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Statera..(A story between light and dark..)

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A boy of light simply trying to get by unknowing of his own destiny.. Meets one of darkness aware of his.. (LGBTQ characters you don't like it leave) what would these situations....

Chapter 1 - Dreams or nightmares


That was the only thought that bounced in Brash's mind..Each step he took or rather each step he jumped caused his muscles to burn and his lungs to scream in agony and protest.

The uneven ground caused his feet to slam against the too rough floor, stary roots catching his feet every now and then, arms flailing out wildly..Heavy pants leaving him trees whipping around him. Farther into the sky, clouds churned in an unsettling manner.

Yet even with each passing second…

Even with each passing burning breath he couldn't stop..

Because he knew what was approaching him was much worse much worse than a little burning...

Leaps and final breaths…Yet there comes a point where the humanity of your body will take over even when you tell yourself to pull your legs up and jump..Your muscles seize the movement for their own good..Or at least what they believed was their own good….

Instead of leaping in a graceful manner over the roots his toes snapped underneath them Brash let out a high shriek that never even left the densely packed area which he was in…

Even as he held his hands out to brace for the fall it wasn't enough falling to his side slamming into his ribs and grazing his skin ... .A shriek leaving his mouth eyes screwed shut, a natural human reaction…

Laying in the dirt face smashed into the gravel below…He let out a groan.. "Oh god…." As his senses slowly came back to him panic entered into his gut like a slowly inflating balloon….as a horrific sound that could not be put into words snarls screech's drooling and horrific sounds..Slamming in the distance with every passing second that Brash spent on the ground the closer the beast came…

Brash raised the top half of his body Golden brown eyes frantically looking around squinting in the dark desperate for any escape…yet feet and calves trapped in the roots..?

Was it in roots?

Or were they hands grabbing out at his legs?

Was this a forest?

No..It couldn't be not with the way the shapes twisted and shook and turned?,...

Yet what else could it be?

Were the leaves really level or rather eyes peering down at him?

Was the ground really even there?

An icy cold feeling covered Brash's entire body, freezing up he stared upwards wondering if it had started to rain and he hadn't noticed in his panic, it would be the only phenomenon to explain the feeling, right?

Wrong.. Brash seemed to be wrong most of the time…

He turned to see that…..that thing…

Crouched over him…

But did it look the same?

This always happened didn't it..?

So then why doesn't he look right?....

The..Imposing figure..Had no mouth no eyes no anything…..

Yet he spoke.. "What don't remember what he looks like?"

The voice sounded like it was coming through a radio tower ... .the voice sounded far away close all around and nowhere at the same time…setting alarm bells in Brash's mind.

"Oh come on, just make something up!" A horrific sound like a vinyl sound crashing out in the background too far to decipher and too close to focus on…

And then the form of that thing..It swapped in changed in cracked bones and muscles changing…A face of a friend a stranger..and then…

You but not you..

And something he could not comprehend….

With that Brash screamed loud enough to push the cold away screamed loud enough to push the reality around him..away..

beeping…Beeping in the distance..a slam of Brash body turning upward, eyes unfocused, head swimming…Heart beating out of his chest..Slowly as his eyes focused back into..


The alarm was not making life any easier the constant beeping like a drum in the back of his head.. A slam and resounding beep trailing off into the distance…

Brash groaned loudly, hand slipping up his face, rubbing his eyes pouting and gritting his teeth with a disdainful look to his window. He realised that he had in fact woken up on time.

Yet it was not his time of choice he groaned and rubbed his face annoyed..If he had a choice school would start at nine and go till ten at most…He hated this..

Standing up he stretched hearing a few muscles snap like rubber bands in his back, he was scowling as if the universe had purposefully wronged him. Standing in the dark he felt periodic brushes of air..He realised his fan was still on reaching over through grumbles and annoyed breaths he managed to hit the button to make it stop spinning…

Finally Brash was resigned that this day was going to be like every other hard, tiring and unforgiving he snorted wondering when he got so into teenage angst. Reaching for his headphones he smoothened out his hair with hsi hand shoving them on he grabbed his phone..Not the newest model but it gets the job done.

Straying to the bathroom scrolling through his music app he passed a few of his songs that he had not touched since last year till he sound the five he repeated all throughout the day slapping on a heavy metal song he stood in front of the mirror leaning done to wash his face and then his hands slowly readjusting  his headphones over his head..He had overhead headphones as his ears were unnaturally shallow and could not hold airpods in.

As a screamer started to ring out in his ears he applied the toothpaste as the cold mint and water hit his tongue and teeth he began to relax a little eyes half lidded peering around the bathroom he saw his usual abundance of hairspray and body mist turned over in some places along a new razor that he barely had to use…

The tiles had grout forming in between them; it didn't bother Brash too much considering he was used to it

Eventually getting to distracted by his music he forgot to spit, choking on the toothpaste he cursed himself mentally before ;leaning down and finishing his endeavour pulling up and examining his teeth…He would never admit it but his mothers decision to put braces in despite the pain had payed of his teeth looked much better now and they would continue to do so if he took care of them.

Leaving the bathroom and finding the music still practically screaming down his head…He hadn't even noticed his mother had been calling him for the past five minutes…Finally she appeared in front of him with a terrifying expression on his face, instantly on arrival he removed his headphones and gave a sheepish smile with wide eyes accompanying it.

Brash's mother peered at him giving him an owlish look the headphones in Brash hand still played the music as he was listening to it obnoxiously loud it still played in the background. Finally after a moment of fumbling Brash got the headphones to stop playing he stood stock still waiting for the reaction.

Finally all he got was a sigh his mother seemed so done with Brash's attitude she softly gave him a  tired and sad smile and said. "So..Brash baby.. I am leaving for work a bit earlier than normal foods on the table okay..?' With that his mother brushed her blonde hair behind her ear. It was straight and frankly looked oily every now and then..But it fit her pale as Snow complexion.

Those were the honest giveaways that they could not be related..Brash wondered. Not with Brash's slightly darker complexion and dark eyes..they had never sat down and had that sort of conversation even they both knew…Yet it was nice to pretend it was nice to call Bernadeath mother, it was nice to hear her call him baby.

Placing his headphones back a top his head vaguely registering that he had to comb his hair and change out of his pyjamas soon throwing himself down at the table and picking up some of the bread with butter and egg…He watched his mother frantically run around around the room and garb a piece of bread then came in to kiss his forehead giving him a smile and then turning to leave as fast as she could.

Then the house was silent…With a yawn Brash lamented his loss of sleep. Nightmares were a common occurrence for him but that didn't mean that he was still not mad every time. Shoving the food in his mouth in a manner that would cause some to gag he was told he ate like a gremlin before.

Changing the music he was listening to to a light podcast…They were currently talking about a fridge delivery that had gone horribly wrong..Brash slowly wandered to his closet pulling out long baggy pants with chains and other fake accessories adorning it, the main colour being a deep green, followed by a oversized shirt a deep red..

He wandered back to the bathroom the clothes in hand.He only felt attractive in these clothes..Despite his mother usually either disapproving or not liking the style. As he threw on a few more chains in the form of necklaces and bracelets he took off his headphones briefly to brush out his dark brown almost black hair he had recently tried to cut into a wolf cut as it was his firts time it certainly wasnt the best but nothing a bit of hairspray and extensions couldnt fix.

Slowly moisturising his face and adding a little concealer here and there grumbling about his acne.

He turned and snapping his headphones back into place he strode downstairs grabbing his keys and backpack mentally noting that he had not done any of the homework he wandered out of the house it was cloudy outside, with a resounding slam of the door he left his house looking both ways across the street teeth gritted annoyed with just his life in general…

Registering that no cars were approaching he ran across the street in a half hearted jog nothing like before… slowing his pace once he reached the sidewalk on the other side of the road…..

  Pulling out his phone and aimlessly scrolling through a few forums occasionly replying to some others with questionable usernames..His feet on autopilot a dangerous activity but mostly accepted at this point in society.

Feet slamming into the pavement behind him huffs of breath a similar scenario played out just before no? 

No, these sounds were much more human, less bones cracking, less muscles twisting, less panic arising…Much more unathletic human sounds were leaving our followers…

Brash's headphones kept him away from reality sometimes from the better or the worse..

A slam and then a jump and a hand on the back of Brash's bag and shoulder caused him to whip around and without checking he pushed the imposing figure as hard as he could…

Eyes opening surprised that he had finally made contact with the beast?

Was he still asleep?

No, It was fucking Lin..

Of course it was, why would it not be..

From the pavement below Lin lay having been pushed to the ground just moments before, Brash blinked when had he become so bad at registering dreams and reality?

Or was this just a one off on Deja Vu?...

Snapping out of his reality warping thoughts Lin had grabbed his headphones firmly off his head and thrusted it into Brash's arms speaking in a slightly louder tone that resembled a bottle cap snapping up.

"Did you think before you pushed me?! I could have been seriously hurt, that is concrete you know!" 

Lin said walking closer to Brash with a huff and a eyeroll Brash blinked slowly coming back to the new conversation he scratched his head jogging to catch up with him and then snapping. "You're the one that snuck up behind a man just doing man things!"

His argument did not make any sense but to be honest most things Brash said didn't, Lin rolled his eyes squinting at him and then huffing. "You're a man...Right and I'm Jefferey Stark.."

Brash grinned excitedly that his schedule was going to Bantering with Lin and walking to school…

Lin gave him a look as their pace sped up, feeling themselves being later by the second…

Suddenly he asked 

"So..So did you have a good night's sleep?" Lin tried awkwardly; he was clearly concerned but Brash, being friends with him for a long time knew that he just hated getting attached…

"Nah but you know it is usually how it is.."

Brash said with an eyeroll then as they continued Lin did not respond unconsciously touching his face every now and then.

It was not unnoticed by Brash, Brash was not good with analysing subconscious actions so they simply continued to walk, having fun and smiling.

As the school came into view they saw their beat up building bricks jutting out in some strange angles..grass turning slightly yellow due to the lack of rain recently with the clouds being dark and the students all looking in various levels of disappointment to be at school, or just at this school.

It sort of made the entire environment look dead….

Was it dead?

No it just looked that way to be hopeful…

Hopeful right?

Time flies with both of the boys lost in their own thoughts, Lin subconsciously touching his face and checking his phone's front-facing camera every now and then.. Whilst Brash simply slouched and continued to walk….

It is said people with a guilty conscience are more easily startled by loud noises. Did you know that?

A resounding ringing echoing through the unfinished school hallways and the damp carpets and hollow walls with the bricks. Lin seems to jump and twist shuddering at the sudden noise..gritting his teeth and walking faster to reach class or….?

Brash simply let out a loud and rather well put "FUCK!" 

And started to run with Lin hot on his tail, both tearing down the dark carpet, the sounds of their shoes making squelches on the carpet, small amounts of greenish water being released.

Finally turning down another hallways drama posters and english competitions flyers that were poorly nailed into the wall, most of the other students had already made it to class but a few other stragglers were still running hard as they could matching Brash and Lins speed some matching Lins unathletic sounds as well.

Reaching a door that had a peeling letters and numbers on the plaque reading 


6 …

There he is?

6 Thompson Hether Island.

The name of their school's old principal, Barely any of the students paid it any mind these days.

Brash and Lin burst into the room.

A figure from the front of the room stared at them with an icy look. She was a woman that they knew as their teacher Ms.Allman her blue eyes pierced the two boys standing in the doorway mouldy carpet ending right before the classroom's unfinished wooden floors did.

Ms.Allman clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes focusing on the two boys with Lin doubled over and Brash giving Ms. Allman a daring smile.

Ms.Allmans drawling Persian accent spilled out of her mouth with her harsh words. "What did i even expect from kids like you..Just sit down.."

The rest of class was looking bored at the tables barely holding the weight, some on their phone others looking at Brash and giving him a exasperated smile whilst some others muttered to him that he was rather 'hard' for giving Ms.Allman of all teachers that sort of cheeky grin.

Brash paid no mind to any of their compliments and the occasional insult walking over to two empty seats beside a slightly well filled out girl who was doodling in her notebook with a pen that had charms hanging off the edges of it.

Physical touch intimidates people with a lack of self confidence.

"Mary-Anne~!!" Brash screamed whilst throwing his arms around the girl, Mary gave a jump

That was far too dramatic for the touch she received.

Mary reached up and pulled Brash off herself with ease, throwing him down into his seat by the scruff of his neck, turning to see Lin sauntering over crouching down, clearly more bothered by both the insults and compliments that were being thrown at him.

He settled down in the only other open seat, sighing and placing his head in his hands this is the type of attention he received when he was friends with both Mary and Brash he simply refused to speak pouting causing Mary to laugh and lay her own head on her arms,and face Lin where his eyes were now.

Mary giggled and then said 

"Hello! Linny Lin, what's up you tin?'

Lin just raised his brow the action looked quite stupid form the angle he was aimed at currently, Lin just looked away and sighed Mary picked up on the sudden and uncharacteristic change in Lin's behaviour.

Mary suddenly asked Lin "Dude are you okay? You are a bit off today, did Brash do something?"

Brash suddenly let out an affronted gasp hearing his name be brought up, he also laid his head down on his arms joining him having not done that before as he was not too sure if that conversation was private or not.

Lin just laughed and said "see she immediately assumed it was your fault what does that say about you!?' 

Brash just grumbled and looked away in mock offence.

"But no.." Lin muttered, sighing turning back to seeing Mary's more concerned face soft green eyes searching Lin's face Lin not wanting to worry her any longer just said. "Nah i have just been feeling so sad and angry lately with no explanation.."

Mary looked worried for Lin but before she could open her mouth Brash just muttered 

"Just Puberty innit?" 

Mary let out a laugh. The answer was so unexpected that she could not help but snigger, Lin just peered at him owlishly, opening his mouth trying to respond but not being able to, he simply had Bash continue.

"I mean you are the oldest so it makes sense?"

"By like a few months dude.."

Lin muttered back, finding his voice…Mary was about to reply but she was cut off by Ms.Allman stalking up to their table, the rest of the class also chattering away or not paying attention.

All three of the children turned to face the teacher… meeting her dark grey eyes…? No that wasn't right her eyes were usually a dark brown ... .Before the three had time to ponder this anymore Miss Allman turned to Brash and had her eyes sweep over his form. Mary gave a snigger knowing that Ms.Allman was always looking for faults with Brashes dress and character Lin knowing that as class representative, if he gave Ms.Allman some sweet words and a smile, hopefully Brash wouldn't end up in detention.


Lin began his normal routine of sweetly sugarcoating his words to his advantage to Miss Allman, starting off with a simple 

"good morning" 

and then slowly requesting Ms.Allman to leave them alone.

"Oh I'm so sorry but Brashes lack of uniform he forgets a lot of the time… I promise I will help him get dressed later!"

  As Lin spewed his normal saccharine sweet lies  to Miss Allman expecting it to work like a charm as it usually does….

  But for some reason she has no reaction..

  In fact she seems to be blankly staring at some Far Away point about Lin's head.

Mary immediately got worried at the lack of the usual reaction, she stood up bumping the chair into Lin by accident, as Lin let out a disgruntled sound of pain Mary ignored it walking over to Ms Allman, Concerned as she was she waves her hand in front of Ms Allman's face. 

She has no reaction the rest of the class didn't seem to notice some positively jovial at the lack of teaching and others not quite sure where the teacher was not they cared, occasionally they would look over their shoulders warily not out of concern but rather to make sure the teacher was far away, so they could continue their own activities.

Mary turned back to Face Brash and Lin an expression of pure concern washing over her face like water would over a rock...

  Lin awkwardly threaded his fingers in and out of a loose thread on his jumper slowly me muttered 

"should we call the ambulance or something? She isn't responding, could be a seizure…" Mary positively paled at that  sort of suggestion; she didn't like Ms.Allman as much as the next person, yet she would never wish ill on another human! 

The concern between both Lin and Mary's faces was nothing but opposed by Brash. He had a positively jovial smile on his face, he excitedly exclaimed, 

"Come on, just hit her!! At least once! She can't respond now!" 

Mary had a positively affronted look on her face, she turned back to Brash and yelled

"oh come on now you can't even joke about those things!"

Brash rolled his eyes and began a tirade 

"Who said I was joking?! You know how awful she's been all the time! To everyone putting me in detention for stupid violations. That doesn't even count! The other day I got a violation for ripped jeans!! Ripped jeans, what part of that is against a dress code? Who the hell is attracted to kneecaps?!" 

Lin rolled his own eyes too used to Brashes loud complaining he personally didn't agree with the dress code but what was the use in arguing about something that Authority had built years ago it wouldn't change anything…

Despite the previous protest Brash stood up with a determined smile on his face, along with some mischievous laughter. 

Mary groaned and tried to get in between him, rapidly approaching Ms.Allman still standing, and then putting his head in his hands and face on the table. 

Brash cheekily twisted around Mary, 

Pushing her back against the table Mary let out a groan and a surprised gasp, at the same time Lin looked up from his hands both annoyed and slightly amused Brash walked up closer to Ms.Allman, now he was  so close the  idea of hitting her made his stomach turn just a bit.


But he still wanted to get payback for all the wrongful Deeds that this teacher had committed so with a swing back he tightened his fingers and flicked Miss Allman's nose, pulling at the ears a bit. and then finally with a rush of sudden recklessness he pushed her backwards.

As he did so his vision seemed to blur focusing only on his own hands, and Ms.Allmans form on the floor…

  He hadn't meant to push that hard! 

He didn't even think he had the strength too 

Yet there she lay as he turned around to seek guidance from Mary possibly to get a lecture from Lin…

  He found that no one was standing behind him. He found that he was all alone in a blank space with just him and his teacher….? 

No further away to the left of another man?


A kid..?

Brash wondered then with a mental slap of his head he said no he looks around my age i'm not a kid….

  He was slightly taller than Brash, a permanent smirk seemed to be etched into his face, loose bangs  in the  front of his face, long bangs in the back and an intimidating stature.

Brash suddenly got a pit in his stomach and it churned uncomfortably. This was a strange situation to be in…

Brash gave an awkward wave to the strange figure in the corner of the dark space…he simply grinned like a shark…

Brash decided to ignore him. It was easier said than done..his eyes kept coming back to the figure..

Did he get closer?

Brash could suddenly see his eyes

They were a deep silver with a reddish tinge in the back; his posture seemed quite sluggish compared to how much gremlin energy Brash usually gave off.

Brash teared his eyes away from the figure doing his best to not stare back and steal glances…leaning down to the form of his teacher going to her wrist to check her pulse..only to realise he has no idea how to do that.

Despite himself laughing and sniggering, moving his face back into a neutral expression, Brashs stood up in a panic, sweeping him once again considering that he had no way to check if his teacher was okay…

People with trauma cope with sadness with extreme laughter…

"Hm well that's a problem but not my fault i did everything i could..and you did too also why are you still here…?"

Brash said with a soft giggle but a strained expression on his face the figure made no move or even a response but his smirk seemed to dip to a straight line of exasperation.

The figure then seems to warp like a mirage..

Approaching closer and grabbing Brash by the wrist leaning him back using his other hand to grasp his face bringing both their eyes up close to one another….

  Brash began to splutter, shivering out more jokes whilst writhing around and trying to 

escape the grip. 

"H-hey man take a man to dinner first!!"

The other just slowly removed his ironclad grip, dropping Brash to the ground wasn't Ms.Allmans body right there..?

The figure started to dissipate a sudden record playing in reverse no it was a voice a disgusting voice…

It said the strangest things

"Golden eyes.."

Brash wondered what that could even mean..His eyes were a damn dark brown…

Suddenly Brash decided to solve this problem the only way he knew how by punching.

He threw his arm at the dissipating figure. A sickening crack could be heard but the figure did not seem to be affected….

Suddenly he heard a repeated calling of his name 

"Brash..?" "BRASH?!" "GET Up you absolute dick.."

His eyes seemed to open as the dark space around him vanished and his eyes filled with immeasurable amounts of light. The light was unpleasant…

"It's so damn bright.."

"Gamer finally goes outside.."

Brashs own voice came out hoarse and He recognized the reply to his own statement to be a soft but stern voice…


"MARY!! Did you see the guy in the corner?!"

Mary quirked her brow at him, a mild worried expression on her face opening her mouth as if to find a reply that would answer that sort of question then she just settled with.


Lin sniggered and then just added 

"It is official that my man lost it…"

Brash let a gasp of mock offence out raising himself up on his forearms and looking around he wasn't even in the science classroom he was at Mary's house…He could tell that this was her house as the rooms were grander than palace and the amount of food that was splayed out at the bottom of the bed was too high quality and too much in quantity for the three of them….

There were sleeping bags littered around the room?

There was a sudden pop Brash turned around and saw that Lin had flicked his ear and then said

"Dude are you okay you woke up thrashing around and sweating?"

Brash turned to Lin and raised a brow 

"What do you mean why are we here?..Weren't we at school?"

Brash wondered fully sitting up now he could taste his own morning breath..

Mary just raised both her brows and said 

"Ohh Brash it was one of those streams don't even worry about it..Whatever happened was not real.."

These nightmares or strange dreams were a common occurrence for Brash and Mary usually handled it well..

"What was it this time you freaking magic eight ball.."

Lin said with an eye roll standing up and kicking his sleeping bag away and approaching the toothbrushes, with one of Mary's servants entering the room to move the curtain out of the way bright light filled the room even further…

Revealing Mary's large garden that splayed out into the woods that connected them to the other side of the village.

Lin was mid-brushing his teeth as Mary started helping the servant pick up all the uneaten food from the ground.

Brash stood up and stretched rubbing his eyes, slapping himself just to make sure that still wasn't a dream..

He then ran up as fast as he could ramming his head into Lin causing him to flail into the counter and angrily slobber the foam in his mouth at him Brash ran around the room avoiding him with his toothbrush in his hand.

Mary sighed after seeing her servant off she joined the boys in the bathroom that had finally stopped running around like idiots.

As they stood in front of their mirror their heights gave a very aesthetic picture with sounds of water running and spitting along with toothbrushes hitting the sides of sinks.

Then finally as they were all done Mary turned around and said 

"Right then get out!'

Lin nodded and turned away grabbing his clothes.

Yet Brash just tilted his head and dumbly asked 


Mary narrowed her eyes and said 

"Namely because of my boobs-"


Brash screamed, sticking both his hands up in the air and walking off out of the room, his clothes thrown out after him.

Lin gave him a disappointed look and just sighed as they both changed doutside and Mary changed inside they heard her voice suggest something.

"Hey do you want to go around town for a little bit and maybe screw around a little?"

Brash nodded profusely and Lin groaned Brash then switched to yelling out 


Realising that  Mary couldn't see him.

Lin groaned but then nodded simply.

As Mary came out from the bathroom she had a long flowy skirt with many ruffles and a off the shoulder top with some makeup slapped on. She had sparkles on her eyes and cheeks.

Lin gave her a thumbs up whilst Brash just said.

"If you were a guy I would smash just saying.."

Lin gave him a side eye and Brash just laughed linking arms with them both his own coat brushing against Mary's arm, His trench coat hitting the floor along with his tugged in black top decorative chains all around him.

Lin looked the most normal out of the three yet he still had a bedazzled pair of pants on and a huge oversized shirt that was almost trapped below his knees.

They slowly excited one of Mary's huge bedrooms sprawling into the long hallways. The silence was lovely…

As they reached the main door after a marathon of walking…

They had a few other servants open the door and let them out into their large and intimidating backyard….

As they walked out the Dreams and the Figures seemed to dissipate from Brashs mind as if they did not even matter…

It is not that they vanished, the shadows continued to smile, the corners of his eyes continued  to swim uncontrollably ... .yet with Mary and Lin arguing about what they should get for breakfast right in front of him it was hard to pay attention to any of that.

To the figure that was unnaturally attractive..For Brash almost as if it knew what Brash wants to see….

He couldn't care about any of that now he simply did not have the brain power too.