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Pokemon: Trainer Vicky

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Join Victoria Ferrous, reincarnated girl on her adventure through the Pokemon World. Through important adventures such as, dealing with her teachers Tauros and dealing with duty bound Growlithe in the morning that refuse to let her sleep in! Join her on her Pokemon Journey as her eyes are opened to how real this world is. A slice of life adventure in a Pokemon world. Anime based, but things aren't quite the same. Not a dark fic, but an exploration into trying to make the world feel more real.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Pokemon world

Pokemon Trainer Vicky 

Chapter 1


I couldn't help but think this as my class once more erupted into an argument that would inevitably lead to a fight.

Being in the equivalent to an elementary school class was… new. I mean, I had done it before, but having adult brain in child body led to an interesting perspective.

First thing you should know. Kids are dumb. They don't get basic stuff like "Ivy, Kiba is picking on you because he thinks you are cute. If you want to mess with him just kiss him on the cheek or something."

No, that hadn't gone well. Ivy thought I was gross. And Kiba had thrown some absolute shitstorm tantrum at me 'telling.'


But here I was listening to a teacher talk about… Pokemon. Of course it was Pokemon. Sure we still did math, and reading, but we also had a class on survival and pokemon husbandry.

Because everyone was basically expected to leave home at around 10 and go on a journey.

Not everyone did. And it wasn't required, but almost everyone at least tried. Sure, the amount of kids coming home that first night in tears wanting their parents was…

Common. Very very common. I had seen it myself, staying up late the night of the Journeys.

"Vicky. Stop spacing out. You are on my team to take care of Tauros!" I glance up. Ivy was poking me with a pencil.

The brat.

"Stop poking me." I said as I rose up to follow the rest of the class ignoring Ivys huff of irritation as she ended up following me out to the pens.

Viridian City.

I always got a bit of amusement at the fact this is where I lived now. The Kanto Region. It was where my connection with Pokemon began.

Even if it was completely different. Pokedex? Yeah they have those. They are a book full of basic information. Half of which is wrong. Trust me I read through it.

Some of the people that I knew from the games, anime and manga, were alive, but nothing like they were in them. The broad strokes were about right, but that was it. Lance was the Kanto Champion, but I was pretty sure he wasn't secretly part of Team Rocket.

So best timeline?

Anyway. It was surprisingly peaceful right now. Sure wars happened. There had been a war between Johto and Kanto a decade back, but it had been short. Peace had been restored, and the two countries were now working together.

Pokemon ate pokemon… And humans if they were hungry enough. The whole don't go into tall grass isn't quite right, because a lot of pokemon didn't live in tall grass. But not going without your own Pokemon for protection was real.

Which is why we all had classes on how to interact with Pokemon. The school we went to had a barn out back with a large field, where the teachers would release a few Pokemon during these lessons. Learning about different types. How to feed, and interact with them.

"Hey Tauros." I tell the big guy as I walk up to him. His huffing snort as he paced around told me today he was going to pretend to be difficult. The teachers all had their Pokemon act differently each time we interacted with them.

It was actually pretty smart.

"Vicky! Tauros is using a threat display! Stop walking up to him!" Ivy whispered tugging at my shirt.

And then suddenly Tauros was moo-calling. Because I had just pulled out a Sitrus berry out of my backpack. Poor Tauros had a hankering for Sitrus berries. I had picked this one on my way to school this morning knowing that I would be assigned Tauros. Adult brain being able to track basic stuff like when I get assigned to each Pokemon was pretty easy.

"Here you go buddy. I know you're supposed to be difficult, but you deserve a reward today." I whisper to him secretly earning me a happy call of his name as he started chowing down. "Go on Ivy, you need to check him out right?"

"Ugh! Vicky! That's cheating, we are supposed to deal with Tauros when he is being difficult!"

"Offering a Pokemon their favorite Berry is a good way to calm them." A voice called out and Ivy jerked as Mrs. Hikaru mentioned from behind me. "Although I do believe we had this conversation last time Victoria."

"Ughh. But I don't want to fight Tauros today!" I whined out. "You know he enjoys pushing everyone in the mud." I whine to her. The fact Tauros was Mrs. Hikaru's pokemon meant it was on her orders that he often left the children covered in mud on their way home.

The womans smile would be almost sadistic for a moment. "It is part of the class Victoria."

"Well solving problems is part of what we learn here." I cut back, but it seems my backtalk hadn't worked.

"I will have a note for your mother after class Victoria."

"Ugh!" I grunted as I let Tauros finish his berry, I pulled out the brush from Ivys hand that we were meant to use to comb his fur down, and check for injuries. A common issue that trainers needed to do.

"You messed up Vicky!"

"Not really. My solution was fine. Mrs Hikaru just doesn't like me being mouthy. C'mon Tauros lets go near the pond. We will need to clean the mud off ya… And don't even look at me like that!" I push the Pokemon that was giving me an evil eye. "Not if you want any more Sitrus berries…" I leave off tempting and suddenly he was happy to follow along without a problem. Leaving Ivy whining at me for not doing it 'right' sure Ivy because being thrown into the mud by a bull is the right path.

Hauling the happy to follow Pokemon across the enclosure to the muddy pond to get some water I was actually surprised to see a bunch of kids already there.

"Ivy. Keep an eye on Tauros okay?" I tell her, because Tauros would happily run off if we let him just to give us trouble. It was his job and much like his trainer he was a sadist.

"What, Vicky! Stop running off we have a… She isn't listening."

I ignored Ivy as I rushed up to the pond, there was a crowd of three boys and between their laughter, and the fact they were throwing rocks at something?

"VICKY JUSTICE KICK!" I roar out as I sparta kick Kiba in the back sending him yelping into the muddy pond. "You two!" I yell out pointing at the other two boys.

"Shit it's Vicky!"

"Dammit Vicky! Stop kicking us in the pond!"

"Stop being assholes!" I cry out ready to engage in mortal combat with the two other boys when I notice Kiba was having problems.

Oh… "HAHAH Kiba you idiot! Why would you mess with a water Pokemon and then get in the water moron!" I burst into laughter a pointed at Kiba as he struggled in the water.

"YOU BITCH! You kicked me in here! Help! Get this thing away from me!" He cried out as a Feebas that they had obviously been messing with continued to batter the boy with Tackles. The fish was getting its revenge.

I broke out into chortles loving the revenge I was seeing, but well…

Feebas didn't much like my laughter. A moment later a fish slapped me off my feet and into the mud. Kiba finally managed to run away, and I decided to just learn how to breath again for a few minutes.

A face arced over me. A Tauros joining it a moment later. Ivys green hair thankfully blocking the sun from my eyes. "That was dumb."

"V-victory is mi-ine." I wheezed aloud. The splashing of the pond telling me the Feebas was still around.


I was thankfully no longer squelching as I reached home. Although I was coated in mud still. I sighed taking off my shoes and letting them squelch outside the door. Mama would kill me if I walked inside.

"Mama! I'm home… Also I need a towel." I call out waiting a moment for her to turn the corner.

She looked like me, but made tall. Blonde hair the color of golden wheat, and blue eyes. Although she was pretty short, which made me dread my eventual max height.

"Vicky… Why are you coated in mud?" Mama called as she came out of the kitchen. A towel in her hands. Shoulders falling I reached into my backpack and pulled out the note Mrs. Hikaru had given me. "I found a Feebas. Tackle hurts. Also Mrs. Hikaru wanted me to give you this."

"Victoria Ferrous." I winced. Full name. Not good. "I told you not to cause any trouble for your teachers! This is three times this month they have sent home notes!"

"Sorry Mama. It was my fault. I got mouthy, instead of just staying quiet." I answered truthfully, which always seemed to make my Mama a little disgruntled, probably happy that I wasn't always trying to hide my troublemaking. But having me say it outright was probably irritating.

"Grounded. For a week."

I sighed. Not too bad, but it could be worse. I mean this was a world where no kid was an indoor kid so it really was seen as a punishment. And it sorta was. Sure I had a computer, but well… The Internet and games weren't nearly as popular here.

"Yes Mama… Oh wait." I argue. "I need this afternoon first." I tell her remembering that I still had something to do.

"Vicky. You are grounded." Mama spoke simply without a hint of give.

I blink. Oh right. Kid thing. It was really weird to remember having full control of your schedule then become a kid again.

"Mam-" I stop myself. Whining wouldn't help. "Sorry Mama. Can I explain what I need to do first? This is important."

Although I got in trouble a lot, my ability to actually reason as an adult earned me an absolute ton of brownie points. Let me tell you having an eight year old that does her own laundry and chores and stuff as casually as I do, was something my parents both teased their friends about.

"You have one minute." She tells me holding up a finger.

"The Feebas, that got me all muddy. He is stuck in the pond on the school field. I'm gonna move him to our pond so the kids don't keep messing with him… Her? I don't actually know. How do you tell the difference between male and female Feebas?"

"I don't think there is one, or no one cares. Vicky. It's a Feebas. They are… Well they live everywhere. We had this talk about Magikarp."

"Don't talk shi–stuff about Magikarp." I argue instantly. My homeboy Magikarp is the MVP.


"Right. Sorry no cursing. But please! Feebas is a good Pokemon Mama. They are super cool, you know?"

"Feebas are bottom feeders Vicky. They literally survive on pond gunk."

"Which is why they are good for ponds. Ours is getting pretty nasty. Feebas would love it." I argue with a smile already feeling it going my way.

"Didn't you say it attacked you? I don't want a dangerous Pokemon in our pond… Or you messing with it."

"He was being harassed by a bunch of kids, and.. Well I was laughing at Kiba when I kicked him in the pond, so I think he thought I was laughing at him?"

"You kicked Kiba into the pond?"

Blinking realizing that I had actually gotten away with that, after everything. Mrs. Hikaru had been more interested in making sure we weren't going to be attacked by the Feebas more than what had caused it.

"He deserved it. He was throwing rocks at Feebas. So I kicked him in. Leveled the playing field. The Feebas got a few tackles in. It was even."

"Victoria! We do not condone wild Pokemon attacking people!"

"Even when they threw rocks at the Pokemon first?" I asked my ability to see things as an adult meant I could see my mother restrain herself from agreeing with me.

"Even then."

"Right. Sorry. I'll not do that again… Can I go help the Feebas now? Twenty minutes tops. I just need to get a bucket. And maybe some berries?"

My mother exhaled. Her hand pressing against the bridge of her nose as she considered it. I smiled. Although wiped it off my face before she could see it. No reason to seem smug, smug changed parents' minds.

"Fine, but! But. You do not get in that pond, or near the Feebas if it is showing any aggression. And Take Meowth with you."

"Aww Mama, not Meowth, he is such a massive pain- friendly Pokemon that I love and adore." I instantly change my complaint as the Pokemon in question walks into the hall. Meowth was Mama's Pokemon, he was old. Grumpy, and a cat. So he basically was the biggest downer of all time.

He literally ate a pidgey I was playing with infront of me before. Whole. Feathers and all.

"Meowth." He greeted me casually walking over and looking like he was about to jump on my shoulders for a free ride before suddenly veering off. I snickered I was still covered in mud.

"Meows? Watch Vicky for me? She is going to go help a Feebas, don't eat it dear, I don't want to consider where it has been. Just make sure it doesn't drown her."

"Meow." He offered with a sigh as the cat stretched.

"Great. One sec, I need my bucket." I order as I hurry up the stairs wincing at my mothers yell not to leave mud on the floors.

I was gonna be scrubbing the floors tonight. Dangit.

With my bucket in hand, and still in muddy clothes I raced back outside, Meowth, the absolute asshole he was, had decided since he couldn't ride on my shoulders. The Bucket would do, so I was forced to haul his fat lazy butt back to the school field.

"Stupid cat." I moan as I put the bucket down my arms aching. Seriously I was already tired, and now I would have to haul a bucket of Water filled with fish back home too.

Stupid cat.

Especially when I remembered Feebas were like 15-16 pounds.

"Alright Meows, stay here okay? Only help if I'm drowning or something."

"Meo-Meowth!" I looked at the cat that was looking at me giving me a specific sort of look. One I had grown used to recognizing since Meowth was an asshole.

"If I fall in, I'm on my own to you huh."


"Really? You are gonna do me like that? What would Mama say?"

That earned a moments consideration before he seemed to look around the field and shrugged. "Meowth."

"Wow. You would just run off huh. Well I'll remember that next time You need me to clean up a hairball in order for Mama to not change your dinner. The Hairball food is super gross right? Well well well." I taunt as I step away earning a hiss for my trouble.

I guess this is what I get for taking Mama's meowth. The alley cat… Literally that is where Mama found him, still had that sort of arrogant swagger of a trainer pokemon, alongside the cat pride.

He was a pain in the ass. Nice to cuddle on cold days though.

Ignoring my cat I walked up to the water. "Hey Feebas. You still in there?"

A long moment nothing happened, and I sighed. Maybe he had already jumped out of the pond back to the river? Sure it was a long trip, but… Feebas. They were river fish, and they were hardy as fuck. If Magikarp were tough because of stupid. Feebas were tough because just nothing stopped them.

I grabbed a Cheri Berry from my backpack, one I had grabbed a few off a tree on my way over and pulled it apart, letting the juice drip down my hands into the water. "Hey Feebas. You want a Berry? I just want to talk okay? I'm not the jerks that threw rocks at you."

I waited a while, letting the juice drip before poking half of the Berry into the water. A moment later it was scooped right out of my fingers by a hungry fish.

"There you a-Pffft!" I spit the nasty pond water out of my mouth. The Fish had spun back into the pond and kicked up water into my face.

"Okay." I licked the other Cheri Berry letting the taste wash away pond water. "Listen I have more Berrys for you. Here is the deal okay? I want to move you to another pond. It's one at my home. It's bigger than this one, and it feeds our Berry farm. So lots of overripe berries fall into the water. There isn't any other water pokemon there. Think about it. You can hang out. No more kids throwing rocks, or big pokemon like the Tauros drinking your water, and all the berrys you can eat. How about it?"

Slowly the Feebas rose up until his mouth was mostly out of the pond. "Feeeeb." I offered the other half of the berry which quickly disappeared from my fingers. I reached into my bag and grabbed a few more. Which earned me an interested look from the fish.

"I didn't really understand that one buddy. Here have another Cheri."

He gulped that one down and seemed quite happy at his treat before once again. "Feeeb. Feebas."

Understanding Pokemon wasn't a science, and no one could just 'speak' to them like Yellow from the Manga. I had looked. But people could pretty easily understand a pokemon they had been around for a while.

Pokemon were capable of being just as smart as humans after all.

Maybe not Slowpoke… Or maybe they were just smart in their own time. Which was about two hours after everyone else. Well not all Pokemon were human level. Sometimes they had to have some years on them first, or just evolve a bit.

So it took me a minute, but the way he was saying it sounded sad.

"Are you asking… Why I would help you?"

"Feeb." That was a confirmation.

Huh. How rough. "Listen. I even like Magikarp. Feebas are great. You are a great Pokemon! I mean, sheesh you guys evolve into the most beautiful Pokemon in the world! Literally! Milotic is called that. You just have a rough early period. I just want to help out."

"Fe-feebas Feeb!?" Huh. That was definitely a question. A shocked question? What was shocking?

I looked back to Meowth, sometimes you could get another Pokemon to translate but my cat was sleeping in my bucket.

I sighed. Figures. "Okay wait hold on. That was a question. But I don't follow. Magikarp?"


"Okay not that… Umm. Great Pokemon? Feebas are great?"

"Feeb… Feebas."

"So not what your question is about, but you disagree? Aww. That's so. Okay I'll come back to that! Milotic?"


"Milotic? I mean, have you seen a Milotic before?"


"Never? Wait… Did you know you could evolve?"

"Feeb! Feeb."

"You didn't know you can evolve. Holy shit. Pokemon… Pokemon don't know what they can evolve into? No wait. Some do, but I guess. You probably never had a Milotic Mama or Papa huh? That makes sense… Okay so yeah Feebas Evolve into Milotic! They are awesome! They are this long Eel pokemon. With the most beautiful scales in the whole world. They change colors at different angles, and they are considered super rare and valuable Pokemon. EVERYONE wants a Milotic."


"Yeah You can evolve into them, you just need to be beautiful."

"Feeeeeeeeeb." The moan soul shattering.

"No no no! No way relax! Listen. I know how to evolve you okay? There are two ways to do it. One I make you feel beautiful! Which you are! Feebas are great!"


"I'm not lying! The second is to get a Prism scale. Feebas can make them naturally… somehow? But that's not a big deal, I can buy one too. Milotic shed them. I mean… They are pretty expensive for my pocket change, but listen. Come with me. Live in my pond. I promise I will help you evolve. I mean… I wouldn't mind having a Milotic partner."

"Feebas! Feeb!"

"Hah! Yeah you can be my partner! I don't have any pokeballs. They uh… Don't let us kids have them. I hate it but I mean… If you give a kid a Pokeball…" I trailed off meaningfully. Although Feebas didn't seem to get it.


"Cool. Let me get my bucket…. And move my lazy cat."


"Mama! I'm home! UGH." I grunt as I set the bucket full of fish down. Meowth casual sauntering past me, uncaring to help. Jerk.

"Feeb." My little buddy, who was actually pretty cool. He seemed pretty sorry for making me carry him all the way home. At least he was looking around in wonder at the house.

Right. Wild Pokemon. "Cool huh? I'll show you my room some time as well. Although I think I'll need to put you in the pond first… My arms are a little done."

"Oh need your big strong papa to come rescue you!?" A voice called out from above me suddenly as I was lifted into strong arms. Laughing maniacally as I was shaken about I felt my grin grow.

"Papa! When did you get home!"

"About five minutes ago! Your mother told me you were out catching a Feebas."

"Not catching! Helping! I mean. I would catch him if I had a Pokeball…" I trailed off teasing earning a scoff.

"Not a chance, Trouble. Not until you are ten."

"Fiiine. Anyway Papa! This is Feebas. Feebas this is my Papa Victor Ferrous. I'm named after him." Papa was tall and large. Since he worked with Pokemon all day he was super strong. Although he often came home smelling like a barbeque since he worked with Growlithe all day.

Papa worked with the Police Growlithe training department. Basically he trained the Growlithe that all the officers would take out with, teaching them scenting tracking, and battle.

His partner Growly who was in his Pokeball right now was Papa's first Pokemon, and was considered a pretty strong Growlithe, which is how he got the job when he retired.

"F-feeb." The poor fish was trying to hide in his bucket as Papa looked in.

"You don't need to be scarred Feeby. Papa is cool and totally understands that not all Pokemon are great until they evolve. He is nice. Right Papa?"

"Sure Trouble. Hello Feebas… Vicky. You do know Feebas don-"

"Victoria! Victor! Both of you! You are covered in mud. Go get cleaned up!" Mama interrupted instantly the housewife furious as she took in her family's appearance.

I had been covered in mud and dirt when Papa grabbed me… oops. Sorry Papa.

"Ah my beautiful and beloved wife!" Papa called out teasingly and suddenly I could see my Mama's eyes open wide. "Don't you dare you-" And they were off. Papa chasing Mama through the house to give her a muddy hug.

Papa helped me put Feebas in the pond a little later, but well… He slept on the couch that night.


"Love of my life?" Victor asked as he rolled over in bed.

"Yes Dear?" His wife responded by putting the book down she had been reading.

"Why does our daughter love the ugliest, most useless pokemon in the whole world? It took us how long to get her to stop trying to fish up Magikarp?"

"Years my beloved… Years. And I don't know. Feebas don't even evolve so I have no idea what our daughter is on about."

Victor looked over to his wife long after their daughter had gone to bed. Her blonde hair up in a bun, and sundress did nothing to hide her beauty from him. Her blue eyes shared by their daughter looked worn out.

"I never know whether to say we were blessed by her, or cursed."

"Don't say that!" He laughed unable to resist teasing her as he pulled her close. "It could be worse. She could be a Ponyta girl."

"Oh don't you start! Ponyta are amazing Pokemon! I always wanted one."

"Yes dear."

"At least the Feebas won't turn into a twenty foot serpent in our pond someday."

"Thank Arceus for that."


"Okay so Feeby. Operation turn you into a twenty foot sea serpent begins now." I tell the Pokemon swimming in my pond, his head poking out to listen as I pointed to my marker board I had brought out.

"So first thing first. I'm working on getting a prism scale. Which is sorta the easiest way to evolve you." I point at my perfect drawing of a prism scale. Ignore the fact it looked like just a bunch colors. I may not be an artist. "Problem is. They are expensive. I checked at the jewelry shop in town, and they did have some! But it was really expensive. I even asked if they had any off hand that weren't used in jewelry and they do… But they are still expensive." I groan pointing to the number beside the picture. "This is a bit outside of my current price range. I already checked my savings, and we aren't even close… Damn that fishing rod!"

If only my desire for Magikarp wasn't so strong I would have more money! I mean it wouldn't be even close to enough still but it would save me some time if I am saving it from allowance.

"Anyway, here is the deal using my allowance. I will have enough to buy one in about two, maybe three years."


"Hey now no need to be sad! Like I said this is just the option that will absolutely happen. A few years!" I tell Feebas using a raised finger. "But that is only if everything else doesn't work out!" I point at the white board. "So option 2! This one is free. All we need to do is make you beautiful! When you feel beautiful on the inside, you will become beautiful on the outside."

That earned me a few blubs of water. Obviously Feebas didn't share my confidence.

"Until then! Well. You wanted to be my partner right?" I ask, earning a startled splash from the fish as it literally jerked in shock at the offer.


I smiled at the quick confirmation. "I wasn't kidding when I offered! I think Feebas are great." I reached out and to his shock poked him on the nose. "Since you will be my partner. We will need to get to know each other, and we can even do some training to strengthen you up! How about it?"


"Awesome! This is gonna be fun! So first off. Here are a bunch of berrys… Which is your favorite?"


"Oh good choice!"


"Vicky… Why do you have a Feebas in a bucket?"

"Ms. Kurosawa said to bring in a pokemon today."

"A family pokemon Vicky. We are supposed to bring in one of our parents captured Pokemon. Your Feebas is in a bucket."

"Listen Ivy… Growly is with Papa at work. And Meowth threatened me with his claws. So I took my cowardly ass outside and picked up my best bud Feebas."


"Vicky! Language!"

"No, now my arms are tired can we take this inside?"

"Ms Kurosawa is gonna kill you."

I shrugged as I continued to haul my fish inside the classroom. The classroom that had a bunch of excited students inside, everyone had a pokeball with them, to show off a family pokemon and discuss things we have learned about them while living with them.

That was supposed to be the lesson, but most of the kids simply brought their parents strongest biggest Pokemon to show off.

I brought Feebas, because we were besties. Plus no one was allowed to say anything bad about any pokemon brought in. I had asked Ms. Kurosawa directly, and made sure that she would remind everyone because Feebas needed some more moral support from more than just me.


"Ms. Kurosawa! You are looking beautiful today!" I offered with a smile as the older woman looked down on me. Fortunately I was a pretty good kid mostly, outside of my occasional bored nonsense, so she simply gave me a look. "If you make a mess you are cleaning it up after class Ms Ferrous."

"You got it! Hear that Feebs? Let's try to keep the water in the bucket."


"Feeby agrees."

"Very well. To your desk Victoria."

"Sure! Oh, umm, maybe another reminder about Pokemon and their feelings?" I prompted quietly when I noticed Feebas was looking around excited.

For a moment it looked like Ms Kurosawa was not going to agree. But a moment later her stern face melted into a small smile. "I will make sure the class remembers Victoria. Off you go."

I smiled as I finished making my way inside to more than a few wrinkled faces. Feebas unfortunately had a reputation as being gross Pokemon. So the kids weren't happy, but before anyone could say anything. Ms, Kurosawa came in clutch.

"Class! Let's start quieting down, and a reminder! We are having a lot of pokemon coming through today. Pokemon that are family members to those bringing them in. So if you have nothing nice to say. Say nothing. Smile and be polite, we are here to share what we have learned about pokemon in our family."

The very stern call was pointed at a few of the troublemakers who grumbled but seemed to accept what they were told.

They might be little shits, but they were also about to get to see cool Pokemon. Plus people were nicer in this world in general.

I assumed it was because if you talked shit here, that weirdo you were making fun of, might pull a dragon out of his pocket.

Shit was wild like that.

"I have my moms Venasaur!" I glanced up as Ivy popped a Pokeball. And the teacher winced as the Venusaur let its weight be felt on the school's flooring.

I kept my laugh hidden but Ms. Kurosawa was looking pissed.

We had been told to keep our pokemon inside appropriate. Rumor is some kid years ago brought a Waillord to class.

None of the kids had listened to that rule if they could. I highly doubt Ivy was the only one to bring something huge.

"Vena-Sauuur!" It roared out which did have me laughing as Ivy was doing jazz hands as the Venasaur showed off for the class. Aww it was being nice to Ivy.

"This is Venasaur! My Moms starter! When I go on my adventure I'm going to get a bulbasaur that was one of Venusaur's eggs!"

"Very nice Ivy." Ms. Kurosawa said not sounding like she thought this was nice at all. "Why don't you talk to us about taking care of Venusaur in your home."

"R-right! Venusaur needs lots of light, so we actually have a greenhouse in our backyard for him to live in! Venasaur eats a lot of food as well! Dad says that just because Venusaur could live mostly on sunlight. Giving them normal food is necessary! Otherwise they might not grow right!"

"Thank you Ivy, why don't you go ahead and return Venusaur now."

"Yes Ms. Kurosawa! Venusaur Return!"

The class pretty much went like that. A lot of Kanto starters. Although even I looked on in awe at a Charizard standing proudly in the classroom.

So cool.

Dragons! My eyes might have been sparkling.

"Victoria. Why don't you introduce us to your friend."

"Oh! Yes!" I grunted as I lifted Feebas up in his bucket. Seriously. The fish was close to eighteen pounds plus water. It was heavy.

"This is Feebas!" I introduce, as I put him down. I could feel his nervousness at the way he was wiggling a little from all the eyes on him. Leaning down I whispered. "Don't worry buddy. You got this!"

"Feebas is one of the Fish Pokemon. Like Magikarp. But Feebas is actually a really important pokemon to the ecosystem! See Feebas are able to live in almost any source of water even shallow ponds and stuff! They can eat just about anything to survive because they are so hardy, but you usually see them around ponds and things, they actually help keep our ponds clean for other Pokemon!"

"So they eat garbage?" A call came out, and I could see Ms. Kurosawa already acting walking over and whispering something into an ear, considering the rapidly paling face from the girl, Brittany? Something like that.

Well she was in trouble.

So was I though. Because Feebas was dunking his head into the bucket trying to hide.

That bitch hurt my fishs feelings. If Ms. Kurosawa wasn't here, I would be teaching her Mr. Fish style kungfu.

"They can eat anything! But it's not garbage! They can eat anything so it lets them keep ponds clean of algae and buildup! We wouldn't have Goldeen without Feebas! Or Staryu and Starmie since they only like clean water! Feebas are great! They help all the pokemon around them, and because they are so necessary most pokemon won't even attack them to try and eat them!"

"I actually didn't know that Victoria. Tell us about taking care of your Feebas?"

"Oh sure Ms. Kurosawa! So Feebas will eat just about anything, so we keep him in our feeder pond. It's where our water for our Berry trees come from! Without Feebas in there we had to work really hard to keep the water fresh so it wouldn't get nasty! But ever since I brought him home, our pond has been really pretty! I even go swimming with Feebas now!" I continue to pump my little fish up, and thanks to Ms. Kurosawa I actually had a few of my friends mention how useful a Feebas was.

My little fish was crying at the compliments as I picked up his bucket and took him to my desk.

That was almost a disaster!