Later that evening, Kieran and his friends returned to their dorm, expecting the matter with Bob to be settled. However, they had underestimated how petty Bob could be. Bob wasn't just an arrogant person he was an arrogant person with a backer to relay on. That evening Bob had gone to report the issue with Kieran and his friends to his backer and by no means was Bob's backer insignificant.
Damien was a second year student with brown curly hair arranged neatly on his head his deep black eyes showed his harsh and violent temperament his chiseled frame was a testament to his usual workout routine and just like Bob had his own group consisting of ten second year students and right now him and his guys where listening as Bob narrated all what happened in the cafeteria to them, He had spinned the story a little exaggerating everything that Kieran's group had done making it seem like Kieran's group where aggressive and hard to deal with trying to get Damien to act on his behalf and get revenge on Kieran. Although Damien saw through Bob's plot he didn't bother with it as he continued to listen, after Bob had narrated everything that happened with a load of hidden white lies together with a mixed up truth he finally stopped talking as he waited for Damien to respond. After a while Damien eventually spoke
" So these three guys kicked your asses " Damien said with a grin on his face.
" Ehh ..... Emm ... You can say that" Bob reluctantly replied he wasn't going to admit to been beaten by Kieran's group with him having a numerical advantage over them and with them not even using an ability this time he was really shamed.
Nodding to Bob's reply Damien expression changed as a frown creeped onto his face his lips curling into a sneer as he replied " So you are telling me that three guys in your class beat the shit out of you and your five henchmen and not only did they come out on scattered they also didn't even use their abilities too overwhelm you? Are you a bunch of morons what happened to this first years this an ability school you are free to use your abilities this isn't your former school why didn't you use your abilities?" Damien face twisted in anger as he scolded Bob.
" They had higher abilities than us" Bob hastily replied
" Gerald go find out who this three are " Damien said looking towards a tall black haired boy with a childish face. The boy quickly left as his feet moved at a fast pace speeding away from where they where after a few minutes the sped back appearing in front of them in a flash his super speed movement causing the dust to rise up. Walking over to Damien he whispered a few words in his ears causing Damien former angry expression to further intensify.
" Bob you and your group are useless you lost to a level one ability user.....hold up he didn't even have an ability and the guy still kicked your ass, do you see how useless you are now Bob" Damien scolded
" But don't worry I will handle it, this guy is quite interesting " Damien said.
The next day, after classes Kieran, Jack and Nathan where walking towards the game center as Jack and Nathan where convincing Kieran to come along and play a few games with them when a black haired teen with a childlike face suddenly zoomed in front of the trio stoping in front of them his mouth curving into a grin
" You three must be Kieran, Jack and Nathan right" Gerald asked still maintaining his friendly smile.
Looking at the unknown person in front of them the trio felt a chill as an eerie feeling crept into their heart
It was obvious by the jumpsuit of this stranger that he wasn't a first year and instead a second year student the trio instantly had this unexpected chill what did a second year student want with them
" Yes we are "Kieran replied after shaking of the wary feeling he had.
"Good someone wants to speak with you so come on let's go" Gerald said as he began leading the trio who hesitantly followed behind walking along as the chill in their mind kept increasing. The trio where lead out of the first year section heading towards the second years building. The Emperion hunter academy was a situated on a large island and was divided into four the front of the island been the first years area to the left of the island was the area of the second years while the right side of the island was the third years area the center of the island been the Emperion hunter guild the hunter guild belonging too the school. The second years are was banned for the first years and so was the third year area for the second and first years so been led to the second years area was disturbing for Kieran, Jack and Nathan as they were hesitant . Seeing the trio been hesitant to follow Gerald laughed as he spoke.
" Don't worry yourselves I am inviting you in so there won't be any trouble" Gerald said as he continued to led them inside