Jt is a college dropout scrambling to finish a technical degree in the outskirts of Chicago in an attempt to get his life together. Riding a moped into the inner city for work in a diner he barely manages to scrap by with help from his single mother in Tennessee.
Sometime into his shift as a line cook he encounters a couple complaining about the food. Though his co-workers find the pestering insistent and annoying jt sees through the boyfriends bravado and recognizes himself a few months prior.
Troubling memories of his time spent with his own ex girlfriend in college cause him to sympathize with the man trying to appease to his partners outburst. Though near the end of the shift jt remakes the couples food at the initial resistance of his coworkers.
The women's vain but satisfied expression resurfaces more memories of jt buying drinks in a club for his ex. (Insert vague indicators of drug abuse here.)
Jt is snapped back by the owners both praise and angered response. The owner is dissatisfied at the other employees refusal to ammend the bad customers wishes immediately. Jts co-workers call him a kiss ass citing he only helped the couple for his own selfish wishes at becoming Sioux chef.
Jt opens his mouth to voice his reasoning but decides against it. He feels fear rather than resentment set in. Has he lost all ambition to seek better opportunities for himself? Will he wonder aimlessly from shitty job to shitty job just for a stupid pittance raise and title?