-Offers a system inventory to all hunters below C- Rank
- Gives Coins to Hunters who would make a world achivement
- Offers a system store to all hunters above C- Rank, where coins are used to buy arts, skills and weapons.
Energy Cores
-Mana which is stored at the heart and lets the hunter to be able to use Magic and skills with easy. Magician can't use arts.
-Aura/Qi which is stored in the Dantian, Aura users are warrious which is a group which deals with strengthing their bodies and use weapon arts to boost their efficiency.
-Demonic Energy stored in the heart of mostly Demons and can corrupt other races if its forcefully taken in.
-spirit Energy which lets one use summon spirits and its core is in the brain.
-Divinity is the type of energy found in Consellation and when a hunter becames a Consellation the Divinity they get would depend on how good or Evil they were or the type of Consellation who is the hunter's benefactor. Divinity is an advanced form of any type of energy the hunter used before being a consellation.
-Holy Energy is stored in the body, and is the opposite of Demonic Energy. Its only found in Angels and their benefactors.
-Aether can be stored in the mind, heart and Dantian, its the colourless energy found that makes half of all the living things.
-Nether can be stored in the body and it the energy that gives colour to the world which makes half of the living things.
Some Hunters may have Dual Cores/ Triple Core for some Energies. [Aether and Nether] and [Holy Energy and Demonic Energy] never mix
Earth and its Races
There are five Zones and each race lives in each zone. Zone 1 is nutral and the most developed Zone. Each Zone has Areas 1 - 5, with the living condition getting better as the number decreases. Zone 1 has 10 Areas.
Zone 5 is as big as South America, is where the Demons live and is located to the far Sourth of the world. Demons were the first to come to earth in the year 2030.
The Demons are ruled over by the Demon King Daemon who is a 1st Grade Constellation. The 3 Noble Demon families are the ones after him in power.
Zone 4 is were Elves live and is to the far West and is as big as Northen America. Elves come in the year 2060 and were the second after Demons.
The Elves are lead by the Elf King Ipos who is a Royal Elf and a 1st Grade Constellation. The ten high elves lead behind him.
Zone 3 is were Humans live and is located to the far North and is as big as Asia. The humans are lead by four families with 2nd Grade constellation as their leader which are Becker, Smith, Sanchez and Jin families.
Zone 2 is were the Vampires live and is to the far East and its the size of Austrilia and the Vampires can bread like humans and are unaffected by sunlight but can increase their streangths at night. The Vampires came in 2100 and the war started which was ended by the coming of constelletion in 2500.
The Vampires are lead by The 7 Great Vampire families which are lead by 2nd Grade Constellation.
The 7 great Vampire families are, Cumin, Hart, Paimon, Marbas, Nakamura, Sung and Chen families.
Zone 1 is were are the races are gathered and is as Big as Europe. Most bussiness are located in Zone 1 is were the most important people are found. Zone 1 which is found at the Center of the other 4 Zones.
Races outside Earth
Warewolves - Moon
Hell Demons - Hell
Angels - Sky World
Ghouls - Jupiter
Constellations live in their Divine Realm, which is a place made from combining the constellation Divinity to create a place to stay that is hidden from others.