Chereads / Second Chance (a new life) / Chapter 4 - Perfect man

Chapter 4 - Perfect man

Wednesday morning, I woke up early in the morning and decided to start doing push ups in hopes of strengthening my back a bit. Each of my boobs weighed quite a bit more because of their size so that weighed me down a bit and I was only able to do 5 push ups before I fell on the floor gasping for air.

"Damn, these are cool but are a hindrance sometimes. I guess I just have to learn how to live with them." I said to myself as I lay on my back while heaving for air.

I then turned around and got on my knees before bringing my upper body down so I could do push ups on my knees instead of on the balls of my feet. I managed to do 10 push ups before deciding to use a pillow as a prop to do rows. I did 10 rows 2 times and then called it a day because I didn't want to get muscle aches tomorrow from over working.

I made the bed and then made my way to the bathroom to answer nature's call before taking a shower. After freshening up and putting on some make up, I decided to get dressed. Today I decided to wear a dress or a skirt because of how freeing the two were for me in comparison to pants.

Looking through my limited clothes which I planned on buying more of at the end of the month, I picked up a navy blue midi skirt and a blue blouse along with a pair of four inch heels. The skirt was quite tight and showed off my butt while the blouse did a good job at making me look good while hugging my twins perfectly. The heels just made everything....

Mmmh.. Chefs kiss

So good, I tied my hair into an almost high ponytail and wore a silver watch before grabbing my bag along with my phone. I had gotten a new simcard yesterday on my way to viewing the apartment so I had Internet access now. I walked out of the hotel and got whistles of admiration because of how I looked as well as the confidence I had in the way I walked.

I got into a cab and soon arrived at work where the entire team stared as I walked in. I was a gorgeous woman, my face might have been above average but my body made up for it. For some people I was just too big and I knew that but for most I was perfect.

I sat down in my cubicle and got to work until Priyanka came to tell me that my face when I was focusing on work was just too adorable especially when I had the glasses which I wore to protect my eyes from the light from the screen. I just laughed at her comment and asked her to help me with a part of my code I just wasn't able to figure out. A few minutes before tea break one of the guys in the office brought me a latte.

"Aw, thanks Jack." I said with a smile as I turned to look at the subtly shaking man who had brought me the latte.

His name was Jack and he was one of the men that worked in the office as a software engineer. Jack was what I would consider a cool guy, cool to hang out with and talk but not my type when it came to dating. Sure he was funny, earned well and was smart but I wanted more.

Probably due to having been reborn as someone who knew they had a certain effect on men and sometimes used that effect while also knowing that because of how I look I can get any man to fall for me, my standards where pretty high. Adding onto the fact that even in my old life I only found certain men attractive and not just anyone. My type of man was just SS class a tier above A class and B class which Jack was, he would be A class if he hit the gym though.

I liked a very specific type of man, I liked man who were firstly older than me by a couple of years which by my current age which was 21 had to be between 10 and 15 years. That age gap was a lot for some people but not me, I liked men who were currently in their early 30s simply because I know that by then they want to settle down and their done playing games well most are. I also liked men in that age range because by then they would have made something of themselves, they would either be millionaires or billionaires with time on their hands.

I liked a man who looked decent, clean and hit the gym hopefully looked like Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth or Dwayne The Rock Johnson. He had to be taller than me when I wore heels and since I was 5 foot 9 he would have to be atleast 6 foot 2 or taller. Obviously he had to be good in bed and know what he wants, be funny, patient, loyal because I was going to be giving whoever he was my all.

I wanted a man who would understand me, take care of me, teach me and have a mind of his own but most of all he had to be a man not the weak little shits that are going to be called man in a couple of years. In exchange I was bringing myself to the table and I didn't just mean my body I meant my skills, knowledge, patience, understanding and I was going to take care of him the way a traditional wife would. Jack unfortunately didn't meet most of my criteria but I gave him props for shooting way out of his league or maybe he wasn't and I was just reading it all wrong.

"Uhm, you are welcome Ana." Jack flashed a childish grin that would have made old me want to give him a chance because old me liked pretty boys but not me.

I took a sip of the latte and moaned in satisfaction.

"This tastes great Jack." I said to him which made him grin further as he blushed.

He started fidgeting lightly as he seemed like he was working up the courage to ask me out.

"So uhm, are you free this Friday?" He asked as he looked at everything but me.

I looked at him and saw the other guys looking on discreetly behind him.

"There's this new movie that just came out that I think you'll like." Jack said still shaking slightly.

I smiled sweetly but not enough to make him think I was interested in him being more than a friend.

"Oh, sorry I am going with the girls to do some shopping for my new apartment and then we have to furnish it." I said to him which made his shoulders slump.

"Oh, oh okay uhm okay. Sure no problem some other time maybe." He said as his shaking got less and less.

I nodded with a polite smile, the kind I had gotten so many times in my past life when I tried getting a girlfriend who didn't end up screwing me over.

"OK awesome. Thanks for the Latte Jack. I'll definitely return the favour." I said to him with a small smile and he smiled lightly.

We talked for a bit before he left and I got dragged by Priyanka away from my cubicle towards the ladies room.

"Why did you have to turn Jack down Ana. He is a cute boy." Martha said as the two girls nodded.

I sighed.

"I know he is cute, he really is and if this was a year ago I would have taken him up on his offer but I am no longer interested in cute boys I want a man." I said to the three ladies in my Russian accent which I can't seem to get rid off.

The three looked as if they had just stumbled upon something.

"You like Wilson?" Samantha asked bluntly.

"Huh? What? No, no not him. He's cool and all but not my type." I answered while making a refusing gesture with my hands.

The ladies all sighed.

"OK, OK then. Let's go grab something to eat and get back to work." Priyanka said and we nodded.

I went and used the loo before washing my hands afterwhich I went with the ladies to get some food. I got a Greek salad and a bottle of water before sitting down to eat with the ladies while we talked until we got back to work. The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful and I soon got into a cab to go to the hotel.

When I got out of the cab I got into the elevator which would take me up to my floor but I stopped the doors from closing after noticing someone walking towards the elevator. The man walked into the elevator while sighing a breath of relief.

"Thank you for that." The man said in his deep manly voice as he looked at me with his gorgeous baby blue eyes.

"You're welcome." I said with a smile while my free hand went to holding the ends of my hair.

"Oh, I love the accent. Where are you from?" He asked me as he leaned on the walls of the elevator.

"Russia." I answered.

We talked and talked for the 5 minutes it took for the elevator to reach my floor and apparently he was also on the same floor so we both got out of the elevator at the same time.

"So Anastasia. Can I have your number?" Josh the man I had been talking to for the last couple of minutes asked.

"Uhm, yeah here." I said to him before giving him my number and he called it since I said I wasn't sure if I got it right as the number was a new one.

After he confirmed it was the one we talked for a bit before I reached my hotel room and we said goodbye. I got into my hotel room and closed the door behind me before my already weak knees gave up on me making me hit the floor butt first. I took deep breaths as I tried to calm myself down.

"Calm down Ana, calm down." I said to myself as I took deep breaths.

I used my left hand to get into my skirt before touching my panties which were wet.

"Fuck!" I mumbled out as I buried my head between my crouched knees.

I had been turned on from the moment Josh had stepped into the elevator firstly because of his charcoal coconut scent then it was his piercing baby blue eyes, his neatly done beard, his huge arms and what put the nail in the coffin for me was his deep voice which made this perspire. The way he talked, how his hands flexed behind the black tuxedo he had on and the enchanting sound of his laughter all just messed with my mind making me say things I did not want to say. Luckily he either didn't notice or didn't seem to mind and when he asked for my number I was very close to shoving my tongue down his throat.

"I need to clear my mind." I said to myself as I got up from the floor and took off my heels.

I walked towards the bathroom while taking off my clothes and soon stepping into the shower, I spent a couple of minutes flicking my bean, playing with my tits as I imagined Josh being the one doing all of this to me. After cumming which left my knees weak I was finally able to reduce the fire in my loins. I got out of the shower, dried my hair and wore some pyjamas after getting the make up off which I should have done before going into the shower but I was too horny to thin straight.

I got into bed and saw a text message from Josh who I ended up talking to via text for the next couple of hours before I eventually dosed off to sleep.