After transferring the funds to my mother's secret account I went to check on her only to find her changing into her work clothes her nice round ass out in display nice round tits jiggling around while she moves around. Not knowing she was being watched by her own son. Jack ( Netori what can I get for $10,000 isn't there like a system store or anything)? Netori (there's actually is one would you like to see)? Jack (yes please).
Netori ( system ship
Ecstacy touch $5,000
It gives you the golden finger affect on the opposite gender.
Body reafiment billsx1000 $15,000
It gets rid all of your impurities
Ring of the Incubus $15,000
The wearer of this ring will have his strength double and his libido heighten
Storage ring $4,000) as I was looking at everything and read the description of everything that was there I made a decision Jack ( Netori go ahead and give me Ecstasy touch and the storage ring) Netori ( new skill unlock Ecstasy touch Lv1 and item required one storage ring $1,000 is left) Jack ( Netori how do I earn points)?
Netori ( the point system is as follows
Oral sex such as cunnlings $50
Receiving or giving
Making the opposite sex cum $100
Vaginal penetration $200
Anal penetration $400
Breaking someone hyman$1,000
Grouping $25) Jack ( last question how do I increase my stats)? Netro ( just complete missions and side missions and train).
As I was talking with Netori my mother finally finished getting dressed and noticed I was just standing there Asumi ( um Jack do you need anything)? She required of me)? Jack ( oh no I was just wondering what do you have planned today)? Asumi (oh nothing just going to the store and you)? Jack( nothing much just work out a little since school is out for the holidays).
I responded to my mother question as she went on about her day I started to do some small workout routine which my strength went up by +2 45min had passed and my strength went up by 20 lv. Around 7 in the evening my mother and stepdad came home and accompanying him was this old round guy.
30min later we set down and started having dinner and having idle chit chat the fat man started talking about what had happened then I saw he looked at my mother and was about to say something but I cut him off Jack( don't worry mother i had transferred you $10,000USD into a separate account) when I said that she looked at me with aw expression while the fatso gave me a look that could kill and my step dad looked at me with suspicion.
Dinner soon ended he had left muttering under his breath. Everyone had went to their room with Asumi ( come on honey let's have sex) which she didn't get a response so she got up and left the room not knowing that this is going to change her life for good.