The day was finally here. The tournament has begun. Chanaka and the other top people sat in front row of the arena. They yuzdin boss who he had seen in the construction site was there was well. Sato, Himori and Hinata. Sanada and the other level 11 clan members were there, sat in attendance. It remains to be seen if they were going to participate in the fight. However Marakashi was not present.
They all looked at the arena. Fight 1 was set to commence.
Opponents: Takari Clan viper, level 7 vs Emito clan wolf, level 8.
It was only fitting that the two original clans were the inaugural fight. They stood at opposite corners of the arena as the referee was all set to blow the whistle. The people looked over on anticipation. The referee blew the whistle and the whole dojo erupted in close. Clapping and cheering. Sanada peered on as he wanted to wolf clan to win the tournament. Historically the wolf clan has always won the tournament. More so than the other clans. He looked at Chanaka then and uttured something. Something not that nice.
Takari and Emito began the fight. The long tongue of Takari went for the body of Emito. Emito evaded it and jumped aside. The yuzdin boss, who Chanaka knew was a viper member wiped the sweat of his face.
Emito's fangs opened up and his claws sharpened. But Takari was relentless. His viper tongue was everywhere. But Emito evaded all of them. Now it was Emito's turn to attack. He opened his wing suit, which converged out from his body. Now he could fly a short distance and height. Emito came flying at Takari and clawed his chest off. A large chunk of his ches y was gone. Takari screamed and the viper noise screechrd all across the dojo. They all shut their ears. Takari left out his viper tongue again. This time it was much more rapid and much more stronger. It caught hold of Emito and crushed his bones. Emito struggled for a long time. He somehow managed to wriggle out of his grasp and cut the tongue with his claws. But to Emito's and Sanada's dismay, the tongue grew back and Emito was again assaulted by the vipers tongue. He was again held by it strongly. Emito had no choice but to give up. He was crushed and the referee gave the victory to Takari. The whole of viper clan jumped in joy. But the yuzdin viper boss showed no emotion.