In a quiet and desolate town there stood a boy who was surrounded by destruction, gore and horror but in the face of all this, this boy stood unwavering standing in front of two people who due to the destruction their figures were indistinguishable whether male or female. Even after witnessing this sight the boy stood unwavered . Although it might sound awkward if a normal person hears it because even a grown man would loose his composure and through up at such a sight but this boy stood unfased.
Standing up the boy staggered a bit before regaining his bearing while walking away with a bloodied body while trying his best not to pass out. While walking lone aimlessly the boy unknowingly located a water source which he discovered when he heard the sound of falling water. With shaking legs the boy staggered towards the edge of the water. While grovelling downward and about to take a scoop of the water, suddenly I heard a roar and I felt something hit me before I saw the world spinning around me. With a big splash, everything went black plummeting me into the water.
So what's going to happen next
Who is he going to meet
And what trouble lies ahead.