blake reveled in the sensation of Marie's fingers as they glided up and down her legs, pressing down on her muscles and then releasing in all the right spots. Her legs widened and Blake arched her back without realizing what she was doing when she felt Marie's hands on the inside of her thighs. Webs of pleasure spiderwebbed through Blake just under her skin, connecting the tips of Marie's fingers with Blake's needy pussy as her friend seemed to tease her. Marie's fingers traveled higher and higher each time they ventured to the insides of Blake's thighs.

Then Marie's knuckle brushed Blake's lower lips, and shivers wracked her body as she gasped. She expected a giggle from Marie, but instead, Blake felt her roommate move behind her, then Marie's hands were on the backs of her thighs. They glided up to gently cup her ass cheeks, then ventured between them. Blake, moaned, trembling as Marie's soapy fingers slid over her pussy all the way to the front, cupped it, fingertips rubbing against her clit as they passed, then retreated back the way they had come. It would have been bad enough if Marie had simply run her finger's over Blake's outer lips, but Blake's pussy was a needy traitor, and her lips had opened wide. Worse, Blake knew that Marie could feel that. Marie repeated the motion, but this time, her fingers continued on up between Blake's ass cheeks, and a ragged gasp ripped from Blake's throat as she felt the pressure of a single manicured fingertip glide over her asshole.

"Wha--what are you doing?" Blake managed, arms trembling as they struggled to keep her upright.

Marie didn't answer for a moment, instead repeating the motion a few more times, the pleasure breaking the barrier Blake had thrown up in her mind between her and images of Liam in Marie's place. Fuck, she wanted his hands all over her, touching every inch of her.

Then those hands were gone, and Blake almost whimpered.

"You've gotta make sure you're clean everywhere," Marie finally replied, voice somehow impossibly innocent yet thick with arousal all at once, "Now you do me? I want to be nice and clean for Liam."


Blake somehow pushed herself up and looked Marie in the eyes. Part of her wanted to take the blonde bitch and tie her to a chair and force her to watch while Blake fucked Liam every which way until he couldn't get her out of his head no matter how hard he tried. The other part wanted to do exactly as Marie said, and as Blake thought she might have implied without realizing it. Blake wanted to clean Marie's pussy and ass thoroughly with her tongue, to warm her holes up for Liam by making the blonde cum, in hopes that Marie might allow her to join in with them, that Liam would smile at her and tell her what a good girl she was before he let her join Marie in sucking his cock.

Blake started when she realized her hands had already started moving. Marie had turned away from Blake, hands against the wall for balance, legs spread and ass up in the air.

Is that what I looked like? What I did for her?

Normally, Blake would have slapped anyone who accused another person of "asking for it," but in this case, she had no ground to stand on. Besides, her hands were already kneading Marie's firm, soapy cheeks.

Blake lost herself in the act, thoughts sliding in and out of reality as her slick hands slid over Marie's backside and up and down her legs. Sometimes she was doing this to Liam, squeezing that ass of his every way she could think of while barely holding herself back from biting it, reveling in how his muscular legs felt under her hands. She wondered if he would want her to eat his ass. Then it was Marie under her hands with Liam watching, telling her to be a good girl and make sure Marie was all nice and clean for him, hinting he might give her a reward if she did a good enough job.

Blake's pussy was on fire as she dipped a soapy hand between Marie's legs, running her fingers over the other girl's lips as Marie had done to her, then bringing it up between her cheeks and pressing down on the tight ring of muscles with the pad of her middle finger. Knowing she was touching the same holes Liam's cock had been in gave her a thrill that almost overrode her jealousy. Except her finger didn't touch Marie's asshole. It touched the metal rim of a plug.

Blake snapped back to reality, moving her hands to Marie's ass cheeks as realized what she had been considering. She knew arousal could make people consider things that would otherwise be out of the realm of possibility, but she hadn't thought she'd been horny enough to consider something like that. She didn't have a problem with the idea of being his sub, not even with sharing him with another girl. Occasionally. He was the rare kind of guy that deserved something like that because he would never ask for it. Blake wouldn't be the second girl in that equation, though. She would make sure Liam knew that he was hers without a doubt before that ever happened.

Looking at the girl in front of her, Blake sighed, knowing it was only a fantasy.

Marie turned slowly, eyes still hazy, and met Blake's gaze. Something passed between them then, and Blake knew they didn't need to talk about what had just happened. They hadn't done anything too over the line, so there wasn't really anything to talk about. Marie wouldn't know what had passed through Blake's mind, and Blake didn't need to know what had passed through hers. They washed the soap off in silence, then Marie grabbed their towels with her longer reach.

"I wore it to make sure I would be more excited for Liam when I got back," Marie said as they were toweling off, "And more excited."

Blake bit her lip for a moment, then wrapped the towel around her and hugged Marie. She felt the other girl stiffen for a moment, then hug her back.

"I'm glad you have someone as great as Liam," she said. It was the truth, though Blake had to work hard to keep her jealousy from her voice, "Especially after Dan." She looked up at Marie, pulling back again, "And I'm glad you don't get jealous anymore. I missed the way we used to be, and Liam is a rare kind of friend."

Marie just gazed at her for a moment, eyes unreadable, then smiled and returned the embrace.

"I'm glad missed that, too," Marie said, "And I'm glad you guys are friends."

A/N: Did you see this coming after Marie got a little private show? What do you think about this little development between the two of them? Let me know in the comments!