Chapter 17 - Easy quests

Kadori glanced at the daily quest screen with a look of contempt. All that was mentioned there were his day-to-day activities.

'Punishment is death?' Kadori pondered after catching a glimpse of the penalty written at the bottom of the quest panel.

Kadori glanced at the clock beside his bed and saw that the time was still 1 pm.

'There's still time to fulfill the quest.' He got down on all fours and began his push-ups.




With every push-up, the number on the panel rose.




Kadori glanced at the status screen with a look of content.

After confirming the progress, Kadori sat on the floor and completed his sit-ups.



After completing the sit-ups, Kadori stood up and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

'Now, what in here weighs 10 kg?' Kadori pondered, glancing around the room for any heavy object.

After scanning the room, his eyes finally settled on the chair Santino sat on.

Kadori walked towards the chair and picked it up, lifting it several times until the notification sound was heard.



Kadori sat on his bed to catch his breath and confirm his rewards.

The next task couldn't be done inside his room, so he'd need to head out for that one.








'If I'm right, then the stat points could be used to increase each stat.' Kadori pondered, glancing at the status screen and contemplating where he should place his points.

'Strength is no doubt my lacking area.'

While facing an opponent, it was easier for Kadori to dodge the enemy's attacks, but his counters were always weak.

What's the use of evading when you can't strike back?

Kadori also thought about increasing his agility, but he knew agility was the least of his worries right now.

He was already agile enough and could dodge easily in a battle.

'If I should increase perception and intelligence, would I grow smarter and also very sensitive?'

Kadori pondered, but also deemed the two useless for now. Besides, intelligence was already at 10, so adding more while the rest were still low would be a loss.

After much consideration, Kadori finally decided...

'Add all 8 points to strength!' Kadori called out internally.


Kadori could see the number for strength rise up, and when it did, he felt a tingling sensation inside of him.

The feeling was calm and relaxing, but it didn't last for long.

Kadori didn't feel any different from how he was earlier even after adding 8 points to strength.

He had anticipated that his body structure would build up and he would feel stronger somehow.

But instead, there was none of that.

'Did it even work?'Kadori walked towards the hard concrete wall of the room.

Clenching his fist tightly, he took a deep breath in and out. Pulling his arm backward, he punched it out with all his might.


Kadori's fist connected with the wall and his fist went right into it, causing a huge hole.

"Woah!" Kadori exclaimed, pulling his arm out to check if he was injured. There were a few bruises,but no pains at all.

'Truly, I got stronger.' Joy enveloped him after confirming his doubts.

If truly he should level up, he would get even stronger.

'Is it possible to increase my level with my stat points?'

Kadori wasn't quite sure how he was going to increase his level. In the Moonlight games he used to play with Uncle Duncan, a character leveled up by gathering enough experience points.

But the System never informed him about anything called Experience Points.

'I guess it will increase when the time is right. And maybe I'll unlock more skills the more I level up.'

Kadori put on his usual brown uniform and was about to head out to complete his last daily challenge.

Approaching the door, it opened and two familiar faces walked in, surprised to see Kadori standing near the door.

"What are you doing?" Santino questioned, glancing at Kadori with a look of suspicion.

He still didn't fully trust Kadori. If Kadori claimed he wasn't Enhanced, then he might be a Harbinger of Souls.

"Oh... uh... I got bored and just decided to take a look outside," Kadori replied.

"What the hell happened here?" Yukiko exclaimed, rushing towards the wall that now had a crack and a hole in it.

Yukiko examined the hole and was sure that it was made by someone's fist.

"Did you do this?" Yukiko questioned, shifting her gaze to Kadori.

"Ah... yes, that was me," Kadori replied, scratching his spiky brown hair. "You see... I got frustrated about this whole planet stuff, so I just took it out on the wall."

Hearing Kadori's explanation, Santino quickly rushed to the broken wall to take a closer look.

'This wall is supposed to be indestructible. Even I myself wouldn't be able to break it if I used my Chaos Energy,' Santino pondered, his expression mixed with confusion and surprise.

"Folllow Yukiko, she'll show you the place where the test will hold, and also introduce you to others and fill you in on how this planet operates."

Kadori nodded his head in affirmation before walking out with Yukiko, leaving Santino alone in the room.

'And by the looks of it, he made this hole with a single strike,' Santino pondered, glancing at the wall one last time.

'I have to keep an eye on that kid.'


Back on Earth, in Kadori's village, the villagers and Runners stood in front of the gate as they watched it open slowly.

When the gate was fully opened, Baron Duncan stepped in with a distressed expression.

For the past week, he had been going into the island to search for Kadori, to see if he was truly dead or alive.

But every day he was met with the same result.

"You should move on, Baron," Bjorn said. "Let's just mourn his death and move on with our lives."

Baron Duncan didn't bother responding and just walked to his residence.

The gate closed with a loud banging sound, causing everyone to flinch.

"That is not normal," Modred commented.

"It's because we've been stressing the gate for the past week. If we continue like this, it could cause harm to the gate or the walls," Baron Sikes replied.

Meanwhile... in a certain corner of the village, the moment the gate closed and the loud noise was heard, a huge crack formed on the wall, followed by a hole.

One by one, the infected creatures began to crawl in through the hole.