2,000 years ago, humanity lived peacefully on Earth until everything came to an abrupt end. Demons, Golems, Antikos, and many other monsters invaded the planet, killing a quarter of the population within a month. People were frightened and begged the gods for help, but no answer came, leaving them to fend for themselves.
Initially, people were terrified of the monsters, but they soon realized that they had to fight back. The first war, named "The Bloody Sea," was devastating, with humanity losing a quarter of its population and being forced to retreat. They tried everything to become stronger and defend themselves against the monsters.
Then, unexpectedly, humans began killing weak monsters and found stones left behind when they died. People were confused, but soon discovered that consuming these stones made them stronger. However, some stones were poisonous, so they wrote a book about the different stones and their properties.
After a few years, humans had gained unique abilities, and it became apparent that newborn babies also had powers without eating stones. Humanity grew strong enough to reclaim the city called Nekromora and fight back against the monsters.
630 years after this cruel incident, humanity had somewhat adapted to the new world. They had built new cities, and one of these cities was Nekromora, the mightiest and oldest of them all. This city was ruled by a very strong king named Cedric, also known as King Cedric the Invincible.