Chereads / Dungeon jumper [bl] / Chapter 3 - Not so normal night

Chapter 3 - Not so normal night

When I opened my eyes there was only pitch black in my surrounding, all noises having ceased sometime between me falling unconscious and waking. Feeling around I begin to crawl trying to find light while remaining quite and hidden from any threats or monster.

Slowly pulling myself out from under the pile of dirt that lays on top of me I see small sparkles from what are known to be energy crystals, they are only found in energy dense area like dungeons and deep underground mines. 

  I stop for a second to reach for my waist for the knife all citizens over the age of five are provided for self protection in cases like this. Slowly crawling toward the wall with energy crystals in order to see the whole situation I notice how silent it is, no sounds of monsters or people, not even a peep beyond my own sound.

After what feels like minutes but was probably only a few seconds with how small the cave is, I reach the wall with some energy crystals and slowly push myself up to stand grabbing the biggest crystal near me I begin to pear at my surrounding more thoroughly. 

The portal is not there but that is common as many dungeons require you to beat the most powerful monster before the portal reappears and if you are not in contact when pulled into the dungeon you will be sent to different start locations, so unlikely for others to also be here. 

The best option for me currently is to see how dangerous the dungeon is and find my way to the boss location if not dangerous, while also making a signal around my current location if the dungeon is dangerous.

Based off the size of the crystals and low corruption level it is most likely a low grade dungeon meaning he should be able to safely make it to the boss room with some difficulty. Making my way out of the cave I woke up in no monsters appear so continue moving using the crystal in my left hand and dagger in my right hand.

Coming across a location were a battle has happened relief floods though me, the hunters were here and based off the hardened goo on the ground it's been at least ten minutes since they left. When slimes are killed they become a goo pile before hardening after ten minutes, and I know hunters killed them because slimes can only be killed by attacking with energy.

Although they are the lowest mob they come in high numbers and are hard to kill as only strikes with energy can do permanent damage to kill, there is a reason you have at least be D-rank to be a hunter as well as have enough skill.

If a hunter waste energy to quickly they will simply lead to their on death due to being unable to properly defend against or kill their opponent. Fortunately for him the hunters have been here meaning if he follows after them the path will be clear of dangers as the hunters will have killed all the mobs in the way to prevent flocking when they attack the boss.

Though only some bosses do it, it's better to kill all mobs before reaching the boss than be flocked by hundreds of mobs along with a more powerful boss enemy. Some bosses even have intelligence and can organize the mobs under them making it impossible to target the most dangerous one first while it picks them off.

Wandering further into the caverns he follows the signs of fights while being cautious not to make any noise so as to not draw attention of any nearby monsters to him and potentially lose the hunters pathway. Walking for what felt like hours but was most likely only half an hour at most he comes to a place with different looks, there are small amounts of bones around, the boss room is nearby.

Walking into a large cavern filled with dried slime and old bones there is no sound to be heard in the area aside from my own inhales and exhales that as I stare at the room have begun to increase, clearly this should be the boss room so where was the hunters or the portal or the boss if the hunters had failed. I had expected many things when entering but not the eerie silence that permeates the room.

Slowly panic sets in, but I calm myself down all I could do was think of alternate possibilities as to why the boss room had no boss, no hunters, and no portals that isn't the worst possibility. 'what if this is a fake boss room, it can happen with more intelligent bosses' or 'maybe this was their trash room and not the boss room' but my denial would not change what I was looking at.

I begin to wander through different caverns marking the one I pass through so not to keep looping, no one, only an eerie silence as one hour turns to two and then four there is no more denying it.

I'm stuck in a closed dungeon. I'm somewhere even the most powerful hunters had never returned from.