A blossoming relationship formed afterwards. Whenever Peri finished from her sessions with lady Matilda she somehow found herself in the company of Lord Cyrus. It had started so innocently that she was caught unawares when she started developing feelings for lord Cyrus. This was not why she had come to Aysun, she was here for a greater purpose. She was a fairy queen disguised as a human who had come to Aysun to read the times. It had been prophecised that a great fae would be born in this dispensation to a werewolf and fairy.
Such a union should not happen as faes do not breed with others. This fae was supposed to possess great powers and because of his birthright he would one day assume the throne in Aysun. She was here to stop that, to ensure that Lord Christopher's seed be born of his wife and not a fairy and here she was having left her heart unguarded falling for the man.