Chereads / A DEVIL WEREWOLF / Chapter 7 - Lord Sight

Chapter 7 - Lord Sight

"Then... Thank you guys again with the food. I'll go find that girl for a moment." Wolford suddenly said as he stand up.

"You will go now?" Asked Jeanne.

"yeah, I would like to heal my litlle brother to ask some questions." replied Wolford.

"Then I woukd like to come." Jeanne said standing up.

"I would also like to go with you guys." Daniella followingly said.

"I'd be happy to get accompanied by two beauties." Wolford smiled.

"Ok... Then let us go,"

Wolford activated his ability Lord sight to see the entire World to find the Lord of souls.

Other Lords felt the sudden power that feels like peeking into their entire inner self.

"What is that guys doing again?" one of the lords commented as he is surprise to feel such a sudden power out of nowhere.

"Ubleashing this kind of ability out of nowhere. He's probably trying to find someone." One of the Lords asked inside a meeting hall. Where there are also Lords who feel shocked and syurprise.

"Well, ine thing si for sure. That guys is probably unlucky." Another Lord replied.

"In any case, let's continue with the meeting." They said as they continue to talk.

"Now that he defeated the only person who is capable of pushing him to his very limits. What should we do now?" one of the lord ask recollecting the fight of Wolford and his little beother Lexter.

"We can't do anything about that. Specially, after he seemed to get stronger from the dark flame that econpasses his body after the fight."

"I agree with you. It's now more impossble to win against that guy, soecially after he receive some kind of buff."

"Where do gou guys think that come from?" One asked.

"It probably came from his little brother. That for some reason pass some kind of power to his big brother. Making the already powerful Wolf Lord become even more powerful."

"So now I think fighting that guy head on is probably considered one of the worst decision of out life."

Meanwhile, Wolford appeared in a dark place. This place had a castle and ut could be said it eas like a castle in a fantasy story.

It's big and the large gate and walls rhat sorrounf it make it more menancing.

"So this the place where the Lord of the Soul's lived? It look kinda... Boring?" Wolford said with a raised eyebrow.

"I think that's jot the right word to describe this place. I would probably beter to describe it as scary." Jeanne said as she extended her wings and begin to float. Her bodybsize begin to get smaller at the same time. As fairy does she transformed in one of her state.

"Hmmm? Why did you transform?" Wolford ask poking the cute little thing infront of him.

"Hey! Stop poking me." She grumpled and swayed the hands of Wolford away.

Compared to her cute appearance now, her power as the Lord seemed to did not fade.

"I transformed cause I'm more comfortable with this appearance and I kinda feel lazy to walk... Anyways, who need to walk if they can have wings." Jeanne said as she crossed her legs looking at Wolford.