Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

"C'mon! Kimura is beating you guys by twenty pushups!"

Kimura kept going as he reached thirty-five pushups, then forty, then fifty. The coach encouraged Kimura, saying, "Good job Kimura, wait for your classmates to catch up.". Kimura stood up as he was slightly exhausted from doing pushups consecutively. Some of the other students seemed to slow down except for three of them reaching fifty in a couple of minutes.

"Good job everyone, take a five-minute break."

Everyone else was exhausted as Kimura took deep breaths, getting ready for the next exercise. "How are you so fit Kimura…?" One of the other students asked as Kimura looked at them, replying "I…I had to keep up with my friends in my last academy." Trying to keep it vague. Kimura then walked up to their coach, making a request.

"A sparring match?"

"Yes sir, I would like to have a sparring match."

The coach began to think as he looked at the other boys, some of them were more exhausted than others. "Alright, you can spar with Jung Joo Won." Coach approved his request as he shouted, "Jung!" as a slightly shorter boy stood up. "Yes!" Jung replied in Korean as the coach signaled him over.

The translator stood by as Coach said to him, "You'll be sparring with Kimura for today, will you take his request.", having the translator translate it. Jung nodded as Kimura and Jung walked over to the sparring mats. The sparring mat was spread out to reveal a sparring circle, the edges pinned down by magnets.

Kimura and Jung stood on opposite sides of the sparring circle, both then saw beams of light shoot up to the ceiling, touching more magnets at the top as it created a barrier for them. "The barrier will act as a precaution; the mats are durable enough for anyone who relies on their mana." The coach provided background information for us as we both looked at each other.

We both bowed politely to each other as Jung and Kimura got ready, Jung and Kimura taking up fighting stances. The coach puts the whistle in his mouth as he waits, the entire gym going quiet as Kimura and Jung began to concentrate.


Kimura and Jung rushed at each other as both their eyes glowed Kimura landing the first hit to his chest, pushing him near the circle. Jung was caught off guard by this as Kimura threw a black lightning bolt at him. He quickly dodged out of the way as Jung's pupils had changed to almost a clock-like pupil, his eyes looking at every angle in his view, he began dodging attacks coming at him as Kimura threw punches and kicks.

Why can't I hit him! I landed the first hit but now he's dodging it!

Kimura kept trying to hit him as Jung sidestepped a punch and landed a counter punch, throwing Kimura back and destabilizing him as he fell onto his ass. The others seemed surprised as Kimura got up on his feet, finally noticing his pupils. Something about his eyes is different with those pupils… he rushed at him throwing a punch as Jung adequately dodged and slammed his palm at his chest. Kimura felt the impact as Jung was behind him suddenly.

When did—

Kimura was then kicked into the barrier as he slammed headfirst into it. Kimura leaned on the barrier as he looked at Jung, seeing that his expression was serious. Kimura stood back up as the points were 0-2, going to the best of ten knockdowns. Kimura began approaching him cautiously now, his electricity seemingly gone from him. Jung felt uneasy about his erratic electricity being gone as Kimura threw a fake out punch.

Jung didn't flinch as Kimura threw a fake out kick as well. He stopped at his head as Jung stood tall, unfazed by his attempt. So that's how it works… Kimura took a couple steps back as he took a deep breath. Jung and Kimura ran into each other for the third time, this time Kimura threw a fake out instead of a punch, Jung smirked a bit as he was then hit with a quick jab.

That shocked Jung as he stumbled back a bit as Kimura smiled, Holy shit! I can't believe that worked! Kimura threw another fake out, this time Jung was prepared, blocking his face as Kimura threw a gut punch, knocking the wind out of him. Jung dropped to his knees as it was now 1-2, the third round going to Kimura.

He helped Jung onto his feet as Kimura took a couple of steps back to his side. Jung bowed politely as a thanks as they both got ready, When the whistle was blown Kimura zig zagged, the electricity sparking up this time. He chucked a lightning bolt as Jung dodged it, dodging more that came his way. Jung's pupil then reached 6:00 as suddenly the world around him stopped as Jung swiftly made it behind Kimura.

Kimura then noticed he was gone, as for the rest of the world it didn't stop. Kimura looked around as he turned around to get socked in the face and landed on the floor. The points were 1-3, Jung was in the lead. Kimura got up as Jung helped him up like he did to him, Kimura politely said, "thank you" as he nodded.

Time Distortion or future sight…somewhere in that area…I can't hit him if he can see what I'm going to do…

When the whistle blew, Kimura didn't rush in as Jung did this time, Kimura lit up his defense as his arm crystalized, stomping down to make an ice wall. This caught Jung off guard as Kimura exhaled sweating. Switching is taking up large amounts of mana…I'm surprised I was able to pull it off… cracks began to show in his wall of ice as Jung's arm pierces through grabbing his shirt and pulling him out. Kimura lands on the floor in pain after that as the barrier goes down as the score points is 1-4.

"That's enough for today, you two can go to the locker rooms first, the rest of you, get to sparring!"

Coach commanded as Jung helped up Kimura, helping him over to the locker room. "Sorry about that." Jung apologized, but Kimura didn't understand as he nodded his head nervously. They both got changed in the locker room as they headed out, Jung lends his hand out to Kimura as he looked down at it.

"I'm glad to spar with you Kimura."


Kimura shook his hand as he didn't understand what he said, nervously chuckling as they both went on their separate ways.