Chapter 3 - Loner

So we reached the school and head to our classes. It was a 15 minute ride but honestly I didn't even notice time passing. I was too busy staring at Shawn. Pathetic I know but I can't help it he's just so gorgeous. As I am heading towards my locker, I heard the sound of footsteps. Someone is walking towards me . Oh no , not again . I sighed internally .

" Hey Jen , why are you alone today? Where is your hot brother and his hot friends? Did they ditch you for someone their leique? Can't say I'm surprised?" Melody said with her annoying voice. You're probably wondering who she is . Let me tell you , Melody Higgins aka the most annoying person alive . She won't just leave me alone. She thinks all the guys in the whole school belongs to her . She also claims to be the most beautiful girl in the school which is so not true . If I have to use one word to describe her , the word will be FACK . There's nothing real about this girl . Starting from her looks straight to her shitty personality, everything about her is fack . In front of my brother she'll act like a cute nice girl batting her fack lashes. She even act like my best friend which I didn't have . Then the minute he left , she returned to her bitch face .

" What happened loser ? Cat got your tongue?" She continued.

" Get out of my way Melody! I don't have time for your dumb games." I replied rolling my eyes .

" You do realise they only kept you around coz they pity you, Right? Jayden's probably worried you might kill yourself due to loneliness. That's the only reason he tolerant you . " She kept on running her mouth.

By this time , I decided it's best to just ignore her . I crossed my arms and zoned out waiting for her to finish her rambling. I even consider just going to my class but I still need to get my things.

She must be finally tired for she stop rambling and just gave me a glare.

" I have better things to do." She said before walking away finally. I shrug and get my things walking to my class.

Another boring day for me.

I took my usual seat , pluck in the earpod and play some music. See this is my daily routine. Listening to music and talking to no-one like the loner I am. It's not that I hate talking to people or have social anxiety. I just don't feel the need to talk to the people in my class. They just don't get me . What do I say , we are just different. So I don't see the point in having a conversation with them . I do wish for someone who happens to have the same interest as me . Someone who's excited to have a long talk about art and history, especially history. I'm just fascinated by everything that happen and the stories of great warriors . I'm amazed how the ancient artifacts survived the many civilizations . I could spend my whole day studying about them and I'd still not be satisfied. But most people here just study history for grades and the rest doesn't care . To them it's a boring subject, something which isn't necessary. I remember my brother saying it's useless to study the past when we should focus on the future. Can you believe him ? Ughh . Whenever I tell people about my love for history they just come up with a new topic . The girls in my class only discuss about fashion and shopping except ofcourse the toppers. But they won't be hanging out with a girl who got all B's and C's. So yeah I'm a loner but only until I found my match. I don't plan to be this way all my life . Hopefully, he or she will meet me soon . Then these girls won't call me loner anymore.