Chapter 7 - Sand City Part 4

Alyssa stares at the broken man in front of her, behind the bars. From the hall behind him George heard footsteps approaching, George turned around, and saw that familiar scar on left eye and glowing orange eye.

  "Spring has come, Godfrey.", says a raspy voice from behind the bars. 

  "I thought that Skai was the King's son?", quickly asked Alyssa.

  "He is . . .", began Godfrey but George interrupted. "Then let him go!", yells George. Godfrey reaches his hand into his pocket, takes out a pair of keys, and shakes them. Godfrey walks over to the bars and opens up the prison. Then Godfrey slowly walks over to Skai, as Skai looks up at Godfrey and begins to cry, "Godfrey, I miss you.". Skai smiles and Godfrey kneels down to unlock Skai's chains. Then immediately after Skai and Godfrey embrace each other in a long hug. 

  "I miss ya too kid. Did I hear ya say it is officially spring?"

  "Yes, I finally have a purpose, and it is to protect those who protect me." 

  "Well ya have two new friends who are willing to protect ya.", Godfrey points back.

  "My name is Alyssa and I have sworn to protect you. But Godfrey, it still doesn't make sense why Skai was tied up if he is the King's son."

"I will tell you when I feel comfortable.", says Skai as he begins to walk out of the dark cell. In the light you can see Skai is wearing pants that are torn and barely go past his knees, and his shirt only covers his chest and is filled with dirt and is torn. 

"Well Skai ya better not let these two die, then.", says Godfreyas he points to Alyssa and then to George but keeps pointing at George, "This guy over here is George. You too actually have a lot in common." . George waves and then Alyssa says, "Well why don't we get these two some armor and proper clothes.".

"Yeah that sounds good.", Godfrey pauses and grabs George by the arm and whispers in his ear, "Don't tell anyone ya last name unless ya trust them. Ya got that. People will want ya head.". George nods and jogs to catch up to Skai and Alyssa. 

They all enter the blacksmith's store. The store when you enter has swords lined up on the wall and on the left by the wall in glass boxes armor. Right when they walk in, the blacksmith shouts, "Skai! I've missed you! I have special white armor for you.". Alyssa looks over at the blacksmith, "Do you have any armor that will fit this other boy?". The blacksmith looks over at George and then replies, "Yeah let me go to the back.". The man comes back out and has a bag which he hands to Skai and then hands George another bag. Skai pulls out his armor which is bright white and has Skai written on the shoulder pad. Skai looks up at the blacksmith, "Thank you, so much.", says Skai as he hugs the blacksmith. Then the blacksmith says, "Thank you for giving our King a son. When you come back, save Sand City so you can become our king.". George pulls out his armor, which is black, "Thank you. How much do we own you?". The blacksmith stops hugging Skai and then walks over to George and puts his hand on George's shoulder, "There is no need for money if you guys are helping our cause.". Alyssa looks to the right of the store and then asks, "What about any swords?". The blacksmith walks into the back without speaking and then walks back out, "When the Soldiers of Goldton attacked the city years ago I collected a bunch of their swords. These are the best swords I have ever seen.". The blacksmith handed Skai and George two swords. The swords were made out of steel but short, only two to three feet long, the hilt was also short and could only be held with one hand. The sheaths were leather and could be worn like a belt. 

"Can they get changed in the back?", asked Alyssa.

"Sure, I don't mind."

George and Skai begin to walk to the back. 

"That is a cool sword there. How much for it?"Alyssa points to a shiny gold sword in a glass box on the wall. 

"Sorry that one is not for sale."

"That's fine, it just looks amazing."

"I know it isn't beautiful. It is one of the treasures of the kingdom.

George and Skai enter a backroom which has boxes of swords. 

"So what is your story?", asks Skai.

"I'll tell you when you tell me your's." 

"Well I guess that is fair."

They both walk out and Alyssa immediately says, "Let's get going now.". They began walking through the rest of the outskirts as they see Godfrey leaning on Freya as they walk. 

"What happened?", asks Skai with a visibly worried expression on his pale face.

"It doesn't matter, go to the witch, get your powers and come back. Quickly!", says Godfrey in pain. 

Skai's eyes shot wide open, as they began walking through the outskirts,because Godfrey had only been injured one time. A couple minutes later Alyssa asks, "Is there a place to buy horses?" 

"No, we don't sell horses.", says Skai.

"What do you mean we don't sell horses?", asks Alyssa 

"As a culture we do not sell horses, they are only for the rich or gifted to high ranking knights or political officials." , replies Skai. 

"Since you are the king's child could you get us a horse or three?", asks George.

"I am not sure if I could or not.", says Skai.

"Skai, are you really his son?", asks Alyssa.

"He found me in his kingdom, poor and homeless. He took me in but then I did something that lost his trust, but not his love. He locked me up but kept me fed and warmed."

"What did you do to get locked up?", asks George.

"I can't tell you that yet.", says Skai.

"Why not? I would like to know the person I've sworn to protect.", says Alyssa. 

Wind whips through the city, as the outskirts become barren. Everyone fled into their houses, and just populated the streets. The outskirts became deserted, except for the bazaar, which had one man still selling items, and another sitting in a large pot. The bazaar, which was in a small corridor, was covered by tarps and nets which were wagging and rustling in the wind. The man selling items was on the left and was packing up his station. He was larger, had inexpensive rags as clothes, had dark skin, black hair and glasses. The man in the pot was on the right a little bit further down from the station. He was bald, had light skin, was unhealthy thin, had no clothes and was anxiously looking around. The larger man at his station saw Skai, Alyssa and George walk by. 

"You young people better get home, there is a sand storm comin' through here.", says the man as he begins to lean forward and squint. 

"Ricky, Mr. Hassan, it's me Skai.", replies Skai as he shows a large smile and waves. 

"Oh, my boy, it is you. You've grown so much, I haven't seen you in years. How has royal life been treating you?", asks Ricky Hassan.

"It has been treating me well . . . Very well.", replies Skai as he hesitates.

"You have always been such a good boy, not trying to brag, I see. Well I will offer up my home for you for the time being as the storm passes over.", says Ricky Hassan.

"Thank you.", says Skai as he bows.


They went silent as the man tipped over the pot and crawled out. "You pretty lady will be lost in the darkness and be attracted to death.", croaks the man, "You, the white haired gentleman, you will be the god you were before, but like the lady you will be lost with the brown haired gentleman. The mountains will scare you but a friend you will meet. Be sure not to become close because I see a falling out between you two."

They stood like statues in silence looking at each other. The man crawled back into the pot and put a tarp covering. Then the wind rolls the pot over and tears down the nets and tarps covering the bazaar. Ricky Hassan moves quickly to the door to his left.

"Come inside quickly.", he says as he opens the door to his sandstone house. 

They all walk inside as George looks out of the corridor and a wall of wind and sand is rushing towards them. They all rushed in as Ricky Hassan kept the door opened, then shut it immediately when they came in. The room was dark and got darker as the sand and clouds. Skai and Ricky Hassan begin taking off their shoes, George and Alyssa look around confused and begin taking off their shoes as well. The house was open and had a fireplace to the right, and a rug in front of it. Right in front of the door, about ten feet back, was a kitchen. It had a counter, a few drawers, and a hole on the opposite side on the back counter, by the wall, which was most likely a sink. Ricky Hassan goes over and lights a fire, and as the fire lights up the room to the left of the fireplace is a doorway.

"I'll cook something up for you three, just go relax, Skai you know where Amira's old bedroom is at, right? Go relax there.", says Ricky Hassan.

The three of them moved, with Skai leading into the hallway, which was by the fireplace. They entered into a small room which only had a mattress sitting on the ground. 

"Is Amira his daughter?", asks Alyssa 

"Yes.", Skai quickly responds as he looks away.

"Is his daughter married away or left the house?", asked Alyssa.

"Mr. Hassan's child, Amira, and his wife are both dead.", says Skai with a melancholy tone. 

Alyssa gasps, "What happened?"

"I killed them.", said Skai, "I killed tons of people in an outburst of rage."

"Does he not know?", asks George.

"No one in the Sannder desert knows that it was me.", says Skai as he pauses, "The great freeze from the god above or just the great freeze is what they called it. I froze over all of Sand City, killing half of the population."

"Why?", asks George and Alyssa  simultaneously.

"Revenge.", replies Skai in a naturally deeper voice.

"Can you tell us the whole story?", asks Alyssa

Skai takes a deep breath in and then says, "Yes I do but this means I greatly trust you, so I can only tell you if you trust me."

"I trust you, I must to properly protect you.", says Alyssa

"I", starts George but pauses for a while as the room becomes silent, "I trust you too."

"But you must know people I trust always die, I am a devil from hell."