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Rose Potter and the Heart of the Forge

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At the end of the 5th holy grail war, Shirou was left empty and broken as everyone who was important to him had died. "What is a sword without purpose?" he asked himself. But then a god observing their world whisked him away and reincarnated him into a world of magic that far differs from what he knows. A place where Gaia and Alaya don't exist. Will he eventually find purpose here?

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 – A Blade Recast pt. 1

AN: Like my other fic Fate/Wayward Fae, please check it out as well, I will be changing certain dates when things happen. This is so I can align events and even make the technologies mentioned make sense. I will also be changing a lot of things even some of the characters so hope you guys understand. This will be a major AU and the other routes of this series will be AU of this major AU as well.

Note: If you just started reading this fic and you read the other fics from the Rose Potter and the Unlimited Blade Routes Series you may skip the intro part as it's just the same.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)


Rose Potter and the Unlimited Blade Routes Series

Story 1: Rose Potter and the Heart of the Forge


A dying god quietly observes a myriad of dimensions parallel to each other. These worlds' realities while similar in origin to the ones he governed, have thrived without gods for a while now. These deities were replaced by two greater wills, the will of the planet called Gaia and the collective will of humanity called Alaya. Unfortunately, all these realities lead towards one point. With the eventual self-destruction of humanity's will and Gaia's ley lines bleeding grain. The planet's final act was a call for the purge of the planet.

Heeding the call were the solar system's Ultimate Ones, later, they will be given the title Aristoteles. With one of them already on the planet, somewhere in South America, and the others on the way, the end of humanity is almost a certainty. However, he did observe that there's always that one individual who retains their humanity despite the environment being toxic to their kind.

Sighing with sadness at the fate of these dimensions he had observed and how it parallels the potential future of the ones he governed.

"Well, I guess no one will complain if I do this and who would stop me?" The dying god started accumulating its divinity to exert its will upon the greater reality just before the call of the void got too strong.

"Hmm.. that looks interesting" A voice suddenly opines behind the god.

'Oh, someone might actually be able to stop me if I do this' thought the god realizing who the voice belonged to. 'or maybe not, this being lives off entertainment he might even be able to acquiesce to a few of my requests ones I've sufficiently piqued his interest.'

"Greetings, Kaleidoscope." The god said turning to the infamous dimension hopper. "Might you listen to a dying god's last request?"

The god then explained how he plans to give mankind from the dimensions that he governed another source of hope for when the eventuality of fate comes knocking, and darkness, death, and destruction are the only things it brings. The god further explains how it plans to transplant and reincarnate certain individuals from different timelines of the dying reality into parallel singular points with similar beginnings but diverges into differing routes.

After convincing Zelretch of his plan and further asking for assistance to ease the beginnings of some of the eventual reincarnations, the god, exercising its authority as a major divine being proceeds to warp the greater reality and subverting it to its will. With that last miracle, the god smiles and welcomes its end. For the only thing it had left was its love for humanity and a great hope that the minor change it created would bloom into something great. For what is a small ripple against fate if it has the potential to cascade into a tsunami that defies it?

Intro End


Chapter 1 – A Blade Recast pt. 1

Wiltshire, Malfoy Manor, October 24, 1991

In one of the more opulent rooms in the Malfoy Manor sat a regal-looking man with dark eyes and dark hair. He currently is facing most of his inner circle while listening to reports on the various raids his followers have been doing and planning for the week when suddenly a robed figure burst into to room. With his face down he kneeled and kissed the hem of his robes and started talking.

"Lord Voldemort, I currently have Severus Snape in one of the parlours. He says that he brings information of the utmost importance." The unnamed figure said reverently but with a slight hint of trepidation. He does know that he is currently interrupting an important meeting between his lord and his most trusted inner circle members. Hoping that any ire from Voldemort would be directed towards Severus instead of the messenger.

"And what is this information of utmost importance about?" The Dark Lord said while clicking his tongue in a disapproving manner. The Dark Lord was amused at how the figure currently kneeling slightly flinched at his reply.

"A-a-according to him it is about a prophecy he overheard and that he believes that it involves you, my lord." The figure started flinching again when he stuttered his first word of answer.

"Very well. Bring Severus here." He said dismissing the follower.

As the follower left the room, Voldemort turned to one of his inner circle members and said "Peter transform into your animagus form but don't leave the room. I want you to listen to what Severus has to say."

Peter Petigrew then shrinks into a medium-sized brown rat, he then scurries towards Voldemorts throne and stays behind it. As he does this the door opens again for the third time in the past few minutes and in comes Severus Snape with his cloak billowing as he strides towards the center of the room. As protocol, he bows and kneels down to kiss the hem of Voldemort's robes and waits for him to be addressed first.

What follows is a minute of silence before Voldemort finally addresses Snape. "Ah, good evening Severus. What is this prophesy that you believed to be so important that you deem it necessary to interrupt a meeting with my inner circle?"

"By your permission, I can recite the prophecy that I overheard." And with a dramatic wave of his hand, Voldemort replied tersely. "Proceed."

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches,

Born to those who have thrice defied him,

Born as the seventh month dies."

"Unfortunately, at this point, I was discovered by Dumbledore and was forcefully shoved away with magic then a ward that prevents listeners was subsequently cast, forgive me my lord for I was not able to listen to the whole prophecy." As Snape said this he further bowed in apology.

"I also present to you." As he says this Severus reaches into his robe and brings out a small clear glass flask filled with a silvery substance. "This is the memory of the event up until I was shoved out, and I do swear on my life and magic that this hasn't been tampered with or modified."

With a nod towards one of the inner circle members, the Dark Lord just said. "Lucius." One of the members wearing black and green robes lined with silver stood up and walked towards Severus to collect the flask he was currently presenting.

"You may step out for a moment Severus as I discuss this prophecy with my inner circle. But don't leave I may call for you once we are done." From the moment Severus stepped in the room up until he left the Dark Lord's face has remained neutral as his face never conveyed any reaction suggesting anything on what he is currently thinking about the news that was just delivered.

As Severus left the room, one of the other members brought out her wand and summoned and levitated a pedestal with a flick. Sat atop the pedestal is an ornate-looking bowl with runes covering almost every inch of its stone surface. Lucius then poured in the contents of the vial, and with some gestures of his wand and a silent incantation, a projected image appeared for everyone to view the memory.

In the vision being projected everyone can see two figures being watched through a keyhole. With one figure whose back was turned towards the door clearly was a lady, judging by the fact that she had long hair and her voice, and the other figure whose face was visible, and everyone easily identified as the headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore. The lady was currently discussing and pitching the idea of restarting Divinations as an elective class in Hogwarts when suddenly her body stiffened. Dumbledore with concern rises and asks the potential hire if she's okay, but then she starts speaking as if possessed repeating the words Severus uttered in this room a few minutes ago. However, after just a few lines of the prophecy you can see Dumbledore suddenly turn towards the door and with a pulse of magic knock over Severus and everything suddenly becomes quiet. You can see the point-of-view of Severus again trying to view in through the keyhole and eavesdrop to no avail before the memory ends.

A few minutes of silence enveloped the room, each one still processing the thing they just witnessed and assessing the validity of the words uttered by Dumbledore's guest.

"Any thoughts?" Voldemort addressed the room.

"From what I recall" Peter started, who now transformed back into his human form and standing beside Voldemort's throne. "In one of our order meetings, Dumbledore did say that he was planning on interviewing Cassandra Trelawney's granddaughter." Peter did continue as he moved back towards the center of the room facing their master.

"Cassandra's granddaughter? So, the lady was Sybill Trelawney, isn't she a fraud? While she's the granddaughter of Britain's last greater clairvoyant she has never shown any sign of inheriting the curse of the vision nor does she exhibit any talent in any of its derivative or related magics." A new voice interjected. Cantankerus Nott is another one of Voldemort's inner circle, the current Nott head and inheritor of his grandfather's name and notoriety, casting out his doubts on the validity of the prophecy.

"Dumbledore did imply that he was only meeting Trelawney as a favour to the memory of Cassandra and that he was just going to humour her." Replied Peter. "Though, I do suggest that we err on the side of caution and check the validity of the claims."

"I do know of two potential candidates for the prophecy, my lord," Peter suggested with some hesitancy. As Voldemort gestured for him to continue. "The Potter and Longbottom children may fit the description of the prophecy. While I may not know the number of times both parents have defied you, my lord, they have been an integral part of those who oppose you and both children were born at the end of the month."

"Before we begin planning an attack, we must first verify the prophecy." Voldemort started. "Lucius and Cantankerus both of you have access to the ministry, together with Augustus, who is currently not present, do check whether or not a new prophecy orb has appeared in the Department of Mysteries and any information on it."

"Barty and Corban start planning on how we can gain access to the Longbottom heir."

"You Peter," The Dark Lord continued turning his head towards Peter. "Together with Bella and Travers, your assignment would be the same but for the Potter heir."

"Avery, do tell Severus that his new assignment is to track down and if possible, kidnap Sybill Trelawney." Thinking for a second. "You are going to assist Severus with this task as well," Voldemort added.

Addressing the rest of the room. "Everyone else shall plan separate raids that each of you will lead. Make sure that the locations are far from the Potter and Longbottom locations. We'll reconvene in three days to confirm certain things and finalize the plan."

He steels himself while he addresses the room. "Whether or not the prophecy is real, know this." He then stands up, opens his arms, and with a sardonic smile, declares. "Come end of this month we shall deal a heavy blow to those who oppose us, the Potter and Longbottom line shall cease to exist, and an enormous leap towards our collective dreams shall be taken. We. Attack. On. Samhain!"

What followed was a room filled with excited cheers and exclamations.


Orkney Islands, Birsay, Longbottom Manor, October 31, 1991, Samhain

"Our handsome grandchild finally fell asleep, I left him with one of the house elves." Informed Augusta Longbottom, dressed in a long nightgown also planning to fall asleep within the hour, as she sits down in one of the chairs in front of the fireplace as she addresses her long-time husband, Francis.

Francis just grunted in return as he stared quietly into the flames. "According to Frank that we shouldn't stay up and wait for them. There have been mutterings about an attack happening this night. Frank is on standby at the auror corp while Alice is with their merry band of vigilantes." Griped Francis, while he does understand Frank's case as he is an auror he and Augusta have brought up on various occasions their disapproval of their support of Dumbledore. Mind you the idea of fighting the current dark lord is a worthy thing it's just he doesn't really see eye-to-eye with some, if not most, of how Dumbledore handles the current problem.

With an understanding sigh, Augusta stood up and moved towards her husband reaching out with her hand and gesturing for him to stand up. "Come now let's not waste energy thinking about that, we have already voiced our disapproval several times." As Francis took hold of his wife's hand and stood up, exiting the living room, and moving towards their bedroom. "Trust in Alice and Frank, they have Neville now, they'll know what to prioritise. By tomorrow morning we'll be hav…"


"Run! Take Neville and try to escape, I'll hold them off! I'll catch up with you later." He gestures towards the main stairs of the manor. Augusta understanding the direness of the situation didn't voice any objections as she turned and ran up the stairs fully intending to grab her grandson and escape.

"I don't think any of that will happen." A cool and dark voice suddenly echoed in the room as if the one speaking was around him. "Such arrogance." The voice finally declared with a disapproving and disappointed voice.

As the smoke and dust from the explosion begin to dissipate and settle in comes four figures. 'Both the Crouch and Yaxley heirs, the dark lord' Francis mentally took note of the trespassers and their threat level but as he turned his head towards the fourth member of the group to his growing horror.

"Algie! You would dare betray your family. You would dare betray me, your brother!" Francis shouted. Feeling betrayed for trusting his brother as their secret keeper and stupid for being lax thinking that the Fidelius would be enough to protect them.

"Corban, Crouch, Fawley hold him off as I search for the Longbottom child," Voldemort ordered as he started walking towards the manor's main stairs.

"Oh no you don't!" Francis gathered his magic with a blast of wind and lightning around him he faced the latest dark lord that currently threatens wizarding Britain. With the blast the trio of followers flew back and slammed into a wall, stunning them for a bit.

"Doppy, Hokky, and Flipsy" He shouted as he summoned the surrounding furniture and stuck them in place and in front of him intending to block the advance of Voldemort while providing cover for him. Pulsing his magic again dark clouds started to form in the main hall of the Longbottom manor a storm bringing forth strong winds, deafening thunder, searing lightning, and a torrential rain of jagged hail.

"Go to Augusta and help her escape, your priority is Neville's safety above everything else."

"Yes, master!" The house elves said in unison before popping away.

At the same time, Voldemort brought out a wall of searing fire defending himself and his currently downed comrades melting the hail before reaching him. With his left hand, he grabs several of the lightning strikes coalescing his magic and brandishing the bolts of magic as if it were a whip.

While redirecting another barrage of lightning strikes with his now transfigured whip of stolen lightning. A large ball of concentrated energy half his size formed at the tip of his wand. The dark lord then started condensing the magic into a single point. Dismissing part of the flame to see where the Longbottom lord was, he took aim.

Seeing the opening, the Longbottom Lord banished several of the debris towards the face of the dark lord blocking his view of the magic Francis followed with a beam of ice.

In response, the dark lord pointing his wand unleashed the concentrated ball of energy as a beam of pure penetrative light, destroying the banished item, the beam of ice, and nearly hitting the head of his opponent as he took cover.

While restoring his cover with magic he then summoned an unkindness of ravens made of metal brimmed with magic intending to rip and slash at their enemies and directed the conjured familiars towards the powerful wizard and his now rising follower, who intended to join the fray. "Vipsy, Weely, Kommy, and Godky" With another pop four more house elves appeared. Gesturing at the now-rising death eaters. "Attack them and do not allow them to assist their master, use lethal force!"

He then tapped into his connection with the manor and activated the wartime wards. "Yes, master!"

Three of the house elves popped behind each of the Death Eaters joining in the fray of conjured ravens. The fourth elf appeared on top of one of the manor's chandeliers intending to rain down cutting, piercing and bludgeoning magic at the now-distracted wizards.

Algie Fawley née Longbottom, even if he married into another family as he wasn't the primary heir, he still has access and knowledge of his former family's magic. Summoning a storm cloud of his own, he then followed that up by conjuring a murder of stone crows to help defend him and his comrades from the current onslaught of magic, conjured familiars, and house elves.

Barty Crouch Jr. is now back-to-back with Corban, both concussed and sporting various wounds as the familiars gouged and slashed at them. "Cover me." He said to the Yaxley heir as he furrowed his brow and summoned cursed fire directing it towards the ravens that were currently harassing the pair.

Corban Yaxley holding his wand with his left hand slapped a magical shield on his right blocking and parrying the attacks coming from the two house elves while throwing wide-area blasting spells hoping that he could hit the teleporting duo of servants.

"Calling all remaining house elves, to my side! Cover me, direct all your destructive magic towards the dark lord show them the might of our house!"

After another chorus of "Yes, master!" the house elves started throwing all types of destructive magic towards the deadly wizard, giving him time to assess the situation and the activation of the wartime wards.

'Yes, the wards are now siphoning energy from land's leylines, the death eaters, and even the dark lord." The Longbottom wartime wards were notorious as they not only siphoned energy, it also slowly siphoned their life force, weakening them, while exerting a gravity field so strong it was as if a Jötunn were standing on top of them.

These effects only affect those deemed by the wards as an enemy invader, on top of this it also gives the lord of the house access to a vast pool of magical energy coming from the land's leylines and the enemy while it supercharges the atmosphere easing and assisting the family lord with heavier and more destructive family magics.

"If Vipsy, Weely, Kommy, or Godky falls I want any of you to step up and replace them. Again, these pieces of scum of wizarding kind must not be given the chance to assist their master." And as the house elves voiced their agreement, Francis closed his eyes and started chanting in Old Norse silently and by the end of the chant he opened his eyes and raised both his hands. With his wand hand just drawing circles in the air, while the other with fingers pointed up drawing a series of runes.

While he does this a large construct started forming at both his sides. After the Longbottom lord finished chanting a loud crash, a blinding light, and a burst of magical energy followed it. Due to the magical backlash, everyone including Voldemort was knocked down.


After being knocked down by the magical backlash, Voldemort was greeted by the sight of two gigantic weapons barrelling towards him, a club made of ice and a lance that crackled with electricity. Raising his left arm while he twirls his wand with his right a dome of golden light surrounded him blocking the two heavy strikes.

As he surveyed his surroundings, he was greeted by the amazing sight of two giants that were so large and tall that the manor's ceilings were now gone, exposing the night sky and bright moon to everyone, as even the manor's main hall couldn't contain these two magical constructs of titanic proportion.

Unfortunately for his foe, he just growled in annoyance and turned his currently raised arm supporting a dome of defensive magic. With palm now facing him, he then slowly dragged his wand across his palm up until the end of his forearm leaving a large cut and dripping a copious amount of blood on the grounds of the manor.

"NAGINI!" He called out as his familiar's head peaked out of his robes near his neck. Directing his magic and intent towards his spilt blood and familiar, the giant holding the ice club was suddenly enveloped and crushed by a gigantic, red, and demonic-looking serpent dwarfing even the size of the two titans. While crushing the ice-wielding giant the serpent then turned towards the other titan and with a flash 75% of its body was already in the demonic serpent's mouth now in the process of being swallowed whole.

The dark lord then turned towards the summoned dark clouds still buffeting him and his comrades with jagged hail and lightning strikes, and with another pulse of intent-driven magic was suddenly dispelled.

"Protego Diabolica" He then declared to the world as blue eldritch flames originating from himself proceeded to form a circle and extended outwards surrounding him, his followers, and the Longbottom lord. Subsequently, all the summoned familiars and house elves were all incinerated as the eldritch flames made contact with them, as the flames, without fail, continue to expand.

Extending his senses outwards and feeling for everything magical surrounding him, Lord Voldemort turned to the floor of the manor, narrowing his eyes as if he could see something beyond it, a creak and almost heavy and alien-sounding groan was then heard as a large chunk of the manor's marbled floor together with a portion of land supporting it was suddenly ripped away exposing a large room with a giant floating jewel radiating power in the middle of it.

With a pull the dark lord then summoned the now-exposed wardstone. Touching it he now proceeded to drain it of all its energy as it slowly disintegrated into nothingness, much to the horror of the manor's lord and sole defender.

Glaring at the wizard who dared knock him down, he then addressed his followers, not even turning to look at them. "Corban or Barty, please collect young Neville. Fear not for my flames have reached even until the end of the property's boundary and it has incinerated every living being I deemed not to defend." He ordered his followers. "Anyone remaining will guard the perimeter for any sign of the aurors or Dumbledores group of followers trying to take down the wards I raised."


'Less than 5 minutes' Thought, Francis Longbottom now currently on the floor gaping at the dark lord, that's all it took for the dark lord to subjugate the long-standing most ancient and noble house of Longbottom in their very own territory with ancient magics designed to wipe out legions of magical invaders.

"Ah, in retrospect I do actually admire the might of the Longbottom's family magic." The dark lord now relaxed, stated as if he was just describing the weather. "If I were any less of a wizard, I would have probably lost and died several times in this brief skirmish that we had.

The dark lord then continued voicing out his thoughts. "The Longbottoms were a group of barbaric viking mages raping and pillaging across Britain a few centuries ago, right?" Asking a rhetorical question he already knows the answer to.

As Voldemort paced around the now thoroughly thrashed and open main hall of the manor talking loudly to himself, Barty Crouch Jr. came back as he currently was carrying a child while a body levitated beside him. He then lowered the child to the floor in front of the Longbottom lord.

"My lord, the matriarch while unconscious somehow survived your flames." The death eater said with trepidation, unsure if he did the right thing and not just out right killing her.

"Ah, she too probably has access to some strong defensive magic. Nevertheless Barty, you have done well tonight despite the dangers. I order you to join your comrades in securing the perimeter of the land and make sure no one enters until I say so." With that command and praise his young follower bowed and left the main hall of the now-destroyed Longbottom manor.

Addressing the lord of the house again, "A few days ago I promised my closest followers that by the end of this night we would have wiped out both the Potter and Longbottom lines." He paused mid-stride as he planted both feet to the ground and facing the now slowly breaking man devoid of all hope. "But after witnessing the might of the Longbottom's legacy magics, I then thought that it would be a shame for a legacy spacing several hundred centuries would just vanish into obscurity." He continued. "We must be proud of our heritage and strive hard to preserve it. Especially with your family's history of magic involving the Norse pantheon."

As Voldemort continued to monologue, Francis proceeded to put both Neville and Augusta behind him. A last desperate attempt to protect his family, not noticing the snake approaching them nor the dark and malevolent magic the dark lord is now beginning to release.

"So, heed my offer, for I shall let you, your wife and even your son and daughter-in-law live I just need to kill your grandson." While the dark lord was slowly building his magic concentrating on his intent and the ritual he was planning to do, he too didn't notice the Longbottom lord beginning to leak magic as well, the haze of heavy and dark miasma started too physically be visible around him.

"No!" Francis shouted as he looked at the dark lord with fear, but he steeled himself. 'I need to focus. I need to want to die. I need to protect.' This was a mantra he was now thinking to himself as he was invoking sacrificial magic dealing with the divine. A magic that's actually simple as it deals with equivalent exchange, a life for a life, the difficulty lies in the intent behind the magic as it is human to want to live and throwing away that aspect and believing in it with every being of their body upon the realization of the miracle would be close to impossible.

"Again step aside, your son can birth another heir." Voldemort now notices the change in the Longbottom lord as he is now rolling in magical energy with his eyes now glowing white. "No!" The wizard replied.

Thinking that his enemy is preparing a hail mary last-ditch suicidal attack to defend his grandson and wife, Voldemort's tip of the wand started glowing green. "This will be my final offer of goodwill, step aside or I will see to it that Longbottom's shall be erased from the history of the planet."

Glaring up at the dark lord, Francis slowly rose and squared himself against their enemy. Intentionally telegraphing his wand arm he said for the third time tonight. "No!"

"Avada Kedavra" The green light just hit the Longbottom as he slumped down, as if he was a marionette with its strings just cut. As anti-climactic as it seems even the magic that was coalescing around just gently and quietly dissipated into a gust of wind.

"Such a waste." Declared Voldemort as he banished the Longbottom matriarch across the room. He then continued with his plan of using the prophecy child in a ritual.

With everything finally prepared his dark aura flared again invoking the killing curse towards the child. Unfortunately for the dark lord the aura that was rolling off the Longbottom lord was now radiating out of his grandchild.

A rune is now glowing in front of the killing curse, a Norse rune representing an elk. Algiz the rune of protection, makes a spiritual connection with the old and with one last pulse the killing curse was sent back towards Dark Lord Voldemort, not giving him the time to dodge.


In a space between dimensions, Zelretch lazily floated around observing everything and anything that seemed interesting.

'It has been a few centuries now since he witnessed a god performing one last miracle before it died.' He mused to himself. Ever since that day and the sworn promise he gave he has set up a myriad of scrying and detection magic across the dimensions the deceased god originated from.

Well technically he could just observe the dimensions and enter them at a point in the future and work himself back but he doesn't like spoilers.

*PING* a loud alert startled the vampire, followed by a lot more alarms from the countless scrying and detection magic he placed.

'The fuck?! How many did that god reincarnate?' Noticing that a lot of the alerts were from different parallel dimensions. "That greedy god!" He cursed out loud, lamenting the fact that he had a lot of things to do. Despite being perceived as immature he does keep his promise.

"I think I'll visit this one first." Pointing at a random dimension.


Deep down the pits of the goblin territory, below every Gringotts, October 31, 1990

A flash of light appeared before the Goblin Lord Ragnok in his throne room. The light revealed to them a bundle of white cloth, wrapping something on the floor.

Thinking that it might be dangerous three of the four guards flanking the side of the goblin lord brought out their shields. Intending to defend their king should the object explode. The fourth goblin then cautiously with his poleaxe approached the bundle.

Gently prodding the bundle and unwrapping it with the spike of its weapon, revealing a human baby with red hair. It then turned its head towards them and even from the distance the goblin lord could see the bright golden orbs the child had.

And that's how Shirou Muramasa Emiya was reborn, not with a vision of an old man smiling down at him, but with the spike of a poleaxe hovering over his head.




After waiting for about an hour in the parlour, Severus Snape was again summoned by the dark lord. As he kneeled in front of his lord, he waited for him to be addressed.

"Yorokobe, shounen!" When Severus raised his head, he was rendered stunned and confused as he saw something bizarre. His dark lord extended his hands towards him as if welcoming him, but that wasn't the most bizarre thing. Lord Voldemort is now dressed in a priest's attire even with a golden cross dangling down his neck.

Looking around even the room has been transformed into a church with pews at his side and even a dais and a large cross behind the dark lord.

"You have done well my child and as a reward we shall partake in Chinese tonight and later on we shall paint the town red." The dark lord-turned-priest declared to everyone.

Ignoring the confusing situation, he at least got excited as he probably thinks that they'll bring in some muggle Asians to have fun with and they'll probably end the night on a high murdering those they deem unclean.

Suddenly Bellatrix Lestrange came into the room carrying what looked like plastic bags. She moved around the room handing out plastic containers and a spoon. As he received his share, Severus peered inside the container. What greeted him was rice topped with something he would describe as a violently red substance that oozes out an aura of malevolence.

"Come child let us partake in the feast of the gods tonight!" Voldemort started "Plus, Bella did book us a private room for karaoke."

"We. Shall. Sing. And. Dance. The. Night. Away."

What followed was a room filled with excited cheers and exclamations.

What followed Severus was a very painful memory one that his bowel will not let him forget the following day.