Chereads / Witchqueen of the Dark Phoenix / Chapter 8 - Ch. 8: The Power of Love

Chapter 8 - Ch. 8: The Power of Love

For the first time in her life, Sari hesitated to climb the steps up the Muse Temple of Iskanda.

The morning sun above her head struggled to break through the thick blanket of clouds, casting a gloomy pall over the temple grounds. A cool breeze swayed the branches of the trees around the temple, casting dancing shadows on the marble walls.

Sari pushed her golden hair out of her face and looked up to the gate at the end of the stairs. Her heart pounded. Today, it was difficult to go up. Despite having talked with Brekan about their relationship several times, the one a few days ago on the rooftop still gnawed at her mind and had caused her sleep to be restless. But what hindered her from going up today was her Head Muse, Gretana. The one Sari always asked for advice. Only this time she already knew what her Head Muse would tell her.

She took a deep breath and started walking up the steps. Her footsteps echoed on the stone, and the sound of her breathing was the only other noise she could hear, despite the buzzing city around her.

As she drew closer to the temple gate, she could smell the sweet incense burning inside. The scent filled her lungs, and she closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the familiar aroma of Sundrinker root.

When she opened her eyes again, she was standing in front of the open wooden gate made of dark oak, welcoming visitors to its sacred ground. The gates were carved with the intricate design of a round shield with the sun in its middle. Sari's eyes were drawn to the sun, its golden rays shining brightly, even on this gloomy day.

Sari entered the temple yard with the imposing statue of Lova and her nine muses around her. Sari passed by a statue of Lova, the founder of the Muses, who seemed to gaze at her with a knowing smile. It felt as if the statue itself understood the weight of Sari's struggle. The heroine statue always put a smile on her face. Lova was depicted as a young woman with long flowing hair and a gentle smile. She was dressed in a simple white gown, and her bare feet rested on a marble pedestal. Sari felt a deep connection to her and what she stood for, even more than the actual nine muses, each representing their own craft.

Sari walked past the statues of the founder and the Muses, aiming for the main building on the other end of the yard. On the walls of the temple hung shrouds and flags with the Muse shield, waving in the wind. The air in the temple yard was filled with the sound of music and laughter coming from several entrances and passageways in the walls of the yard. Sari could hear the other muses practicing their crafts and sharing their knowledge. A feeling of homeliness and familiarity calmed her mind.

But her destination was Head Muse Gretana in the atrium, the main hall of the temple. She took a deep breath and steeled herself for what was to come. She knew that Gretana would be honest with her, even if it was not what she wanted to hear. When Sari entered the atrium, she was welcomed by walls covered in murals depicting the Muses and their backstories. The murals were drawn in vibrant colors, and they seemed to emit life and energy. Sari wandered under the high vaulted ceiling and passed gentle splashing fountains. She felt a sense of calm wash over her, and she felt more empowered than she had in days.

"I'm ready," she thought.

She found Gretana sitting on a bench, advising a visitor. The head muse glanced at her and then focused on the visitor talking to her.

Sari sat down on a distant bench, her shoulders sagging and her gaze averted from the head muse and her visitor. She felt a pang of anxiety in her stomach.

After a few minutes, Gretana sat down next to her, and they both watched the visitor leave.

"What is it?" the old woman asked Sari. "Usually you start your duties right away." The head muse put on a smile that could never hide her usual bitterness.

Sari looked down. She thought about all the times she had this talk with Gretana. She said: "I tried to convince Brekan again." She didn't even need to look; she could practically hear Gretana's smile die.

"To the same result as usual?" the head muse asked.

Sari felt the subtle sting in Gretana's words. "I hoped it would be different this time. He had been in great distress from one of his missions and was seeking comfort. I could feel him wavering..."

"But he stood by his convictions," Gretana finished for her. "I said it before, I will say it again: you have to leave him. Not because he is a bad person or even the wrong person. He doesn't want to marry you."

Sari felt the dagger in her heart. It cut even deeper because she knew the head muse was right. She trusted Gretana and her words weighed heavy. It was Gretana who took her in despite Sari still being too young to officially join the Muses. The Head Muse had always watched over her.

"But I love him so much."

Gretana put her arm around Sari's shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze. "The ordination is soon," she said. "After that, there is no going back. The only thing that could tear you out of your duties afterward would be the one thing Brekan doesn't want to do."

Sari's feelings overwhelmed her. Her ordination, the final step from being an apprentice to becoming a Muse was only a few days away. And after that, she would have to devote all her being to the temple. She would barely be able to see Brekan anymore, only through official business and the only way to be able to be with him after the ordination would be marriage.

Sari said: "What if I gave up on being a Muse and just waited a little longer? Maybe in the future, he will give up his desire."

Gretana shook her softly and said: "Being a Muse has been your dream since you were a child. You always wanted to be one just like your mom. And look what happened when she had to marry."

Sari clenched her fists. "My mom HAD to marry. I WANT to." But Gretana was right about her dream of becoming a muse like her mom. This and her love for Brekan was what kept her going when all hope had been lost.

Gretana said: "You know him better than me, Sari. Yet I know that he would rather die than abandon his desire to protect you."

"Protect me..." Sari whispered. Her tears stopped, and her mind cleared of the raging storm.

She took a deep breath and looked up at Gretana. "You're right," she said. "He only wants to protect me."

Gretana pulled back her arm. "And everyone else in the Sun Kingdom," she said.

No, Sari thought. Not everyone else. Only me.

Sari shook her head and smiled. She looked up at the statue of Lova that peeked out of a scrub that bloomed with red and yellow flowers.

"It's me," she whispered. "Only me." Of course. It makes sense now.

Sari glanced across the amphitheater of the Garden of Heroes, her gaze falling on an unusual woman with striking onyx-colored hair streaked with white. Despite the light strands, she didn't look old. She sat beside a young city guard and several other people, their faces turned towards Sari in anticipation.

Most of the seats were filled with teenage students, their eyes wide with eagerness. Sari stood in the middle, a stone pedestal in front of her. On it, opened up, lay the Sun Codex. Its weathered pages gleamed in the morning sunlight, which streamed through the trees above.

A cool breeze caressed Sari's skin, loosening her hair. She took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent of flowers and the distant murmur of other guests in the Garden.

This was it, the day of her official work as a Muse. Sari felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She knew that her words would have a profound impact on the young people gathered before her. They were the future of the Sun Kingdom, and she wanted to inspire them to uphold the values enshrined in the Sun Codex.

"Thank you all for joining me today," Sari began, her voice clear and warm. "Today, I want to talk to you about something that has been at the heart of our society for generations-the Sun Codex."

She paused, her eyes sweeping over the crowd. "The Codex is more than just a book of laws; it's a reflection of our collective duty to the Sun Kingdom, a guiding light that has shaped our lives. It emphasizes unity, order, and the common good. The Codex teaches us the importance of the duty to our kingdom, and the sacrifice for the greater good."

Sari's gaze fell upon the mysterious woman, who smiled and shook her head. Sari's eyes briefly met hers, then she continued.

"The Codex is indeed a vital part of our society, and it provides a necessary structure. But we should also remember that it was created by individuals, shaped by their visions and beliefs."

While Sari talked about the basic philosophy and history of how the Sun King wrote the first Codex with the blood of the first heroes, she found herself glazing at the woman multiple times. She felt as if she needed her approval of the message somehow.

When Sari finished her first lecture the crowd applauded politely and scattered into the Garden. She closed the Codex and closed her eyes.

A male voice beside her made her look up. "May I have a moment of your time, honored Muse?"

It was the young guard who looked at her with turmoil in his eyes.

"Of course," she said. "How can I help you?"

The man hesitated and looked away a few times. He fidgeted with his hands and spoke with a lowered voice. "It's about the Codex," he said. "And about… you could say, 'the system'."

Sari looked around, seeing no one in earshot, except the strange woman, who still watched her with keen eyes.

The man asked: "Is there really no other way? Are these rules really going to be eternal, even if they create suffering?"

Sari looked at the man and asked: "What do you mean? The Codex is meant to protect and empower everyone. Do you have doubts?"

The man said: "As you can see, I am a city guard. Not a veteran but at least a few years in service now. I just doubt the Codex is fit to tell us how to deal with threats to the life of the innocent."

Sari knew what the guard was talking about was technically treason, or at least very close. The Codex was infallible. Or at least it was meant to be. Written in the blood of the heroes who gave their life in protecting the realm from Hemah.

The guard continued: "I have been confronted with Cultists before. Caught one with my friend and colleague. We wanted to interrogate him to find out how his group operated, maybe even stopping more of their crime. But then the Inquisition came and just killed him. Just like the Codex ordered them to."

Sari nodded, her expression reflecting the inner conflict that had been gnawing at her. "That is the separation of power the Sun King decided for the Kingdom."

The man shook his head, his voice tinged with frustration and sorrow. "We could have saved more people if the cultist was still alive and had told us. Because of this, his co-conspirators were able to continue and take hostages. One of which was my friend, off-duty and trying to help."

Sari's fists clenched. She knew where this was going. Brekan has spoken occasionally how he or his colleagues had to deal with hostage situations.

Sari remained silent, the weight of the guard's words settling heavily upon her. She understood the cruel logic of the Codex, but it didn't make it any easier to accept. She had been taught that most of the time the people coming to her for mental care only needed someone to listen to their worries. But this time Sari also was hesitant to give advice. He was right in his unsureness and distress.

He asked: "Does the life of one really mean so little in the machinery that is the Sun Kingdom?"

Sari was on edge. She was aware that whatever answer she might give him might either turn him into a cultist or a miserable disillusioned person for the rest of his life. She felt the strong desire to just tell him to nurture his individuality, his dreams, and his own destiny?

In a dry voice full of hesitation she receited the opening line of the Codex. "The life of the many over the life of the few."

Her heart broke at the same time she saw his breaking in his eyes. It was what she had to tell him. What was expected of her.

He looked at the ground and said: "Thank you." Without another word he swiftly left.

Sari punched the Codex on the table and wiped away her tears. She looked up at the empty amphitheater. Directly into the eyes of the woman who still sat there.

The woman said: "You don't actually believe one word of what you just said."

"Who are you?" Sari asked with a hint of spite in her voice.

She watched the woman stand up and walk up to her.

"Nightjewel," she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, what is your name, Muse?"

"Sari." She answered, wondering about that strange name.

They stood there for a moment, studying each other, a silent tension in the air.

Sari said: "I agree with what the Codex says. It is the guide for the greater good that protects all people."

Nightjewel said: "Sounds like cope."

Sari blinked a few times in bewilderment. "What?"

"What if I were to tell you that the Codex is not the only path you can choose to follow? What if there's more to life than just adhering to a set of rules and expectations?"

Sari's first reflex was to lash out at her statement. But shame prevented her from speaking up. Shame about feeling deep inside of her that a part was longing for that idea.

Nightjewel said: "We can find our own purpose, our own passions."

Sari countered: "And if everyone did that, society would fall apart. Everyone out for themselves. The weak food for the strong"

Nightjewel started pacing around Sari in a circle, like a predator encircling its prey.

The woman asked: "So you are only following the Codex because you are weak, because you need to be protected?"

Sari agreed. At least in her mind. She already figured out that her being weak was the reason Brekan felt the need to protect her. To go on his suicidal pilgrimage to save her.

Nightjewel came to a stop right beside her. She asked: "Isn't Lova the founder of the Muses?"

Sari looked her in the eyes and answered: "She is. She made it her duty to inspire the people."

"Lova wasn't weak," Nightjewel said. "She was powerful. Fought alongside the Sun King against the terrible Hemah."

Sari said: "She was a hero. I'm just me."

Nightjewel challenged her further, "But what if you had the power to make a difference, to save those you love? Would you still be bound by the Codex?"

Sari thought about Brekan. If she could, she would show him that she was strong and powerful and didn't need him to sacrifice himself for her. They could be together.

"I would do that, yes."

Nightjewel learned even closer to her ear and whispered: "Then do that. Find the hidden temple of Lova and acquire her power."

Sari furrowed her brows. "Hidden temple?"

Nightjewel turned around and started to make her way to the stairs leading up the theater. Sari reached her arm out towards her retreating figure, a mixture of emotions bubbling within her.

"Wait," Sari called out, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. She watched as Nightjewel continued to walk away, seemingly unfazed. "Who even ARE you?"

But the mysterious woman left her there standing alone and bewildered. A whirlwind of emotions raged within Sari as she watched Nightjewel's figure recede into the distance.

She felt a sudden surge of frustration, curiosity, and a growing desire for answers. As the cool breeze swept through the amphitheater, Sari felt that her encounter with Nightjewel had ignited a spark of uncertainty within her.

It took several long minutes of standing in the bright sunlight and fresh wind for Sari to clear her mind. The encounter had left her with more questions than answers, and a newfound sense of inner turmoil.

"I need to become strong," she whispered to herself, clutching the Codex tightly in her hands.

In the solemn atrium of the Temple of Muses, Sari confronted the imposing statue of Lova. A burning desire welled within her, a longing to unveil the mysteries of this ancient heroine and to shape her own path in the process. The air was filled with the soft melodies of flutes and lyres played by unseen muses hidden in the theaters and auditoriums.

The statue's gaze was fixed upon a luminous pool, and around its base, offerings of flowers and scrolls were carefully arranged. Sari's mother, once a Muse herself, used to tell her stories about Lova's boundless inspiration.

Sari's footsteps echoed through the marble corridors as she made her way to the inner sanctum where the Head Muse resided.

Today, she carried not only the memories of her mother but also the burning desire to find the hidden temple of Lova, if it really existed.

As she approached the grand doors of the Head Muse's chamber, Sari's heart fluttered with anxiety. Never had she heard about such a Muse temple existing in the first place. But if anyone knew, it would be the Head Muse Gretana.

Sari knocked gently on the door before stepping into the Head Muse's chamber. The room was a testament to artistry and grace, adorned with paintings of past Muses and their achievements. At the far end, beneath a richly decorated canopy, the Head Muse sat on a regal chair, her demeanor composed and authoritative.

"Head Muse," Sari began, her voice measured, "may I have a moment of your time?"

The Head Muse regarded Sari with wise, discerning eyes. "Of course, Sari," she replied, her voice carrying the weight of authority. "What brings you to my chambers today?"

Sari took a deep breath, her fingers tracing the embroidered pattern on her Muse robe. "I've been hearing whispers, rumors about a hidden temple," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "A temple dedicated to Lova, the first Muse." She intentionally didn't disclose that she heard about it from Nightjewel, playing it off as just some gossip she might have heard.

The Head Muse's expression hardened. "Nonsense," she declared, her tone unwavering. "Who told you this? There is no such temple. Those are baseless rumors, spread by the ignorant and misguided."

Sari hesitated. Was this already the end of her hope for power? "But Head Muse, I've heard that the hidden temple of Lova exists and that it holds great power."

The Head Muse's eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a disapproving frown. "Sari," she said, "our duty as Muses is to inspire, to guide, and to preserve the traditions of the Sun Kingdom. Seeking out made up mythical temples and pursuing false knowledge is not the path a Muse should tread."

The weight of her mother's legacy bore down on Sari as she considered her next words carefully. "I understand my duty, Head Muse," she began, "but I can't ignore this longing within me. My mother, too, was a Muse, and she had to leave this temple for an arranged marriage. She yearned to inspire, to guide, and to live her life as a Muse. But the duty of a Muse in this kingdom often conflicts with one's personal desires."

The Head Muse's stern facade softened slightly as she listened to Sari's words. "Your mother was indeed a remarkable Muse," she conceded, "and her departure from the temple was a great loss. However, she made that choice willingly, for the greater good of the Sun Kingdom. And fortunately, or unfortunately because of her death, this practice has been abolished by me and the city council."

Sari's gaze dropped to the floor, her voice trembling with emotion. "But she lost herself, Head Muse. She left her Muse duties behind, only to become a mere ornament in the court of a high official-a virgin Muse wife to elevate his status. She withered away, mentally and spiritually."

The Head Muse sighed, her expression a mixture of sympathy and resignation. "Sari, your mother's choice was her own, and while it brought her pain, it also brought her love. You must remember that being a Muse is a privilege and a responsibility. Our duty to the Sun Kingdom is paramount."

Sari nodded, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "I understand, Head Muse," she said, her voice holding a hint of sadness. "But I can't help but wonder if there's more to our purpose than what we've been taught."

The Head Muse's gaze softened, and for a fleeting moment, Sari saw a glimmer of understanding in her eyes. "Sari," she said, "the path of a Muse is not without its challenges and sacrifices. It is a journey of self-discovery and unwavering commitment to the Sun Kingdom. But remember, it is also a path of inspiration and beauty-a path your mother once walked."

Sari nodded again, her inner conflict still unresolved but temporarily pushed aside by the weight of tradition and duty. She knew that the words of Nightjewel about the hidden temple of Lova would continue to haunt her, but for now, she had to focus on her role as a Muse.

"Sari," the Head Muse said kindly, "I understand the turmoil you're experiencing. The path of a Muse is not always clear, and the desire to seek more can be a powerful force."

Sari nodded, grateful for the Head Muse's understanding. "I appreciate your patience, Head Muse," she replied.

The Head Muse regarded Sari with a thoughtful expression. "I was once like you," she admitted, her voice impregnated with nostalgia. "Young and filled with a longing to explore beyond the boundaries of our temple. But I learned that being a Muse is not just about what we desire for ourselves; it's about the inspiration and guidance we provide to others."

Sari listened intently, her inner conflict still unresolved. "Head Muse, may I ask you something?" she inquired hesitantly.

"Of course," the Head Muse replied, her eyes encouraging.

"Did you ever hear about Nightjewel?" Sari ventured, her voice barely above a whisper.

The Head Muse's brow furrowed in surprise. "Nightjewel?" she repeated. "Where did you hear that name. That name has not been spoken in these halls for many centuries. She was a Muse who strayed from our path."

The Head Muse's expression darkened, and she sighed heavily. "Nightjewel's actions brought disgrace to our temple and to the legacy of the Muses," she said. "She has been written out of our public records. That's why you should have never heard of her. Who told you?"

Sari dodged the question: "It was part of the talks I overheard in the Garden of Heroes. I didn't know these people and they soon left. What happened to Nightjewel?"

The Head Muse hesitated before responding. "She vanished without a trace, leaving behind a legacy of shame and a tarnished reputation for the Muses of her time. We do not speak of her within these walls anymore."

Sari fell silent. She was more confused than before. Gretana has said that Nightjewel had been a muse herself CENTURIES ago, but Sari had met her not even a few hours ago. Or maybe someone using her name. At least someone with knowledge of Nightjewel despite her apparently being erased out of public records. Which also meant there are non-public records normal muses are not told about.

"Do you have any other questions?" the Head Muse asked.

Sari shook her head in which thoughts and plans raced.

She left the Head Muse's chamber and wandered the quiet corridors of the temple. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel the pull of the hidden temple of Lova, the whispers of a different path tugging at her like an irresistible force.

Sari stood before the towering shelves of ancient manuscripts and scrolls within the Muse Temple, her heart filled with a mixture of determination and excitement. She had always been drawn to the temple's vast collection of knowledge, but today, a different purpose fueled her. She was on a quest, a mission to uncover the hidden records of the muses Gretana had hinted at.

The temple's normal archives were a maze of books and documents, a treasure trove of wisdom, knowledge and records spanning centuries. Muses had explored its depths for generations, yet the existence of the hidden records changed everything. Now, Sari was determined to unveil the mysteries they contained.

With a deep breath, she began her search. The rows of shelves stretched endlessly in every direction, and the soft illumination of ancient lanterns cast eerie shadows on the dusty tomes. Sari's fingers brushed over the leather-bound spines, her eyes scanning the titles in search of any clue, any hint that might lead her to her goal. She was not even sure if she would find a clue here in the archive that was available to all the Muses. If there was something, someone would probably have found it already. Or it would have been removed by a head muse.

Minutes turned into hours as Sari delved deeper into the heart of the temple's archives.

She meticulously examined each manuscript, she thought might hold the possibility of hidden messages or cryptic references.

Sari's resolve remained tireless, even as frustration threatened to creep in. She paused to sip from a cup of herbal tea, hoping to clear her thoughts and find the hidden trail amidst the labyrinthine texts.

She was not alone in her search. A few other Muses bustled around her, immersed in their own quests for wisdom or knowledge they could use in their daily work. Sari occasionally asked them about non-public records, but no one seemed to know anything about them.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the temple's grand windows bathed the archives in a soft, golden light, Sari pressed on. She had to find the clue, the subtle hint that would lead her to the records she sought.

Just when fatigue threatened to overtake her, she stumbled upon a curious passage in an obscure text about Ikala, the Muse of history. The book was hidden away on the highest shelf on the very end of a side room.

It spoke of a hidden chamber created by Ikala deep within the temple, where the most coveted secrets of the Muses lay concealed. Below the passage there was written a cryptic message. The riddle, inscribed in ornate calligraphy, was as enigmatic as it was enticing:

"In the heart of knowledge's sanctum, where wisdom's light does gleam,

A crystal key shall grant access to secrets, a dreamer's dream.

Seek the reflection of the Muse's grace, where knowledge's path does wend,

And there, with heart and mind aligned, the hidden archive shall descend."

Sari's heart raced as she realized that this was the clue she had been searching for. The crystal key mentioned in the riddle was the key to unlocking the hidden records, and it was her next objective.

With the riddle in her possession, Sari retreated to a secluded corner of the archives to ponder its meaning. She knew that this was her moment of truth. The riddle held the key to unlocking the secrets of the Muses, and she was determined to decipher its hidden message.

She read and re-read the words, tracing her fingers over the calligraphy as if the answers were etched into the very parchment itself. The "reflection of the Muse's grace" puzzled her, but she couldn't afford to falter.

Slowly, a theory began to take shape in her mind.

The Muse's grace, she reasoned, referred to a particular statue within the temple-a lifelike representation of one of the Muses, each holding a unique object symbolizing their domain of knowledge. Perhaps the crystal key was somehow connected to this statue.

Sari's heart raced with anticipation as she walked out to the courtyard under a starry sky. She stopped before the statue of the Muse Ikala holding a crystal key. Whenever Sari saw the key in daylight it just looked like a normal marble piece.

The statue was exquisitely carved, and the crystal key it held glimmered with an inner light in the dark of the night. It was as if the Muse herself had bestowed her grace upon it.

With caution Sari looked around to see if anyone else, especially the Head Muse might be around.

With trembling hands, Sari gently touched the crystal key, and a surge of energy coursed through her. The orb responded to her touch, glowing brighter and brighter until it emitted a soft, radiant light.

She watched in awe as a hidden doorway in the ground revealed itself. It opened up right behind the statue of Ikala with a faint scratching sound.

Sari's heart swelled with excitement and reverence as she stepped down the doorway.She carried with her the crystal key, guessing that she might need it.

Pristine steps lead down into a small room. As Sari made the last step, the doorway above her closed slowly. For a moment she panicked, not knowing how to get out, but she calmed herself and looked around.

The chamber was bathed in a soft, ethereal light that emanated from the crystal key she held. The air was thick with the scent of ancient parchment.

The archive was a marvel of architecture, with intricate carvings and adorned with tapestries depicting the history of the Muses. Sari marveled at the beauty that surrounded her.

The shelves were much older and more opulent in design than the ones Sari knew from the archive above.

In the center of the chamber stood a colossal stone pedestal, upon which rested a grand tome bound in ornate leather.

Sari approached the grand tome with reverence, her hands trembling as she carefully opened its pages.

With each word she deciphered, her excitement grew. The records held the most important knowledge of the Muses, their teachings, and their visions for the world. Sari's eyes danced across the pages as she absorbed every word she could.

She read about Ikala, who chronicled the past to guide the future; Erami, whose verses inspired creativity and emotion; and Rania, whose discoveries had shaped the world.

But this was not what Sari was here for. As fascinating as this was, she wanted to know about the hidden Temple of Lova.

She browsed the pages backwards, to the beginning of the book.

In the first pages of the records, Sari found a tale-a story of a world in turmoil, where the life of every being was threatened. The tale spoke of a chosen one, muse of love who emerged in a time of darkness to safeguard the people and slay the demon.

Sari turned the page and read about the founding of the Sun Kingdom.

"There it is," Sari whispered and pointed at the position in the text where it began to talk about the Temple of Lova. After it was written that she retreated there after the war was won, the only other thing about it was, yet again, a riddle:

"In love's embrace, the temple hides,

A secret realm where wisdom abides.

With crystal key and heart aglow,

Only a muse with love may go.

Seek not the door, nor stone nor key,

But love's pure light, so tenderly.

In its warm glow, the way shall clear,

To Lova's temple, draw thou near.

Let passion guide, let ardor burn,

For in true love, the muse shall learn.

The path unveiled, the heart made free,

To the hidden temple, one must be."

Sari shook her head. "Not again-"

"It's over," Gretana's voice said behind her. Sari got the scare of her life and turned towards her Head Muse. Never in her life had Sari seen her so angry.

Sari stood in the office of the Head Muse, her defiant determination contrasting with the serene surroundings. She faced Head Muse Gretana across the mahogany desk.

Gretana's face bore deep disappointment as she regarded Sari, her piercing eyes a mix of reproach and concern. Her gray hair was crowned with transparent crystals that shimmered like the night sky.

"Sari," Gretana began, her voice melodic yet stern. "The reports of the other Muses were accurate then."

Sari met Gretana's gaze head-on. "I know what I did."

Gretana sighed softly. "You entered the secret archive, Sari. And not only that, but you also read about the Hidden Temple of Lova."

Sari's resolve wavered for a moment. "I did, but the Hidden Temple should not be a secret."

Gretana's expression remained stoic. "Its magic, the power of Lova, is not to be trifled with."

Sari's argument was unwavering. "But imagine the people benefiting from it, getting inspired by Lova's real magical power, not only a muses normal works."

Head Muse Gretana leaned forward, her piercing eyes fixed on Sari's, and began to elaborate on her concerns. "You must understand that the Hidden Temple of Lova is not just a place of inspiration or power. It represents a potential shift in the balance of power within the Sun Kingdom."

Sari furrowed her brow. "But isn't that a good thing? The people would have access to a wellspring of inspiration. It would uplift our society."

Gretana sighed softly, her expression a mixture of sadness and responsibility. "It's not that simple, my dear. The Sun Kingdom has thrived under the single power of the government, led by the Sun King. It has ensured stability, unity, and the protection of our people. But if the Hidden Temple's existence were revealed, it would create a second center of power-a source of magic and authority separate from the Sun King."

Sari shook her head, struggling to accept this perspective. "I trust in our people's potential for good and responsibility."

Gretana's voice grew firmer as she continued her explanation. "It's not just about trust, Sari. It's about the nature of power itself. When there are multiple centers of authority, of claiming to be the right view of the world, it inevitably leads to conflicts over jurisdiction, influence, and the way of life for our citizens."

Sari said with some hesitation: "The people are better than this."

Gretana's ageless face bore the weight of centuries of responsibility. "I wish it were that simple. The history of kingdoms and nations has shown us time and again that the presence of multiple power centers leads to internal strife and division. Every conflict within the Sun Kingdom weakens us against the bigger threats that loom within and without."

Sari couldn't bring herself to fully concede. "I understand your concerns, but I can't help but feel that the Hidden Temple could bring about positive change. The world is evolving, and we should evolve with it. I want to find it!"

Gretana leaned in closer, her voice a low, warning whisper. "Sari, if you persist in seeking the Hidden Temple, I will involve the Agents of the White Sun."

Sari's eyes widened at the mention of the Agents. What that told her was that Gretana might see her as a traitor, with all its deadly consequences.

She swallowed hard, defiance tempered by dread. "You wouldn't involve the Agents," Sari whispered, her voice trembling. "On your own Muses."

"Sometimes, the threat of power is necessary to dissuade dangerous paths," she replied firmly. "I've served as Head Muse for centuries, and I've learned the delicate dance of maintaining harmony within the Sun Kingdom."

Sari's frustration simmered beneath the surface. "But Gretana, the people deserve to know about the Hidden Temple. Its magic could change lives!"

Gretana's expression softened slightly, revealing empathy. "I understand your desire for positive change. There may come a time when the Hidden Temple can be revealed. But now is not that time. The Sun Kingdom faces threats from within and beyond, and any internal strife could weaken us."

Frustration and helplessness welled within Sari.Yet, she understood the weight of Gretana's argument-the fragility of the Sun Kingdom's stability considering a new Witch Storm was brewing.

Gretana's gaze bore into Sari's, seeking any sign of submission or comprehension. "Sari," she said, her tone gentler now, "I do not want to see you in conflict with the Temple or the Agents of the White Sun. You possess great talent as a Muse. Use your gifts to inspire and uplift our people within the boundaries of our sacred duties."

"I understand, Head Muse," she replied, her voice carrying an act of resignation. "I will heed your guidance and honor the Temple's wishes."

Gretana's expression softened further as she extended a hand toward Sari. "Very well, my dear. Remember that our purpose is to bring light and inspiration to the Sun Kingdom. Sometimes, that light must remain hidden for the greater good."

Sari clasped Gretana's hand and shook it, looking Gretana straight into the eyes.

As they released their grip, Gretana's gaze held a mix of sternness and concern. "Now, Sari, I must emphasize the importance of discretion. What occurred in the Hidden Archives must remain a secret known only to us."

Sari nodded in agreement. "I understand, Head Muse. I will guard the secret." She thought about the riddle that burned itself in her mind the moment she read it.

Gretana's eyes bore into Sari's, searching for any trace of doubt or hesitation. "This is not a matter to be taken lightly, Sari. The consequences of revealing the Hidden Temple's existence could be severe. Do you truly grasp the weight of this burden?"

Sari met Gretana's unwavering gaze with determination. "I do, Gretana. I will not endanger the Sun Kingdom with recklessness."

Gretana's expression softened, and she offered a small, approving nod. "That is the spirit of a true Muse, Sari. Your gift for inspiration holds great promise, and I trust you will use it wisely."

Sari stayed silent and just nodded instead.

Rising from her chair, Gretana's imposing presence filled the room. "Remember, Sari, you are part of a larger community within the Temple. Seek guidance when in doubt, and never forget the responsibilities that accompany our talents."

Sari mirrored her mentor's movement.

As Gretana approached the office door, she paused and turned back to Sari. "One more thing, my dear," she said, her tone solemn. "The Hidden Temple of Lova holds great power, but it is also a repository of secrets. There are those who would stop at nothing to seize that power."

Sari nodded, fully grasping the weight of the warning.

With a final nod, Gretana exited her office. As she watched her mentor depart, she understood that the path ahead would be even more daring and dangerous, but she was resolved to harness the Hidden Temple's magic to become stronger, and for the betterment of the Sun Kingdom.

Sari listened if there were any steps outside. When she was sure there weren't any she pulled the crystal key out of her pocket, rotated it in her hand and grinned.

Sari stood at the entrance of the Muse temple, clutching the delicate piece of parchment that held the cryptic riddle she had written down and needed to decipher.

It was still the middle of the night and she stood in the middle of the square in front of the temple. She had not forgotten Gretana's warning. But this was far more important than the Codex or the rules of the Kingdom.

She read the riddle again.

"In love's embrace, the temple hides,

A secret realm where wisdom abides.

With crystal key and heart aglow,

Only a muse with love may go.

Seek not the door, nor stone nor key,

But love's pure light, so tenderly.

In its warm glow, the way shall clear,

To Lova's temple, draw thou near.

Let passion guide, let ardor burn,

For in true love, the muse shall learn.

The path unveiled, the heart made free,

To the hidden temple, one must be."

As she ventured again into the temple, Sari kept the riddle in her mind. The words danced in her thoughts, and she scrutinized every detail of her surroundings. She couldn't help but wonder about the spirit of Lova, whose power she sought, and how this riddle was connected to her quest.

Sari continued to explore the Muse temple, her eyes scanning the intricate details of the murals and the play of light and shadow.

As she entered the atrium, a soft, ethereal voice filled the air around her. "In love's embrace, the temple hides," the voice whispered, echoing the first line of the riddle. The words seemed to materialize from thin air, as if they were carried on a gentle breeze. Sari halted, fearing one of the other muses had found her or played a prank on her.

"A secret realm where wisdom abides," the voice continued, its tone melodic and soothing. It was as if the very temple itself was speaking to her. Sari looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice, but there was no one in sight.

"With crystal key and heart aglow," the voice continued, and Sari's gaze fixed on a crystal key in her hand. It emanated a soft, warm light, casting a white glow.

"Only a muse with love may go," the voice whispered. Sari's heart swelled with a mix of determination and curiosity. She had come here seeking power to help Brekan, the man she loved, and she was willing to do whatever it took to earn it.

"Seek not the door, nor stone nor key," the voice intoned, its words guiding Sari's thoughts. She realized that the riddle was not about finding a physical door or key, but about unlocking something within herself.

"But love's pure light, so tenderly," the voice continued, and Sari closed her eyes, letting the words wash over her. She remembered the love she held in her heart, the love for Brekan. It was this love that had brought her to this sacred place.

"In its warm glow, the way shall clear," the voice whispered, and Sari felt a profound sense of warmth and comfort. She opened her eyes, a path outside the world seemed to illuminate with an inviting light.

"To Lova's temple, draw thou near," the voice beckoned, and Sari stepped forward, her resolve unwavering.

"Let passion guide, let ardor burn," the voice urged, and Sari's heart blazed with determination. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"For in true love, the muse shall learn," the voice concluded, and Sari felt a profound sense of clarity. She had solved the riddle, not through logic, but through the depths of her own emotions and convictions.

The temple itself seemed to respond to her resolve, the air tingling with energy. Sari knew that she was on the right path.

Sari found herself in the inner space of the Muse temple, not a place she had ever seen. But the mystical space the temple itself created. It was like an endless room with transparent crystals in varying sizes growing out of the floor. Living murals danced in the space around her, telling tales of love and inspiration that moved Sari almost to tears.

Sari's steps echoed through the chamber, a steady rhythm that mirrored her own beating heart. She knew she was drawing closer to her goal.

Finally, she arrived at a grand door made out of glass adorned with symbols and runes. It was here that she felt the presence of Lova more strongly than ever, a warm and loving energy that enveloped her.

Sari extended her hand and touched the door, her love-infused aura responding to the ancient markings. The symbols on the door shimmered and came to life, and with a gentle push, the massive door swung open, revealing the heart of the temple.

Inside, a soft, warm light radiated from the central source-the statue of Lova. Its stone eyes seemed to radiate kindness and understanding.

The spirit of Lova, though unseen, was profoundly present. It was as if the muse herself had taken form in the statue.

As she approached the statue, a soft voice echoed in her mind, a voice that held both compassion and challenge. "To gain the power you seek, you must first prove your resolve, dear one," the voice said. "You must face a test of your love, passion, and dedication."

Sari nodded, her determination unwavering. "I am ready, Lova. I will prove my devotion."

Sari closed her eyes, drawing strength from her love-infused aura. She focused on the memory of her Brekan and the love she carried in her heart. She could feel her power filling the whole room, its invisible fingers reaching far, some touching the statue of the Muse.

The voice of Lova echoed once more, filled with warmth and approval. "You have passed the test, dear one. Your love and determination shine brightly."

Sari smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. She had proven her resolve and dedication, and now she was ready to enter the hidden Temple of Lova, where her true power awaited.

The voice of Lova echoed once more, a soft and encouraging presence in Sari's mind. "You have proven your worth, dear one. Now, I shall guide you through the final steps to reach the hidden temple."

Sari nodded, her trust in Lova unwavering. "I am ready, Lova. Show me the way."

As Sari watched, the spirit of Lova seemed to flow from the statue and merged with the key. From the tip of the key a stream of light flowed out.

Sari followed the glowing trail. It was as if the entire crystal space around her had come to life, responding to her presence and her connection with Lova.

Sari couldn't help but be moved by the otherworldly beauty that surrounded her, and she felt a deep sense of gratitude to the muse who guided her.

Finally, the path brought Sari to a room completely made out of transparent crystal. In awe she gazed into a world completely made out of crystal outside the room. She herself seemed to be in some kind of building. Above her stars and three moons shone down upon her.

Sari's gaze fell onto the heart of the room. In its center stood a magnificent crystal orb, its surface shimmering in the light of the stars and moons.

The voice of Lova echoed once more, filled with pride and love. "This crystal orb holds the essence of my power, dear one. It is the source of the strength of love and passion. To claim it, you must infuse it with your own love, your own dedication."

Sari approached the crystal orb. She extended her hand, and as her fingers touched the surface of the orb, it responded to her aura. The orb began to glow more brightly, and Sari felt a surge of energy coursing through her.

With every ounce of love in her heart, she channeled her power into the crystal orb. The orb absorbed her love and passion, its radiance intensifying until it bathed the entire chamber in a warm, loving light.

As the process neared completion, Sari could feel the power of Lova merging with her own. It was a profound and transformative moment.

The voice of Lova spoke one final time, a voice filled with pride and affection. "You have done it, dear one. You have claimed the power of love and passion. With it, you can protect and empower the people."

Sari felt a sudden pull, the world around her twisted and was sucked into the crystal key. Around her the known world of the muse temple was back as if she never had left.