Chereads / Dungeon jumper [bl] / Chapter 71 - 2nd Floor-start of third floor

Chapter 71 - 2nd Floor-start of third floor

The cities are thriving and alliances are great, as the first year within the tower comes to a close an announcement rings through the first floor.

---You have successfully had a hand in building and structuring 10 cities and uniting them together in alliances, your people have earned first place in contribution and you will gain 3% profit revenue from the ten cities and any branches of the cities you had a hand in building.---

What follows is the greater surprise as the tower has never made this before in our tower.

---You can choose to go up as solo, team, village, town, city, or region if 50% choose region you and all the territories will be sent together too the next floor too increase there worth and strength but beware this will be far more difficult then the other options but greater awards await those who succeed.---

A meeting is called too discuss the choice and messages sent too other cities for there choice as the two days pass an agreement is made we all click and wait for the final votes.

---Your region has chosen with a 87% agreement too all continue together you will now be sent too the second floor.---

It was like everything was moved one place over not quite right but still exactly the same and looking out the window of the military barracks me and the team are in it is clear a change in the sky has happened as it was middle of night when we left but now early morning.

I look at the others and they also are looking outside and Wyatt gives me a look when another tower notification comes, our task on this floor.

---You are in the regional growth faze as there are ten other regions of varying E-Grade and technology level, your job is too entice our people into living in your region whether that be by force like enslavement or by temptation wither way is optionable but all choices have consequences so be careful. Regions only need 100,000 residents too continue on and five years too do so how you will grow is your choice may you make the right one for an optimal future.--- 

Silence as it is clear that the enslavement option is a no go as the tower likes too protect it's residents so if we did that we will be faced with a horrible outcome.

A new meeting too discuss our choices and options comes and we first decide too scout all the surrounding areas with each direction sending out it's own search while the center will spread out our army too defend during this time from potential threats or other unknown dangers.

I am told too remain in the center as a healer and to study that rock with the other's so as too make use of our unique resource while they deal with any outside forces.

The resources of each region will probably be based on those that live there so we will be the only one with this rock for now and need too make use of that, a pitch black rock with no cracks or patterns like a black spot on the ground with no distinctive features all of us try and use the small chunk too se what it reacts too but no luck heat, cold, none of our energies, nothing causes a reaction.

We get frustrated and pull back too think of what it could be as such stone must naturally exist in there world so it has too be something specific for there energy, what if I tried without energy at all even the most normal fire has energy in it so what if we used no energy.

It absorbs all the energy we throw at it so if you use pure physique it in theory should work, the energy used to enhance the woman only entered her but she didn't use it in her attack like we do.

Machines that are for pure manufacturing purposes like crushers were used in my world so if we theoretically use a large stone against a smaller one it should crack it but the how too use the pieces we can get.

I took the small piece and thought, since it absorbs energy can we use this too make unique gear and weapons with the attribute of powering themselves using this rock.

We have five years too investigate this we will figure it out and I think Wyatt is the best person too talk to about this as he has a physique similar too the rock he may be able too make use of it, 260 days outside that is how long we have until we finish in here we need too make the most with as many allies and treaties as possible.

---------------(Time Skip-2 years)-------------

I found how too use the rock although it is unstable it is a large gun able too blast through energy shields and won't be damaged by normal attacks with energy so the gun can't be attacked directly though we need more time to make more complex things like say a air ship or a spacecraft once we do we will have a travel means imperative too energy attacks and little energy needed to be given to run it.

I have spoken with the hippo woman whos name is Vika she has come too a agreement that we will form a mutualism agreement for both sides so as too allow the proper use of her worlds resource in exchange for aid and technological advancement to there world.

We have met a tower created kingdom a bit off from us but we are in cease fire with them as they are surrounded by other regions like us that appeared.

We have agreement that refugees fleeing from the war will not be persecuted and will be allowed to remain in our region even after there war is over, we even are making a small fortune as trading our excess minerals and grain too support them in the war with other regions.

Although the north region is also in a cease fire they are supporting the two attacking the kingdom most likely due too the refugees pouring in from there fighting, many farmers and woman have lost there jobs or spouses and forced off there lands too allow the empire too grow the crops they need for there fighting without paying the farmers.

We are over the 100,000 by the end of the first year and reaching 500,000 by the end of this year if this continues we may need too set up separate village for these immigrants but they are told they will be given somewhere too work so most are sent too the mines or fertile area only some fighter people left due to not wanting to be conscripted into the military too fight a war.

I hope by the time we are finished with this level all the soldiers will have a neutralizing gun and a good amount of back up food saved for any fights that may come in the future.

-----------------(Five year skip)--------------

All but our logistics have been given a neutralizing gun, only a chunk the size of a pencil is needed as only a thin lacing needs to be applied for the affect too take place, we have nearly 2 million immigrants and and extra city along with spatters of towns and homes all over the region, talks have started on how to name our budding country a name was already chosen by the time too continue came.

Aeon 'too last an eternity' a name meant too represent even in harsh time we will not fall, we shall stand the test of time.

We have made a rudimentary armor using the stone but it is required too mix the stone with blood of the one it is for along with there energy, it is a crude thing that although neutralizes all but the person it is bound too energy it is very weak too physical attacks making it more used as accessory over important parts like a necklace or badge. I have even seen a few diadems around made of it but we have implemented a rule that only those in the leading military position like Wyatt may use a diadem so they were changed out for head band or hair clips, even a few earrings and collars.

I use the diadem as head of the healing and support faction I am in my right too wear it, I am also fit with a black peony badge over my heart, along with a belt buckle over my dantian.

 Slowly we are coming into a more modern time with the start of touch screen devices and more modern items of advanced plumbing and high sanitation requirements such as showering daily and quarantine at home during disease outbreaks.

We have enough back up food saved too last with our current population 2 years with no more food grown and military bases built all over our territory, with 100 different species regulating each other chances of corruption are small as the second it does one species will take more power and the others won't allow that.

We are ending our 5 year's on this floor soon and I wonder if the next task will be regional based or not, we will only know when midnight comes.

---Your region has advanced and stabilized the most during this time period earning the right too choose your starting location for the third floor, your region will continue to survive and thrive here until you reach the tenth floor if your region is still standing by then you will be allowed too continue in the regional based task.---

The ability too choose start location was a major bonus for any floor as it means you can get closer too the objective or put yourself in a safer position, I look at the team all together in the meeting hall waiting for the end of the task.

---You have invented a unique weapon restricted too your people and there allies, the neutralizing weapon. For accomplishing such a thing you are rewarded 100 interstellar coins and have right too auction your items and restrict the trade of them, you have complete right too who can and can't use your weapon within the tower and during war period.---

I am shocked but immediately restrict any trade or foreign usage of the weapon and prevent other from teaching those not in the region alliance from learning how they are made, although I do allow for goeie geluk people too trade for it. (The planet from the tutorial)

{You may now chose your starting point pick a spot on the map, your task is too make a profit of 1,000 tower coins within the third floor. You will be given 5 tower coins and any tower coins you already have, you may team up but the money earned will be split evenly make the best call for your optimal future.}

I look at the map the same size of the Ira continents and with over 15 different kingdoms on it looking at where will provide me access too the items I want too make a profit, I will look at the cost of things and probably forge or brew an item too sale it will be an easy profit margin to get.

I could hunt monsters but that isn't needed for someone like me who can heal and manufacture stuff maybe it will take longer too complete but I couldn't have beaten Wyatt too the first place anyway so might as well use what I am best at then compete for another's strong point, maybe it will be rewarded based on how the money is made like how here was based on how you got your population.

I choose the place with a forest and decent sized kingdom with what looks like high fertile land and crops aplenty.

I spawn in a village and a shock of a side task immediately popping up.

[The villages crops are failing and no matter what they do they can't fix them, with increase in demons and a rapidly incoming war with them they need as much food as possible too survive the incoming trouble times.]

Of course the task wouldn't be that simple the continent as a whole is probably facing this problem and we have too make a profit in times of war, I can already see the people who are going too rob and steal from each other and the tower citizens too make there profit I look at the crop field with wilted wheat with white stems and no seeds inside along with the black soil that has a sticky substance.

I have seen this before in my own world were there is a outburst of corruption it will cause the land and crops too become like this, all I need too do is get rid of the corruption from the soil and the plants should heal on there own.

I Immediately go up too the grieving farmer and offer to fix this problem and help him prevent this from occurring in the future.

I show him how too crush rosemary and boil it in water along with a a energy stone I asked him for after only an hour it is done and looks slightly different with a pink color instead of a clear color but this is probably due to the different energy the stone is now a pure red instead of the dark red it was at first.

Mixing the water in too the fertilizer he needs too add too the crops I tell him too give it one to two days and the results should come.

By the third day the stems have taken a gold and pink color and the food is ready for harvest already, far faster then I could have ever thought but the true shock was when we peeled away the covering too pure pink wheat inside.

The fire attribute was absorbed by the wheat making it a wheat that would increase ones body temperature, the man is dilated and says it will be perfect for winter coming up.

It looks like I need too study this new world and it's energy because neither mental energy or physical energy does this, a new mystery and substance too study I can't wait I truly chose the perfect spot too spawn at.

I wonder what Wyatt is doing with the current situation.

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