Pain, that's all he felt when he looked at his now cold corpse of his late brother, but for some reason Naqo couldn't bring himself to look away. Dead might his fate be as well, but unlike his older brother, he will not die a warrior death… quite ironic if he could say so himself, after all never, not even once had he considered himself a warrior.
The more he stared at the body, the more he cursed himself for following his brother into this foolish raid. Truth be told, unlike his brethren, Naqo had always been wary of those armored men that lived behind their tall walls. Thanks to him being anything but a proper Dothraki, Naqo had heard stories of their prowess in battle, their metal swords and armor, and above all, the horror of facing them in mounted combat, something that he witness today, in detail.
But his brother, Addro, had been different. It was quite clear why he would want to prove himself against them, to show them the might of the Dothraki. More than once, had his older brother had dreamed of conquering their lands, of taking their castles and cities, of making their women his slaves. Ever since he could remember, Addro had been reckless, arrogant, and ambitious. And now, those very same qualities, led to his death.
One of the few reasons he had followed him, was out of loyalty, and out of respect, after all, he had been his older brother and the only family he had ever know in this life. Even though he repeats this every night, unlike his brother, he had no love for war, for bloodshed, or even for glory. He had preferred the peaceful life of a herder, or mayhaps even that of a trader. More than often, he enjoyed learning new languages, songs, and especially tales. Making him wish to explore the world and see all of its beauty before he would eventually perish.
Letting out a pained sigh, he looked over at the golden-haired man, who had killed his brother with a single thrust of his long spear. He was tall and strong, with a handsome face. He wore a gleaming armor of black and gold, with a winged lion on his chest.
Now he might not be a scholar, but seeing that on the man's chest, Naqo quickly realize that this was someone important as none of the other men had a similar insignia on their armor. And if he had learned something in all of his years of being alive, was that someone like this was a leader.
Yes, the man had killed his brother, but Naqo couldn't bring himself to hate the man for this, after all they had been the ones to attack them. Because of that, a small part of him was screaming to avenge Addro, but alas, that was just a small insignificant part of him.
As he waited on the ground for his impending doom, Naqo finally saw the golden-haired man coming towards him flanked by two other men clad in white and black armor. They wore a similar style of armor, but unlike the golden-haired man, their sigil was a weird shape of two long sticks put together to form four directions…
Just as they were close enough to him, he decided to try his luck and mayhaps, just mayhaps survive this ordeal. While he didn't knew enough of their language to talk properly, Naqo prayed to the great stallion that it would be enough. And so, he gathered his courage and looked at the golden-haired man, who was now standing over him with his spear still dripping with blood.
"Please... mercy... no kill... me serve you... me good... head...shoulders…"
It sounds terrible, and he knew it was a pathetic attempt, but he had nothing else to offer other than his head and his desire to learn more about the world.
The golden-haired man looked down at the dothraki warrior with a mix of curiosity and surprise, something that Naqo quickly took note of. Frankly, none can judge, as this might just be the first time, the man had seen one of them beg for their life before. Naqo knew this, since most of the Dothraki warriors were usually fierce and proud, preferring to die with a sword in their hand than to grovel at their enemy's feet.
And so, the golden-haired man lowered his spear and spoke in a calm voice. "What is your name, Dothraki?"
Naqo was stunned by the question. After all, he had expected the golden-haired man to either ignore him or finish him off in one clean strike. Yet, it seems the gods had other plans for him. "Naqo. Me Naqo."
"Naqo. I am Tyrek. Tyrek Lannister. Do you know who we are?"
He could only nod in response, fearing to even speak.
"Good, at least you are not a complete idiot."
Tyrek looked at the two men beside him before nodded at him, and they understood his silent command. They sheathed their swords and reached down to help Naqo to his feet.
In all honesty, the strange Dothraki was surprised by their gesture, and he hesitated for a moment, making him wonder if this was some kind of trick, or if they were going to kill him as soon as he stood up. But he saw no malice in their eyes... that's wrong, as he could barely see anything throguht their head armor.
Once he was up on his feet, he bowed his head slightly, and muttered a word in his native tongue. "Athchomar."
Tyrek smiled when he heard the genuine thank you coming from Naqo. "You're welcome, Naqo. Now, tell me. Why do you want to serve me? What can you offer me?"
Naqo swallowed hard and tried to find the right words to explain himself, after all he had to impress this Tyrek somehow, or else he would be discarded and killed.
"Me… no good… fight. Brother… better. But me… smart. Me… know… things. Things… Dothraki… no care. Things… about… world. World… big. World… many… wonders. Me… want… see. Me… want… learn. Me… serve… you. You… teach… me. You… show… me. Please." (A/N : I apologize in advance for this)
Rather than speaking as soon as Naqo finished his broken plead, Tyrek just closed his eyes, something that scared Naqo a lot, as he was slowly starting to fear the worst. But to his relief, exactly ten long seconds later, the golden-haired man, smiled at him and for the first time in his life Naqo, found what hope looks like.
"Sure, I'll let you live, but in exchange I will need your help clearing this pest that has been harassing my lord."
< Just change "3" with "e" Patr3on Link :>