Chapter 7 - 1892 a4

Adela and Pyre were sitting with Phineas as the guest of the home.

"Leaving that prior matter aside," Phineas stopped for Adela to calm down before going forward with the proceedings. He looked at Pyre simultaneously, who remained untouched by the cursed truth.

His pocket watch witnessed a change in time, he had already wasted a good quarter of his precious day today.

"I understand you were to inherit the child's guardianship in a situation like this?"

Adela nodded.

"Well then, I count my time precious ma'am. And the matter in hand is no less important than the end of the world."

"End of the world?" Pyre for long wanted to ask what the black-haired man was talking to his mother in private, but couldn't as they refused his presence in the house for the hour. At last, he could not stop but ask about them.

"You descend from a squib line, as such you possess the ability to wield magic to one's likes."

Pyre was confused- squibs? ability? MAGIC? those were two new words and one dangerous one.

"Magic runs through the chosen one among the humans, and those who could feel and use it to their minds are us wizards. You happen to be one of them, chosen by magic. As such it is necessary for you to enrol in an institution that could help you control, channel and use it to your whims, and not the other way around.

An institution that could help you meet people the same as yours, different from the lowborn muggles."

"A magic school?" Finally, Adela collected herself after all the grief, for matters like the one before her were more important than the past.

"THE magic school- every other is but a flimsy excuse for one."

"Magic is real?" Pyre jumped on his seat with enthusiasm.

A wooden stick, shiny and thin emerged out of Phineas's hands to point at the glass of water, raising the glass in the air and back to his hands.

This was all too surprising for both Adela and Pyre. While Adela did not show outwardly, Pyre ran inside and brought back... Bible?

Rummaging the words he shows Phineas something, which causes the Black family head to chuckle.

"Deuteronomy 18:11–12 condemns anyone who "casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead."

"Do not worry we are above those superstitions. Magic can teach one how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper on death, it can heal the worst of wounds, charm the wisest of wizard-kind, kill the strongest of foes."

"Foes?" Adela turned to Pyre "Go outside- play or something" Pyre's face became sad, as this was the second time he was told to go outside, but he complied without questions.

"Mr. Black, I understand that he is special, but I cannot send my child to wizard school, much less a school. More so when-"

"I am not providing you with a choice, Ms. Resly. I am telling you that Pyre is going to Hogwarts."

"I do possess his guardianship and he is not going anywhere."

"And I am telling you, he is to be a student at Hogwarts, with your permission or without it." Phineas stood up which made Adela flinch.

"Your son is gifted in magic, very, very gifted. If he is not taught how to control this power, he will become a danger to the wizard kind, and the rest of you." He looks Adela in the eye. "In such a case, we would have no choice but to put him down for good. We do not want that, do we?" 

"Refusals from Wizard kind could be handled, as they hire private tutors for the talented bunch, but for muggle-borns, it is not a choice to refuse the generosity from Hogwarts. If you are worried for the fees, worry not as the Ministry handles the minimal expenses for the underprivileged."

Adela was scared of losing his child just after-... but she understood that it was not possible for Pyre to not go this Hogwarts.

"This is his letter, with possible implications and general guidelines for muggle students. Let me read this, for I do not expect you to have the ability to do so-" Adela snatched the letter, which should have offended Phineas, but he just ignored it.

"I would come back in three days for his necessities, expecting not an abandoned shack but your blessings to the kid. Till then-" He turned to the window "Googbye little Pyre."





Headmaster- Phineas Nigellus Black...


...[page 2] Yours sincerely, 

Roronoa Zoro

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

[page 3]

[Additional guidelines for muggle children]

[Wizengamot Charter of Rights]

-The accused had the right to present witnesses for their case.

-All wizards and witches of school age or older were kept track of on a register of their places of residence, so that the Wizengamot knew that as of his disciplinary hearing, he was the only one of either in Little Whinging. However, they did not keep track of Squibs, and may not have kept track of Muggle-born wizards and witches too young to enter Hogwarts.

-All Animagi must be registered with the Ministry of Magic.

-Legislation about what could be conjured and what could not...

-The use of Veritaserumis to be closely controlled by Ministry guidelines.

-One must have a licence to Apparate from the Department of Magical Transportation

-One must clip the distinctive forked tail of a crup to hide it from Muggle notice



A-People born into non-magical families with no magical powers are known as Muggles. The wizarding world undergoes to great lengths to ensure that Muggles remain unaware of their community, creating wizarding laws such as the Statute of Secrecy.

B-Any young witch or wizard that tried to perform spells at home before the age of 17 would run afoul of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.

B1-Underage wizards are allowed to use magic in life-threatening situations)

B2- Young wizards were also exempt from this rule because of little control over what magic came out of them, but could be trialed based on whether they possess a wand.

C- No non-human creature is permitted to carry or use a wand, as such sharing war with non-human creatures on Wizard's/Witch's own violation is punishable by Wizarding Laws.

D-  Decree for Justifiable Confiscation allows the Ministry of Magic to confiscate the contents of any, in case the person is suspected of it being an illegal item. The Ministry could keep the possessions for investigation for 31 days.

  E- International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy




E4- Guidelines for dress...

F- Werewolf Code of Conduct of 1637... 




Guidelines from Hogwarts for cases of muggle children possessing immense potential in magic to the Headmasters and vice-headmasters. (Revised edition VII)


Adela put out the rest of the pages to focus on the last one- as that was not meant for her eyes, but the headmaster, which meant whatever situations were mentioned in this could happen to the happy- no... could happen to the family of fou-... three.

[page 5]

First of all, the magical authorities (Hogwarts and/or the Ministry, depending on the precise circumstances) would know, before approaching the family, of the situation. The initial meeting would be planned appropriately, so the instructions from them are to be trusted, and followed by the dispatched personnel.

For good conscience, before deciding on the final course of action, the authorities would need a deep understanding of the situation, including:

-Does the family have extreme religious anti-magic feelings? In this case, the child's life may be at risk due to his/her unintended magic.

-How willing is the child to cooperate?

-Does the child have magical siblings? Some courses of action may make it easier with the younger siblings, others may make it harder.

-How is the child treated at home? In cases of extreme abuse, permanently removing the child from home is the best course of action. In the case of a well-treated child, there is an obvious desire to allow him/her to maintain a relationship with the rest of the family.

-How powerful is the child likely to be? In extreme cases, there may be a risk of the child killing someone by accident, or causing a major magical catastrophe which would require a lot of cleaning up.

Many potential courses of action exist, including:

-Faking the child's death. This would necessitate a permanent removal of the child from his/her previous life.

-Modification of memories so everyone thinks he came from a different, probably neighbouring, family. This would be much more difficult (tracking down every person who might detect the change), but could probably still be done.

-Threaten the family to agree. This could include both a threat of what the child may do if untrained and a threat of harm by other members of the magical world.

-Torture the family into agreement. This would make the previous option more workable for younger siblings. (Only when the child is being subjected to physical or mental or emotional abuse)

-Make it appear the child is going to a different boarding school.

-Implant an imposter, using Polijuice Potion. (obliviate is recommended)

- Killing the child if the child shows potential to become an obscurus.