Chereads / Dungeon jumper [bl] / Chapter 67 - First year

Chapter 67 - First year

I rush to my courses as soon as I finish reading the paper using the maps on the wall too find my way to the right buildings and room which is written on a sheet next too the map for each different world too follow as a new world like mine with the name Ira meaning watchful one in ancient toungue of our world.

I go there and see a large open hall similar too a college concert hall able to fit easily 1,000 students inside but looks like a normal classroom outside most likely a spacial fold but it is impossible with our worlds technology to make such a large one even one the size of a medium dog cage which can barely fit a smaller person much less an entire concert hall like this. Our world is far behind in our technology and information meaning we were certain to fail in a fight if pushed and we only had ten years to catch up with worlds that may have been in here for several hundred.

There are people from my world and one other world as we shared this learning hall with a world in cyberpunk militant style.

All but three people are here and those three are from our planet so when the teacher walks in to three empty chairs he immediately says, "Three less people to fight for spots with lucky you lot, now for those taking it seriously let us begin with the starting point most worlds have seen."

There is many pictures with different structures some like a colosseum others like a tower and a maze, there is even a few castles floating in the sky.

We look on the stage where these holographic pictures are being shown and the teacher starts his lecture, "Each world has slightly different structure, challenges and obstacles in the original system join location and at this spot is where people are able too grow and adapt to either a rapid change in there worlds or rally troops for internal fights for planets that already have large energy amount before the tower connects. Each world has a different reaction and belief but to get too this point your world had to enter another so you know this tower isn't just in your world. When the tower connects like this the challenges change to a more general type where many worlds will have the same challenges."

It is a basic explanation of the tower that anyone could figure out from the events that would lead one too our current situation.

"Now that the basics are done lets get to the more interesting parts, Each worlds energy is different and therefore hard too build colonies on but one can challenge another world and depending on the outcome is what will happen to each world. If the challenging world loses then they pay reparations in items and technology and if lacking in people. For planets that come to a stalemate or treaty then it remains as before the challenge took place, if one side willingly bows down then the fun starts as the winning world can make choices but the side that back down will probably put a requirement for proper treatment so those worlds will probably have you do a Mutualism type planet connection where both planets energy enhances the other and ceases rejection making it so you both increase in grade and potential."

I see stepping down willingly was better as you can guarantee safety and your future here if a truly powerful world comes this is probably the best option. 

"Next is if you combat before they bow down then they have less protection in there agreements and can only demand basic needs while everything else is in the winning sides hand meaning it could go Mutualism or Commensalism where only your world grows by taking there excess energy and limiting there world too that grade until your world chooses otherwise."

It means your world will grow more quickly but as I know a quick growth isn't always the best and stability is a need and I am sure the same is true here, meaning Mutualism is the best choice.

"Last is if they do not bow down until the very end when you have already won and the tower judges it as finished with no chance of fighting back, then the choice of all three Mutualism, Commensalism, or Parasitism come in. Parasitism is when your planet takes all the energy the planet produces causing the planets energy too drop and eventually fall dormant, this is were worlds with tales of energy in the past exist because they did and lost."

My birth world was most likely one such world but what about my current world.

"The top worlds have all done these three and grown well from it, but they all come with risk. Mutualism means the world is equal to your own and therefore can break the agreement at any point with only a small material payment and start a fight with you to try and take you over meaning they can't be fully trusted or allowed into your military they are more like highly advanced treaty people then actual friends and help. Commensalism only last for a hundred years and once finished the possession of the world will return too normal and can start growing again, many small worlds do this too each other to not make other worlds worried as so too prevent parasitism as much as possible. Finally is parasitism a normal in mid grade worlds that are about to become higher grade ones so have less fear from this happening, it last until the planet runs out of energy but as you are sure too guess most planets abhor those that do it and often will gang up together to rid the tower of such worlds and prevent them from being targeted."

All three have worth but also ramifications as one wrong move could mean internal and external battle, but he hasn't mentioned the energy problem like I thought it may be a hidden danger that few see but is one I will point out to the higher ups after returning.

The rest of the class is about different beliefs and planets at the top with the top three being the main focus.

First place planet is Pravuil a neutral world that is mostly mutualism and no enemies even amongst there own planets, they are a powerful long lived species but have few births totaling less than a thousand true born Pravu in the universe with little known of there appearances.

Second is Camael a fierce world known for fighting and most world under it are commensalism with only two worlds in mutualism with it, both worlds that immediately stepped down when they came and where allies with them in there early years. They are reptilian and combat focus so many of it technology and even biology follows that focus making them fierce and they use spirit energy like my own planet, they are known for some small parasitism early on but mostly kept the mid ground as although battle focused are also very conscious and moral in there own ways.

Finally the third planet and the one most in fighting the second one wormwood a more animal like style species with many kits born in a litter but due to in fighting and limited food only the mother can provide means of the 20 to 30 born if 7 survive it is overachieving while usually it is only four or five that make it too adulthood.

Essentially this planet and species only knows too fight and kill off weaker ones they are one of the few high parasitism planets and have no mutualism and little communalism making them targeted by other planets but there quick reproduction and higher then average population for powerful species makes them hard too truly beat and often only stalemates occur.

With that all covered and the pictures and more in depth explanation given for them like wars won or basic information on there smaller planets the class ends.

Next is weapons design and I know this will be more difficult for those of our world as I see videos of guns and cannons for starships in the video meaning although they won't teach us those they will expect things more like that than what our world has.

As I expect it all about more advanced weapons not existing in our world and I see Wyatt making notes on all those different weapon types most likely to study for future wars and fights so a new weapon won't be too much of a threat, I told them of my worlds weapons but seeing and hearing are two different things and I am sure Wyatt will ask me about them more when we have our break.

Material studies is hard for others but easy for me who has gained near perfect study and memorization capabilities from my act of energy forging giving me a heads up for many strange and not normally thought or studied materials made this much easier as I amused too such studies.

I have slight trouble in basic biological structure but Wyatt appears too have no such trouble I will make sure too go to him in the future for studying this subject.

Finally self defense rolls around and we enter a large room completely void of most things but many buttons and levers make it clear the things are probably just hidden and not shown then the room being blank.

The teacher makes us all begin with a obstacle course that pops out in the center of the area able too fit all of us and record our progress and abilities.

I enter the door and am brought in front of a long passage with no environment or signs of the obstacles as I approach the red line on the ground slowly obstacles rose out of the ground first up is a climbing wall near vertically straight up with a few spots to grab that you definitely need to jump for.

I scale it easily and next is a large pit jump too a log run followed by a rest point.

I make my way through and next is a swing test but this time sound of gunfire is heard and I focus too avoid the paint bullets that wiz by making sure to remain unharmed, followed by a collapsing floor and then floor and wall, finishing with a all four sides collapsing when I am through the collapsing section I am attacked by goblins on a stilt section with thin poles over a pit with the other side blocked I most likely need to kill them to get through.

I am barehanded with no weapon so I need to steal one from them, I take the knife as an axe or long sword would interfere in my running capabilities.

More enemies to fight in different elevation and situation as well as increase in difficulty in both along with attacks from all sides and using different items make it extremely harsh and the fact they make this the test for testing ones combat skill in the tutorial is horrifying, I make it to a safe spot out of breath and a small paint mark on my left arm but not deep enough to have interfered with my abilities.

There is still more I can do but knowing ones limit is essential and I am reaching that limit so I call out, "I give up I can not go further without risk to my life."

Like that the obstacles in front of me disappear and a door leading out shows up letting me leave this obstacle course that is as hard as the one Wyatt makes me do for training if it had alternating environment it would be harder.

I leave and the a paper is dispensed from the door I left out of so I take it and look at the score.

[World grade: E+

Main species: Homo Sapiens

Physical status:






Combat abilities:

Martial arts- High mid grade

Estimated level for one of this world: SS-level]

I am only a S-grade but my enhanced body made it so my outcome is an entire level higher an incredible thing.

I take the paper too the teacher who I see with an already large nearly toppling stack next too and hand it over as the teacher looks at me with interest, I am one of the last out as there is over 990 people from our class out with only the best remaining with Wyatt still in and both Kian and Amara having left at the 900 mark we are all in the top 10% not the best but better then most.

I can feel gazes on me from most likely my strength and looks as I am a very different look than the others, most have western features but only me and Wyatt along with Wyatt's family are more oriental eastern looks.

I look out of place in the group and as the group of the other world is very African dark skin people with no one standing out, all dark hair and eyes.

As time passes more leave and the final one is decided we have all but one of the top ten I can see the look of dissatisfaction on the other world as they realize we are stronger even with our production people so what did that say for our military and combat people, poor them not realizing we are both combat and production based people.

Wyatt is first place as expected and the teachers reaction is clear he exceeded all belief for him as he checks the paper, but Wyatt says next makes the other world tense.

"I finished the course I don't think I got as far as I could have I would like to request a further look into that." I see talks and murmurs breakout from the otherworld as they look at Wyatt as a monster if I am respected then Wyatt is seen as a monster. 

Even the teacher appears slightly nervous about him but says nothing else and he pushes the button that caused the course too appear making it return too the ground.

The teacher a black male clearly of the other planets people, pushes another button and a square structure more boxy then rectangular unlike the obstacle course appears and the teacher explains the use of it.

"This is a test of senses and energy so like with the last one we will all enter and get the results after exiting." Both planets are mental energy planets so neither is at a loss due to energy type.

The test are similar too our group one of identify this, dodge that, put your energy here so on and so forth. 

[World grade: E+

Main species: Homo Sapiens

Physical status:






Mental energy-

Energy amount: S

Energy purity: EX

Energy control: B

Spirit energy-

Energy amount: S

Energy Purity: Ex

Energy control: D


Energy amount: F-

Energy purity: Ex

energy control: N/A

Combat abilities:

Martial arts- High mid grade

Estimated level for one of this world: SSS-level]

I give it too the teacher and he looks at the energy purity and different types in shock I am now probably like Wyatt in his eyes, a monster.

Wyatt comes in first again and we finish up our basic defense the teacher pretty much running after our test are done leaving us too do as we want for the next two hours, we immediately head to the library a spot with both old time books and holograms for research purposes we spend the whole time looking at different types of weapons and energies of these worlds.

Night comes and me and my roommate both are still awake reading after curfew but in our rooms so it is fine the roommate finally goes to sleep at around 12 o'clock but I don't rest until 3 o'clock looking at all that I need to catch up on.

I am awake at 7 o'clock and work out before eating and cleaning myself with half an hour to spare for class I head too the class room to study more.

My days pass and I keep up with ease along with Wyatt and Kina is also decent but Amara is struggling and if not for us would have been kicked out do to failing grades that with each passing month here get stricter you need at least a eighty now to remain on all test and work.

It has been six months and we are finally getting pass the beginner parts and the quota is almost reached and if by the end of the year it isn't reached the lowest ones on the final exam will be removed too make the quota proper, we will also be given a one day break or month long break depending on if we stay in the tower or out of it.

Me and Wyatt have been using the free paper and pencils too copy and write the books of the library in our free time along with the professors lectures and anything of importance, slowly we form a basic understanding of what being in the interstellar position means.

It means safety as the tower prevents one from killing the entire planet off but also risk as a portal will appear from the tower to our world during a announced war it also allows us to bow down to a higher level at the start and be guaranteed a mutualistic agreement from them, we are not informed of who will be at war with until it is over which explains why the top planets got away with so few mutualism for so long and hide there looks most the time or use other planets in the fight to throw the opponent off.

Slowly we learn all that we can on the politics between planets and different cultures to try and prevent such mistake in the future if it ever happens.

The end of the year comes and I still have no clue how to grow my cultivation and all of us remaining in the school moving up to second years and once one person from our planet graduates or the ten year period is over we will also gain a uniform.

Finally we leave the tower 12 days after we first entered with everything we could do for now complete and a report to give.

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