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Prince of the dark country

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The Vampires , there are people who believes that Vampire doesn't exist and does exist Have you heard about Kingdom Seriyana And their king Daniel Seriyana......He is a good hearted human and a great king of the Seriyana Kingdom, but he's a one that who doesn't believes in Vampires, devils or not even God He think that every single thing in the world was made up of man Men created this world and men will rule this world..... He have 5 daughters who is both beautiful and brilliant, 4 of his elder daughters always follows their father's words and actions ,they also doesn't believes in Vampires, devils and God Except his younger daughter, she is delightful ,lovely ,sweet as sugarcane, caring , like a butterfly, brave, with the eyes of the sea she was the definition of beauty , But because of her dusky skintone , curves, and her heavy curly black hair ,she was getting humiliated by her own people But they couldn't break her self confidence , She was getting hurt and insulted by everyone , but she never let her self confidence and self respect go down, she was a brave young lady who fought for herself and can stand by herself But she had a weak point ,......the only weakness that can even destroy herself, her love.... her love for someone , she felt attracted to a person who she heard in the stories by her royal maid Yes The Secret Vampire Prince of the dark country....she felt love and attraction towards the Vampire Prince whom she have never seen , she doesn't even know his name, and nobody knows if he does exist or not But after a lot of waiting finally she found her Prince, But not as her loved one but as her enemy.... He was the one who destroyed her whole family and her Kingdom And what will she choose, the one who she waited this long to meet ,the Vampire Prince, or her family and Kingdom?...... The Dark country which is know as the Simha Empire, this Empire is located beyond the seven great Oceans, a secret Empire that nobody can reach out , which is ruled by the bloodthirst Vampires, even the air at the Empire smells like blood It's like a bad dream that nobody ever wanna see , and do you know it's the Empire of the secret Vampire Prince But he is a good hearted one ,but his vampire isn't.... He doesn't know that he's the Danger himself..... He doesn't know about his powers But he will ,one day , then it's gonna be a game over The Secret Prince of the dark country

Chapter 1 - Prince of the dark country

Simha Empire 

Miyabi Simha 

Patrick Simha 

Eagle Simha 

Jonathan Simha 

Melin Simha 

Gregnias Simha 

Methelina Simha 

Seriyana Kingdom 

Catherine Seriyana 

Clara Seriyana 

Cathy Seriyana 

Joana Seriyana 

Linda Seriyana 

Daniel Seriyana 

Samantha Seriyana 

Uvi And Reva 

Anna(god mother)

Satur Empire 

Gabriel Satur 

Princess Elizabeth Satur 

The unknown prince 












King Bram Arthur 

Mike Arthur 

Other characters Will pop on the way of story .


Vampire attack 


At satur Kingdom where humans only live 

" Vampires Are Here run....."

Yes King Gregnias Simha And His Vampires Are Again Attacking A Human Kingdom 

The Vampires always attacks human Kingdoms for blood ,they are bloodthirst Vampires so they can't live without blood 

They have attacked 5 Human Kingdoms till now  and their next target is satur Kingdom, 

They Killed Almost Everyone In Every Kingdom they have attacked and made some people into Vampires 

(When A Vampire Bites, People Don't turn into Vampires, but when a vampire Mixes It's Poison While Biting Then The Person Who Got Bit will turn into a vampire)

Never Kills Children, They Take Them to the Empire and when kids turn adult they choose the boys to be Vampires and make the girls their sex Slaves And they do same to women's too 

And one more thing is that ,Vampires Never Kills The human Kings Or Never Make Them Vampires 

They Make the Kings To Be The Slaves Of Their Slaves 

But they are not here for only blood but for something else that Is really precious,  THE BLUE DIAMOND  which will always bring success to you ,the defention of luck  the blue diamond , 

The blue diamond is the tear drop of the fairy of fire which have fallen into the earth , the diamond will start to show its luck after a year when it comes to earth .

And now the blue diamond is at the satur Kingdom and the Vampire King Got to know about it .

Present Time

The Informer Informed The King That the Vampires Are Here To Attack.

The King Took All The Preparations

Women and kids should not come out of their house

And Every Soldier And Every men in the country should come and fight against the Vampires

The King Never Thinks That Women's Are Not Strong Enough To Fight, He's Just Afraid Because What If They couldn't stop the Vampires. They will only kill men ,but they will Sexually Abuse Woman.

The King Doesn't Want To See That Situation

But he surely gives respect to women and believes that they Are very strong mentally and physically

All Men And Soldiers arrived at the Palace

The King Led Them To The battle field .The Informer was also with them. The King Stood In The Front With No Fear In His Eyes, And Everyone Stood Behind Gabriel .

The King's Name Is Gabriel Satur, His Wife Died 3 months ago giving birth to his daughter who is now 3 months old ,her name is princess Elizabeth Satur, she was known as the soul of luck in the kingdom, Everyone in the kingdom says that she's a gift by God. And he have a son who is now eight years old, but his name is not revealed yet .

Every corner in the kingdom become silent , but nobody didn't know that this was the silence before all of their brutal death

Only the Cries of Vultures And wild eagles were heard .They Waited There For an hour but they didn't even got see a single Fly

The king started to loose his patience and asked to the Informer

" Where's The Vampires?"

"I saw them, they were leading towards here "

"Then Where Are They?we Are Waiting for a hour, still I don't see any .."

The King Got Annoyed and angry to the Informer, for creating such a terrible moment for the people

"You will definitely pay for making my people worry "

Gabriel ordered to kill the Informer for giving a false information

The soldiers Forcefully Catched The Informer, He Tried To Free Himself But He couldn't, the soldiers were so strong

"Leave me...leave me....I beg you ,I said the truth ,I saw them"

The Informer cried and Begged for his life .

The people was also supporting the soldiers to kill him for making all of them worry

But Suddenly They Heard screaming and Cries from their behind

"RUNNNN.....runnn....the Vampires Are Here RUNNNN...."

They all turned and saw the Unbearable view ,Every woman of the country was crying and running towards them, some of them were without Cloths,some with ripped clothes, Bruises On Their Face And Body, Bite Marks On Their Neck.

The Sky Turned all black

"What happend to the climate? "

They all looked at the sky

Lacks of Bats Were Coming Covering The Sun causing the darkness, and they were coming towards the people, Gabriel and the people got shocked seeing this, they never thought of this action

The Informer Escaped From The Soldiers by this chance and Escaped From There.

People Started to scream and run, there was nothing that they can do , the Vampire were way more powerful and dangerous than they thought.

But Gabriel was still standing there thinking of something

His eyes were covered with fear,

But not the fear of death

It's the fear of love

Its The Fear Of Care

It's the fear of a father for his daughter

Yes His Daughter, it was this moment were Gabriel the king of satur Kingdom turned to Gabriel the father. He Wants to save his daughter ,he doesn't want her to die or be a vampire, or be a sex Slave When She grows up .

He wants his daughter Elizabeth to live her life .

Suddenly the Bats started to change into Human figure and started to attack people, they were killing the people Mercilessly, they raped Women's infront of their man and killed men brutally infront of their women.

They were throwing children in the air like balls,the kids landed hard on the floor, which caused major injuries ,they Peirced Their Nails Into Children's Eyes Which Was Unbearable.

Gabriel was still standing there doing nothing, he doesn't know what to do. His self respect has gone away, his empire is Drowning In The Deep Sea Of Vampires, he felt pity on himself.

Gregnias Simha (Vampire king) saw Gabriel Standing Still, Gregnias Took His Cruel Vampire Out And Roared Like A Lion And Jumped On Gabriel



An old woman with a single leg was laying on the ground Drenched In Blood

How Ever She Managed To Stand Up and slowly was moving to somewhere hiding herself from the Vampires, She moved towards the direction of the Palace, She Secretly Stepped Inside The Palace, every corner of the Palace were attacked by Vampires.

She Slowly Went Near The Secret Room ,it was totally a dark room ,and at the center a baby crib was there ,

She went near the crib and looked inside it ,There was a small baby girl sleeping inside it .the lady felt sorry for the baby for the baby's fate, a tear drop of the lady fell on the baby's cheeks.

The Baby Slowly Opened Her Eyes, It Was so Magical It Was Blue And Deep As The Ocean...the Eyes Wanted To Say A Eternity Of Story Of Whom She Really Was...the lady was keep staring at her eyes ,it was hypnotizing her

"I have never seen such a beautiful eyes before, who are you?tell me who are you "

The Baby Passed A Small Giggle To Her, Yes It Was Princess Elizabeth

The Lady Smiled Lightly And Took The Baby In Her Hands, but by taking the baby in her hands a pleasent light occured in her body ,something had happened to her but she didn't notice

She Covered The Baby In A GREEN Silk Cloth and placed her in a basket.

She Slowly Went Out Of The Palace and when near the river side .she put the baby along with the basket to the river, the basket started to flow according to the little waves present in the river .but for her Unluck Two Vampires Saw The Lady And Came To Attack Her, But suddenly the baby turned into a beautiful fairy and killed both the Vampires and again Turned Into Baby Elizabeth And Was Laying on The Basket In The River, The old lady was so shocked by this,

"Ohh My God, Princess Elizabeth You Were A Fairy, I Can't Believe This"

She looked at the lady until she disappeared from her sight.

She was about to go ,but something stopped her .she looked at the reflection of her in the water ,she was not old anymore, she again became young ,she turned to be a beautiful young lady and she had her both legs ,she thanked Princess Elizabeth In Her Heart and Escaped From There

(Elizabeth is not a fairy ,it's just that the fairy of fire helped her ,and no more fairy sequence will not going to be happen in the story , the story will be about the secret prince of the dark country, who is the danger himself and Catherine the princess who is waiting for her Vampire Prince, and for revenge,attacks and 5 love stories)

By this time the whole country was full of dead bodies, not even one was left alive ,everybody is dead

2 days later

Vultures And Hynas Were Eating The Dead Bodies. The Crown Of The King Was Laying On The Ground An Eagle Came And Took It With It's Legs And Flew Away From There.

3days later

At Seriyana Kingdom

Queen Samantha and her maids were having fun in the river side ,but suddenly one of her maid noticed something

" your Highness Please Look At There, what's that "

Samantha Looked At The Opposite Side OF The River

"It's a basket right? What's In It?"

They Heard a baby's cry ,they went shocked

"Uvi ,reva go there and bring the basket here "

"As you say your Highness "

Uvi And Reva Swimmed Towards The Basket, They Looked At It And Got Shocked

"Your Highness There's A baby in it "

Samantha Looked At The Basket there was a little girl covered with "RED"silk cloth ....

Samantha Looked At Her Eyes

"Who are you little girl? Your Eyes....there's Something About Your Eyes... now onwards I will take care of you..."

"BUT your Highness, it's a brown baby"

Samantha gived a death stare to reva .

"Please forgive me your Highness "

They took the baby to the palace and showed the baby to the King Daniel

"My Lady where did you get the baby from ?"

"The Baby Was Found Abadoned In The river"

"She's really beautiful, she Really Have Magical and deep as the sea"

"Your Highness I have a request, can we keep the baby as our daughter?"

Daniel Thinked For A Moment

"Yes we can, but In one condition, "

"What is it your Highness?"

" first we have to know about the baby, what if she got lost from her parents? So we should know about that"

Daniel ordered his soldiers to search for the baby's parents

After two days

Samantha came to the baby to feed her


Samantha Screamed, The King and and soldiers rushed to the room hearing her scream

"What happend ?why did you scream?"

Sam raised her finger towards the baby , Daniel look to there and got shocked

The Baby was laying on the bed Peacefully but there was a crown near the baby which was covered in blood .Daniel took the crown from there and consolved Sam. He looked towards the baby and thought .

"I know my daughter, there's Something really tragic behind you , but now you are in the hands of king Daniel Seriyana in the kingdom Seriyana and I promise you I will keep you safe in any chance by my life , this is King Daniel Seriyana's Word...."

Daniel placed the crown in the locker at their secret room in the palace ,

Someone else was watching all these hiding himself

After a week

"We are really sorry your Majesty, we didn't got a single information about the baby , there's no one for the baby , this is a mysterious baby my lord "

"You may please leave"

" I Daniel Seriyana is now letting you all know that now onwards this baby will be the youngest princess of the country, I adopt this baby as my daughter , and I Name the baby as princess CATHERINE SERIYANA "

Daniel and Samantha had 4 daughters, they four felt so happy to get a baby sister

But someone was not happy with this decision , yes Samantha, she was not happy ,she was worried all the time ,Daniel noticed it.

"now you all may leave , my lady please stay here"

They all leaved from there

Now there was only Daniel and Samantha

"My Lady, what happend to you ,I see ,you are not happy"

"My lord I think we should not keep the baby "

"What? What are you saying ? You are the one who wanted to keep her ,but what happened to you now ? "

"I think the baby will cause dangers for our children too, don't you remember the crown covered in blood and now our soldiers didn't get any information about her ,shes not normal she's a mysterious baby , I'm scared "

Daniel smiled slightly

"You don't need to worry about anything, trust me I will protect you and our daughters at any cost ,this is my word ...."

By saying this Daniel leaved from there

But Sam was still not convinced by this

Someone was still eves dropping them.

Days months and years went , Catherine is 5 years old now, she was really happy with her lovely sisters , always playfull and charming.

But Sam was not liking this ,she was sure about Catherine will cause dangers for her daughters .Her love for her children turned to be hate towards Catherine.

And something happened which caused Sam to have more hate towards Catherine,

One day when they 5 were playing when a wolf appeared from somewhere and tried to attack Catherine, but for saving Catherine, Clara (Eldest daughter of Daniel) jumped on the wolf , but the wolf scratched on the back of her neck .

After that incident Daniel thought of appointing someone to take care of the children.

He started Selection for the gaurd ,it should be a strong and brilliant man ,who should be around 30 or 40 .

Somany Men were trying to get appointed but they all were not getting appointed

Daniel heard some noise on the entrance and went to there to see ,some soldiers were blocking a young man who seems to be around 20 were trying to get into the Palace.

" what's happening here? Who are you boy?"

As soon as he saw Daniel he bowed down to him .

"Your Highness, myself Jack, I'm from Shangho village, I'm here for the gaurd job "

"NO you can't, you may leave"

Jack holded Daniel's feet

"Please your Majesty, I should have this job ,please "

Daniel holded Jack by his collar and was about to throw him of the Palace

"Stop It Daniel "

Daniel turned and saw ,Anna God mother of the country

Everyone including Jack and Daniel bowed down to Anna.

"Select this young man as the gaurd Daniel "

By saying this she went away from there

Daniel had no option left ,Daniel never neglects Anna's word

"You are the new gaurd of the Princesses "

"As you say my lord"

Jack smiled.

Jack started to do his job perfectly, everything is going perfectly fine, but as they are growing up everybody started to compare Catherine with her sisters they started to make fun of her because of her dusky skin ,curves and heavy curly hair and was totally humiliating her .but she was a strong girl who was not ready to give up her self respect and self confidence before her looks.yes she's a little emotional but didn't give up and started to make her own happiness in her life.

15 years later

At Simha Empire

It's a nice weather outside, A rich and royal Palace, A beautiful garden near the Palace, the scent of the beautiful flowers were grooming in the air, so many decorations made up of glasses were hanged on every corner of the Palace. The sun was covered by the clouds, Suddenly every soldier in the Palace started to bow down as Respect as they all soon saw someone coming. They all were bowing to a young man whose face was brighter than the stars, his long blonde hair were dancing according to rhythm of the wind ,touching his flawless milky white skin.royal maids of the Palace were hiding behind the walls and was smiling and admiring his beauty.

They all were hiding and doing this ,still he can sense it .his smile were like pearls falling down to the earth, As a surprise the clouds started moving away from the sun , the sun got even brighter than usual, every flower in garden started to spread its petals a little more wide and made their addictive scent spread on the air again, like the nature is also happy seeing his face, the sunlight hit on glass decorations and the light fell on his face which made his face burn a little.


he hissed in pain, hearing his beautiful deep yet sweet voice made one of the maid unconscious and she fainted.he saw the maid falling, some maids took care of her and the rest of them emerged to him

"Your Highness are you ok ?"

He looked at them, his Manly seductive red eyes made them drool over him .

Vampires have got red eyes to seduce women and when they fall in their seduction they will slowly approach them as they are going to make love with them, they will start to kiss their neck and then bite them and drinks their blood .

"I'm all ok"

He directly went to the maid who was fainted, she became conscious but was still sitting on the floor. He bend down to her level and placed his hand on her cheek , she felt like Butterflies dancing inside her stomach

"Are you ok miss?",his Manly voice made her Shiver through her spine

"I'm ok my love"

All the maids and soldiers got shocked from what she said , he gived a confused look to her

One of the maid hit on her back , she came back to her sense, and jumped off from the floor,

"I'm sorry ,I'm really sorry your Highness, please forgive me ,I never meant to...please forgive me "

"NO I won't forgive you "

The maid started to panick

He smiled

" so you want me to forgive you right?"

"Yes your Highness "

"So you have let me do a painting of you "

The maid give a confused look, but quickly said a yes

He gived a basket of fruits in her hands and made her stand in one leg like a goose.

He started to paint her picture, she were really struggling with her position

"Hey don't move "

"I'm trying your Highness "

Everyone were watching all these, they all were having so much fun with his Highness, but suddenly a Informer emerged from the Palace.

"Your Highness my lord is calling you "

"Why father called me?"

"Everyone is waiting for you your Highness "

"Why everyone is waiting for me?,is there any serious issues?"

"Your Highness there are some special guests here, my lord really want to introduce your Highness to the guests "

"Huhh do you know who are they?"

"I'm sorry your Highness, I'm not allowed to say that "

"It's ok don't worry ",he passed a smile to the Informer

The Informer led the prince to the main hall

It was a huge hall ,at the center there were a huge throne situated and at the left and right side of the throne there were two more thrones but not as huge as the first one .

And so many royal chairs at the left and right side of the hall, it was located little down level from the thrones.

Somany ladies and gentlemen were seated on the royal chairs, their clothes and ornaments shows that they all are from the royal families by wealth. A huge man with a great mustache red eyes and white skin were sitting on the main throne his eyes were made of fire, he looked so dangerous. His eyes were like a source of fearlessness that would never be feared of anything in this world not even his death .

And the throne at the left side there was a woman seated on it, a middle aged woman, to express her, she was like the female version of the man seated on the main throne. The only difference is she doesn't have a mustache, yes it was none other than King Gregnias Simha And His wife queen Methelina Simha.

And there was no one on the throne at the right ,it was for the crowned prince.

Four young man was standing behind the royal chairs with anger in their eyes.

The prince and the Informer entered to the great main hall.

All the soldiers at the main hall bowed down to the prince.

The prince walked towards the king and queen. He stood infront of them , he took the sword, placed it closer to his chest and bowed down to the King and queen.

They shaked their head as a yes.

Then he stood infront of the throne facing the people. He bowed down to them and bowed down to his brothers who were standing behind the royal chairs, they gived him death stares , he felt a little sad seeing it , then he sat on the right throne.

Gregnias Simha stood up from his throne and started to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I kindly welcome you all to my son's birthday function. I'm so thankful that you all are here. So let me Come to the point, so I arranged this ceremony for introducing my youngest son cum the crowned prince of Simha the most powerful empire from the entire world. Know its his 23rd birthday. I would love to reveal his name to you all. I introduce to you all this is MIYABI SIMHA, the Vampire Prince, future king of simha Empire. Who's gonna make this entire world in his hands.

Everyone clapped for Miyabi, Miyabi passed a light smile but he was Disturbed, something was Making him Disturbed. He looked at his brothers who is now completely hating him. His heart skipped a beat, he got goosebumps, his eyes started to get wet ,his lips were trembling. His ears and nose turned red.he tried to control his tears but he can't, a tear drop fell down from his eyes, he quickly wiped it but Gregnias noticed it

Everyone is enjoying the party, Methelina went to Miyabi and took him with her to meet someone.

"Miyabi meet him he's the youngest alpha king from alphian Empire, he's only 28 and his name is SAMUEL "

Methelina introduced Samuel to Miyabi

Samuel was a 28 year old young alpha king. For sure he was handsome by his body.

Samuel looked Miyabi from his head to toe, which made Miyabi feel a little uncomfortable

"It's so nice to meet you Miyabi "Samuel showed his hands for a hand shake but Miyabi bowed down to him ,

"Nice to meet you your Majesty "

As a sudden action Samuel hugged Miyabi

"NO need of bowing down your Highness "

Miyabi is feeling so much of uncomfortability now .

His brothers were watching all these from a side

Jonathan (third elder brother )"something is not good with this Samuel "

Melin (4th elder brother)"yes you are right first of all he's ugly!!!"

"What!!!" Jonathan gave a wtf look

Melin"i mean he's handsome but not handsome as much as me "

Eagle (2nd elder brother)"shut up both of you ,and behave yourself "

Jo and melin didn't listen to Eagle and continued blabbering...

Patrick (Eldest Brother) got angry and looked towards Jonathan and melin, they became quite, Eagle stood infront of them and apologized to Patrick

"I'm asking sorry for their behavior, sorry brother "

Patrick gave them a death stare and looked towards Samuel who was touching Miyabi's body and talking to him and then went away from there.

Eagle looked towards Jonathan and melin.

They pointed their finger towards window to escape and ran away from there.

Eagle looked towards the window side and saw a cute beautiful girl with red eyes were showing her hands and calling someone hiding herself, he looked for the person whom she was calling and saw the person was Miyabi who she was calling.

He saw Miyabi jumping from the window and ran away to somewhere with that girl. To deep inside the forest, she was not a vampire she was a were wolf and was running inside the forest, Miyabi was following her .

When they reached inside the deep forest Miyabi sat on a rock, his eyes went through the surroundings once ,the were wolf came infront of Miyabi who was sitting on the rock, she again Turned Into her human. She stood up infront of him, she was standing naked infront of him, He Turned his head down loosed his lengthy jacket and gived it to her. She wore it, his strong fragrance was now completely spread on her body. She felt like she's now in the protection of a strong man, she bowed down to him, suddenly he started to laugh hard

"What are you laughing for?"

He tried to control his laughter

"Why the hell are you bowing down to me ?you are my best friend you never bow down to me. "

"Because till now you were just my best friend but now you are announced officially as the crowned prince of this simha Empire, so I should bow down right?"

But her words made him Disturbed ,his face again Turned Into sad expression he turned his gaze to somewhere else to avoid what she said. She understood he's not happy with this, she tried to change the topic,

"So today is your birthday right?"

"Yes It is"

"Did anybody wish you ?"

"NO ,no one did"

"So I SELENA PARI ALPHA wishes the new king a very happy birthday"

"Thankyou Selena "

He smiled

" wait your name is Selena pari alpha right?"

"Yes why?"

"BUT you are a were wolf !then why your name ends with alpha?"

"It's because my father was an Alpha king and my mother was a fairy , and you know one thing my father's name is also Miyabi and my mother's name is pari "

"What?really?your father's name is Miyabi?"

She shaked her head as a yes

"Can I meet him?"

"NO you can't because they both are dead, they both gave their life to save this world when I was 12 , "

She was so proud .

"Ohh I'm really sorry, I never meant to"

"Don't worry I'm not sad infact I'm so proud of my parents, they gived their life for a great save "

She smiled

"As you was this honest to me so I think I should be honest to you too,I have something to say "

"What is it?"

"Actually this is not Simha Empire "

"What?,what are you saying?"

"The truth , this is not simha Empire, the place were we are now standing is just an illusion, this place doesn't exist .it's just an illusion created by my father , the real simha Empire is located beyond the great seven sea, only Vampires can reach out there ,infact I never saw the real simha Empire, because I still didn't even found my real vampire, and when I gets to find my real vampire, I can go to the real Simha Empire, and from that moment onwards I will die ,miyabi simha will die and will turn to a cruel emotionless Vampire MITHATO MOHONGHO ,it will be a new identity of mine , but nobody will love to see the new me ,because I will be the danger my self , the most .And will not be able to control my self ,I will turn to be an animal, will turn to be the king of the world .And the only thing I know about the simha Empire is its an living HELL....."

Selena was extremely shocked to hear all this ,but was sad at the same time thinking about her friend.

Then they talked for a lot of time and when it got darker ,Selena went home ,but Miyabi was still in the jungle

At the Palace

Gregnias is searching for Miyabi, but he didn't saw him anywhere, Gregnias asked the soldiers about Miyabi but they all said they all didn't saw him anywhere

Gregnias was getting really angry and started throw and break things

The four simha Brothers were watching all these silently holding their arms crossed. He Ordered the boys to find Miyabi, they went out of the Palace

Patrick was so angry

"Why father is always giving us the duty to take care of that idiot?" He burst in anger

"Because we are his brothers "melin said normally

Patrick gived him a death stare and turned his gaze away and said

"Now ,where to find this idiot?"

Eagle "I know where he is"

They all went inside the jungle to find him

"Miyy....miyy...where are you?"

They all were keep searching for him But didn't saw him anywhere

When they were passing through the river side ,they heard a sound from one of the tree ,they looked up on the tree ,there was a little bat sitting on it, they understood who it is .

Melin"miyabi come down here "

The little bat saw the four young man and he came down and turned into Miyabi

Jonathan "Why are you here?"

"I was jus-- aahhhhh..."

SLAP ----

Patrick slapped Miyabi hard on his face ,tears started to roll down from his eyes,but Patrick didn't mind it and walked away, the three also went with him ,Miyabi followed his brothers, they reached at Palace, Gregnias saw Patrick was Angry and was rushing towards his room ,3boys also followed him ,Gregnias saw Miyabi crying, Gregnias hugged Miyabi

"What happend?"

" pat slapped me

"It's ok he's your bigbrother ,Gregnias consolved Miyabi.

At Patrick's room

Patrick was so angry, he took a bottle of liquor and started to drink it

Eagle "Why did you slap him?"

Patrick didn't said anything

Eagle understood the situation and went near Patrick and sat on the bed near him ,

"Don't worry I can understand, Samuel will not harm Miyabi " Eagle passed a smile to pat

Eagle made Patrick sleep and took Jonathan and melin outside of his room ,the two boys asked what was Patrick worried about

"Patrick was just worried about Miyabi when Miyabi was missing for a long time Patrick thought Samuel had done anything wrong to miyabi,he was so tensed that's why he slapped Miyabi.

After two days

At Seriyana Kingdom

"My Lady the Vampire prince's name is revealed!!!!.....