Chereads / LOGAN~ The Mafia Prince / Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven

Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven


The anger that's simmering inside me is uncontrollable, how dare he lock me up as though i'm his prisoner.

I start pacing again, frustrated that i just failed at my mission to escape.

I'm thinking of another plan when something shiny grabs my attention,i move closer and squint my eyes.

Holy crap! Is that? I snatch the remote from the floor as if someone will take it away from me, i squeal with joy and kiss it. That fool thought i wouldn't get out of here right? Seems like what happened didn't go down in vein. I collect myself when i remember the camera in the corner and hide the remote.

I study it and keep pressing buttons, on my fourth try, the creaking sounds in the room and the door open. I fist my hand and place it against my lips to stop the scream of success that is about to rip out of my throat. I don't waste time as i sprint out of the room,i ascend the dark staircase until bright light assaults my eyes,I squint and shield my face with a hand shading my forehead.

What i'm looking at shocks me,this place is well furnished and decorated,it smells minty and the air is fresh.

I can't believe that bastard kept me in such a place when there are beautiful and comfortable places in this...Mansion.

If i use the front door,that will be a stupid move, i'll get caught in a heartbeat,so i have to find another way out somewhere. I hear voices from my left and i sprint to the right,i run as my heart pounds like crazy,I find myself at crossed halls and two voices come from the left,I take another right and keep running but come to a halt when i reach at a dead end,there's a door and sexual sounds are coming from behind it.

I rush back in the direction I came from and take hall I didn't hear voices come from, sound of boots thumping on the floor as if someone is jogging has me running like a rabbit for dear life. I reach a door and try to open it with shaky hands, miraculously,it opens,i rush out and the bright daylight has me adjusting my eyes.

I look sideways and then run to the back of the mansion,I hide around the corner and peek at the two burly men who are standing with their backs to me. There's a medium sized gate which looks to be the back gate and not the main.

Crap! those two will take me down in a second. I need to think of a strategy,what would Mia do? She's the one who's good at manipulating men,i mean,one of her tricks i tried on that bastard back there kind of worked,although the victory was short lived. 

I fix myself or whatever it is that's left of me looking presentable then take a step from my hideout,the moment i do,a devil in a mask i so familiarly know steps out from the house. I push back against the wall, my breathing coming out harshly. I won't let that man take me back to that hell,or maybe he is the Hell.

He dissappears back inside,which means he wasn't looking for me,if so,then he must be going to that place to check on me. The thought of him hunting me down pales my face.

One of the guards goes to the gate and opens it,he steps out and when he comes back in,he's so focused on whoever he's speaking with on the phone that he forgets to lock it. This is my chance,i need to calculate my movements if I want to make it out of here alive.

"One,two...." I nervously tap my leg on the pavement then close my eyes briefly,taking a deep breath.

"Three." I open my eyes and run the fastest i've ever ran.

When I'm closer to the gate,i hear shouts from behind me


I keep running as my heart lumps in my throat. I run and run,i don't know how long i do but i keep going until my feet fail me. I look over my shoulder to see if anyone is following me but there isn't,is this luck or some sort of trap? Maybe they used another route to catch me red handed from the front?

I start running again until i find a gas station,I slip inside the store bathroom and head for the last stall with a bowed head. How did i even find myself in this dress? Then i remember,when there was commotion about the police,i spilt alcohol on my clothes,Lia had carried a spare dress probably knowing she was going to sleep out,she gave it to me and i changed in the back seat of the car.

After i'm done getting myself together,i walk out and cautiously scan my surroundings,i walk at a quick pace until a honk sounds behind me, startling me. I place my hand on my chest and relief washes through me when i find it's someone i know from college.

"Hey Millie,need a ride?"

Thank Christ


"Hop in." He opens the passenger door for me,i round the car and get in.

Suddenly,i feel like someone is watching me,my skin crawls and i take a deep breath. Paranoia,it must be paranoia,right?

"You were at the party last night?"


He nods 

"Hard to miss considering how you look right now,it was crazy back there." 

I internally sigh,i do look like a mess.

I say thanks to the guy after he drops me off and head inside the dorm. The moment i step through the door,all eyes fall on me. Mia jumps from the sofa and Lia pauses speaking on phone.

"Millie!" They both rush to me at the same time, "gosh Millie,where the hell have you been? We were so worried when you just disappeared without a single trace."

So i could have been killed and those guys would have gotten away with it,which makes me think about those two guys,how will their families feel? Not knowing what the hell happened to their children?

"Millie." I startle at Lia's voice

"Where were you?" She scans me from top to bottom "what happened to you? you're a mess."

What if those guys come back for me when i open my mouth about what happened? I look at all the sets of worried eyes on me,almost all the girls are here. I can't risk saying anything,who knows who might go around telling people what happened to me. No,it's best if i just keep my mouth shut.

"I-i was just.." I try to make up a lie but can't seem to find any that will sound believable "I met a guy,he wanted to show me around,so i accepted."

Mia and Lia both frown.

"That's not like you Millie, didn't he have a phone or something? And why didn't you come back early?"

" His car died,so we just decided to hang out at his friend's apartment,he had a party going on too,i might have overslept which is why i couldn't come sooner."

" Oh,i get it, happened to Tina once." Anna says and i'm so grateful for her at this moment.

The others seem to believe me but my best friends? Not one bit.

"Okay,if you say so." Mia shrugs

Everyone returns to their daily routines,Lia though,keeps giving me the side eye as if trying to reach into my soul for any more information. I avoid eye contact as much as possible,i take a shower and then throw myself on the bed,my eyes flutter closed and the last thought on my mind before i give in to the darkness is,

'I hope i never cross paths with that bastard ever again.'