Two hours had passed since the lawyer left their line of sight, and under normal circumstances, he shouldn't have been able to leave this Security Zone.
Other areas that possessed Genesis Strange Stories would only be more dangerous; he simply needed to find a corner to hide in, with no need to run off to other areas.
Indeed, just as Yu Liang had expected, about three minutes later, he saw a face full of shock from his grappling hook.
"!" the lawyer exclaimed upon realizing the Writer had captured him. His face displayed tension and then shifted to panic, "What do you want to do to me? This is still the Sea City Alliance's territory. They won't let you mess around!"
"Are all you people from the Sea City Alliance this stupid?" Ze asked Yu Liang seriously.
"Don't drag me into this; I wasn't even a player when you were mixing it up in the Sea City Alliance," Yu Liang clarified, distancing himself from that label.