Wang Yongzhu had not expected Wang Yonggui to have such insight, actually considering sending the children to study.
If they weren't going to divide the family, she had also planned, once the New Year had passed, to send Jinpan and Jinguan to study, and then they would come back to teach Jinhua.
The Wang brothers, including Wang Yongzhu as well as Jindou and Jinhoo, because of Wang Yongan, all had a cursory recognition of a few characters; Jinhoo was even smarter and could write and calculate as well.
If the Wang Family had been in better circumstances back then, Jinhoo might have followed and spent a few years in school, but regrettably, at the time, the Wang Family's circumstances only allowed for Wang Yongan alone to be supported.
Even so, Jinhoo had secretly put in the effort to learn to read and write, or else all the writing for everyday things around the house now would not be in his handwriting.