Soon, the Perfumer's sniffer results came in. She smelled the scent of another creature in the tent, some unknown creature that had stayed there for a while, ate its fill, and then ran out of the tent, following a path that led into the sewer.
Opening the sewer manhole cover, one could see the winding paths of the Underground World, That was another realm altogether.
The smell of the Underground World was incredibly complex, and the Perfumer could not discern much more. For now, she could only determine that there indeed was such a Strange Story Creature.
"Disperse the people, seal off several pathways to the Underground World that are surrounding us, and guard them closely. At the same time, make proper defenses for the camp," the Priest, as the only Founding Seat present who could command authority, immediately issued a command. "We at least have to defend the Security Zone for another night, waiting for Coach and the others to arrive."