Chereads / Dungeon jumper [bl] / Chapter 23 - Rest and Recovery

Chapter 23 - Rest and Recovery

P.O.V Aadi 

Waking up on a soft bed, with clean clothes and my plant nearby almost has me in tears once more. The room is a small bedroom with a window, that blinds are covering, the bed he is on is placed in front of the window with two doors on the opposite side. The color theme is soft pastel yellows and brown with hints of green, with no other furniture but the bed he awakened on and the small rocking chair placed at the foot of the bed.

His plant had been given a bigger nice pot in bright yellow and was paced on the headboard that has a small shelf on in it, most likely meant for knick-knacks.

  He gets up to see what lies behind the two doors, slipping out from under the soft blanket he sees the outfit they had put on him was a too large button up shirt that draped all the way to his mid calf. Blinking he couldn't help but want to curl up in the shirt, it was big and soft with a nice scent of Smokey flames and chocolate, shaking his head he goes to the left door and opens it.

A closet barely the size to hang up your shirts, jacket and put ones unused shoes in, it is empty with no clothes residing in it. Most likely this is a guest room, heading to the other door he opens it to look out only to be faced with two hallways one facing straight forward and the other going to the right, he was in a corner room.

Going back to the bed he climbs up and sits for a few seconds in a daze unsure of what to do when the need to pee hit, this isn't a cave, he can't just go wherever he wants, getting up he grabs his plant and heads to the door on the right.

Looking at the two halls he decides to head straight forward and hope one of the doors he tries is a bathroom, walking forward he approaches 5 different doors with all of them locked worrying he may have to hold it to long he begins to shuffle a little after a minute the sound of a door opening and walking is heard. The winged man walks up to me and I asks "Can you tell me where the bathroom is?" 

Hearing the hoarseness of my on voice along with thick slurring and stuttering he fears the man may not have understood, however the man just smiles and reaches out his hand which I hesitate before grabbing. 

Turning right they approach the blue door on the left side of the hallway, seeing the winged man open the door and step out of the way while releasing my hand I stare at him for a second before entering the bathroom an closing the door behind me. It is white and blue style bathroom with a toilet, a sink, and a large bathtub with a detachable shower head. Sitting my plant down beside the door I head to the toilet.

Despite being a different world most of the stuff is similar enough to what is in my world to easily identify it's purpose, going pee I look for the flush but am unable to see anything that may be it going up to the sink a similar problem happens, he does not see the handles or button to turn on the sink.

Confused I open the door and point at the toilet and then the faucet, just that small amount of talking had made his throat sore due to long time without using it. The winged man follows my finger to see what I'm indicting before walking into the bathroom and up to the toilet, appearing to realize his problem he makes sure I'm watching before he slowly taps a blue crystal looking thing on the wall. Approaching the toilet I see it now clear of my waste, feeling slightly giddy I approach the sink and do what he did to the toilet to the one above the sink.

However beyond his expectations the small gem takes a small amount of mental energy then turns on, surprise floods him as he stares in shock at the gem, Mental energy is an unknown energy where I am from yet here people use it like we would energy veins.

Looking at the man clearly amused at my wonder he walks up grabs my wrist putting my hand under a small side spigot he pushes down on it and soap dispenses out, coating both hands in the soap I put it under the running water. The man taps the clear gem next to the blue one and the water stops.

Offering me the towel with a soft smile he then waits for me to dry my hands off before hanging the towel up for me while I grab my plant from where I sat it down at, taking my not filled hand he leads me to a designed wooden door and into a soft room filled with couches and recliners alongside different plants. The sword woman (Maylen) is there and looks quiet surprised to see me awake already.

Sitting down on the bright green couch while sitting my plant next to me the winged man start to talk with the sword woman but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to hear them despite being right beside them.

After getting frustrated at the unexplained inability to hear them I pick my plant up and curl up under the shirt with my plant held against my chest. Slowly my eyes droop shut and sleep once more claims me, but before that I feel a small pat on my head before completely drifting off.

P.O.V Winged man (Lucien)

Waiting in front of the bathroom while the boy does what he needs I contemplate what should we do with the boy, however before I can get far the door opens and the boy begins pointing at the toilet and the sink. Walking in to see the problem I notice the boy hasn't flushed the toilet, making sure the boy is looking I tap the the water crystal on the wall to rinse out the toilet, the boy approaches and sees the waste cleared.

The boy is clearly excited and immediately repeats my actions with the sink, the surprise that flashes on his face has me amused, clearly he had not been expecting a draw on his mental energy.

Grabbing the boys wrist I put his hand under the soap dispenser so he can properly wash them, watching the boy lather the soap and then rinse under the water after he finishes I tap the empty crystal to make the water stop before giving the boy a towel to dry his hands with.

After he finishes with that I hang up the towel while he grabs his plant, taking his empty hand I lead him to the meeting room turning on the wards again when we enter, watching the boy claim the bright green two seat sofa I sit in front of Maylen and activate a silencing spell.

"The boy will have to learn how to live here before we send him to school, we may even need to hire a private tutor to try and catch the boy up with those his age." saying this I know it will be hard on him, in a new world with new culture and technology if the bathroom incident was any indication.

  "He will have to begin cultivating as soon as possible in order to not be to far behind the others at his age." Maylen says, realizing I didn't tell her his mental realm was already open I immediately rectify that.

"He is already ahead in that regard seeing as his mental realm is already open and much larger than even the average newly awakener's mental  realm." Seeing the slight surprise flash by I feel myself sympathizing with her, if not for having done the imprint spell I wouldn't have noticed either. Most people can sense those whos mental realms are open as they will leak small amounts of energy but this is not happening with the boy.

"whatever cultivation style his people has appears to allow them to completely block the mental leak." I say, watching a look of interest flash through her eyes I know she will undoubtedly ask the boy about it at a later point.

Suddenly Maylen points to the couch the boy is on and you can see him curled up around his plant completely covering his body with the shirt, watching him he slowly begins to doze off. Getting up to prepare to return him to his room I can't help but pat him on his head. 

"We'll need to get his haircut and some clothes that actually fit." I tell Maylen while gently picking up the boy making sure the potted plant stays firmly in his arms as well as upright. Taking him to the corner guess room I lay him down while picking up his plant and sitting it on the shelf at the head of the bed.

Closing the door I return to the meeting room to discuss how we should go about adjusting the boy to the new world he now lived in.