Amarterasu Cybers stared down at the vast banquet hall from his balcony. By now all the important guests had arrived, men and women who'd have him dead in a heartbeat.
Standing beside him were his sister, Himiko, and the woman he had hired as a body double for his other sister Izanami. She was a tall woman in a golden dress, who eyed the party-goers with a smile. "Am I allowed to go down yet, Amarterasu?" she said. "I have some people I'd like to reconnect with."
"In a moment," Amarterasu replied. He wished that the fake Izanami, who impersonated her at political meetings when it would be too suspicious for her to not be present, was in fact his real sister. It would make his life so much easier.
On his other side, Himiko crossed her arms and pouted. She wore an elegant purple gown, though her facial expression made her look like a spoiled brat. Despite this, she attracted men wherever she went. It was that trait of her's that formed one of the plans he had for this banquet: destroying the Dongleface and Jamitov alliance.
He could see the two family heads now: the grey-bearded Thrysitor Dongleface and the young, blonde-haired Dash Jamitov. A man as old and ambitious as Thrysitor could not be reasoned with, but Amarterasu knew that Dash was immature, which made him vulnerable. Dash had many weaknesses. One of them was standing right next to Amarterasu.
"Himiko," Amarterasu said softly, "I have a task for you."
"What?" she sniffed. "I'm not doing any work today. It's a party!"
"I know," he replied patiently. "I don't expect you to work. Just make sure to flirt with Dash Jamitov tonight."
Himiko wrinkled up her nose. "Dash? He's annoying. I want to flirt with Larek."
"Get along with it now," Amartarasu deadpanned. He had much more pressing matters to deal with now.
"Hmph! Well fine, if I have to. Don't blame me if I get another stalker!" Himiko said, walking towards Dash. "Hey there, nice party isn't it?"
"N….no, not really. My father's parties are better. But, I must say, milady, you are looking m…mighty fine," Dash said.
"Oh my, thank you! I feel delighted!" Himiko replied, trying her very best to look flattered.
Amartarasu cringed. He had never enjoyed watching poor attempts at flirting. He turned away from the miserable sight and continued observing the hall. He noticed Kaneda in a far corner, slowly sipping a glass filled with sparkling champagne. Amartasu's eyes thinned, as he glanced at the crowd one more time. Oscar should have been here by now. Amartarasu walked towards Kaneda.
"Kaneda, where is Oscar?" Amartarasu questioned.
"I can't possibly keep track of that worthless brat." Kaneda glared.
Amartarasu sighed. "He is rather unpredictable…"
A group of old men walked past, muttering about the economy. They stopped when they noticed Amaterasu.
"Oho! Amartarasu! It's been a long time since I saw you last! We were discussing the current state of the economy. Care to join?" A rather chubby bald man asked, his eyes sparkling with greed.
"I must unfortunately decline," Amartarasu began to nod curtly when suddenly all the lights turned off, as if a dark cloud had emerged over the hall.
There was a sudden sound of crashing glass, for all the windows themselves seemed to cave in as if a giant hand had broken them. Lightning crashed outside, and revealed the dark silhouette of a man standing on top of the highest window frame. As another bolt of lightning streaked by, Amartarasu was struck with awe, for a man more powerful than himself stood above the hall.
The man was dressed in a sleek black suit. His hair floated behind him, long and white. It was his face, however, that struck Amarterasu. His eyes were sharp and brilliantly red, and his expression was otherworldly in its sheer arrogance and beauty. None of the old politicians or skilled assassins in this room made Amarterasu feel any fear, but looking at this man caused him to feel a deep chill.
"Rejoice," His voice rang through the silent room, clear and dignified. The partygoers had stopped in their tracks, all eyes fixed on the man. "For a god has descended to judge you."