"You have not even settled down!" Fern said. "Why don't you settle down first?"
"Why does it seem to me like you are avoiding making a pact?" Velma asked. "You always have something to say when I bring it up."
Fern's eyes wrinkles mischievously. "Why do you think so?"
"I do not think so. I know so," Velma said with a knowing smile. "You are avoiding it."
"I might be, but I do not see why it is necessary when I have given you my word."
"You have said I shall stay here two days but you haven't promised. I do not trust you fae folk," Velma grinned. "You might tell me two days is equivalent to something else now."
"Fine, let's seal the pact now."
"Very well, Fern. I will trust your word," Velma said with a smile, her gaze fixed on Fern's ethereal features. "I look forward to our adventures together."