Chereads / Forever Soldier / Chapter 17 - Decisions

Chapter 17 - Decisions

Wilbur's POV

The air was stiff enough to cut with a knife. The meeting room as stiff as it was during times of war.

For once they left Ranboo out of a meeting. Ranboo was out distracting Thomas so he didn't realize the lack of people.

Thomas was actually the one they were discussing. They could all agree the treaty was a no so that was off the table already.

"Can we all agree we want Thomas to stay?" Techno deadpanned.

"Aw, does Techno actually want Thomas to stay." He coed at his twin.

"No, Ranboo likes him so I can tolerate him." Techno huffed, looking away from him.

"Ranboo seems to more than just 'like' Thomas." Eret hummed.

"I can agree with Eret since I have heard Ran admit he was in love with Tom!" Tubbo proclaimed.

Everyone stared at Tubbo.

"So can we all just get on with the decision because even if your not fond of Thomas that's just to cute to pass up." He coed.

"Can't we just have Thomas just not leave?" Sam asked.

"Tom has loyalty to his country to a fault. He doesn't want to commit treason since he spent his whole life protecting it." Tubbo explained.

"Well what if he didn't have a have a choice to go back?" Kristin hummed, something dark in her voice.

"I don't want to watch Thomas while he's in the dungeon, plus he'll hate us." Sam deadpanned.

"Then we don't put him in the dungeon and Ranboo not being here will most likely mean he'll be freaking out as well and would teleport into Thomas's room trying to figure out what's happening and if we lock Thomas in his room then Thomas will see Ranboo and would regain in Ranboo and over time he'll regain his trust in us!" Clay explained, being the mentally deranged bastard he is.

"He's got himself a point." George stated.

"Couldn't Thomas just slide under the door with his magic?" Sapnap questioned.

"Thomas explained to me once that his power takes a toll on his mind, so if he were to do something like that while also stressed about being locked up it would end up with him having a seizure or make him unable to turn back." Kristin explained, a bit sad about the ordeal.

"It must of been a soldier, especially a child soldier, with a magical drawback like that." Puffy, the general of phycology, gasped.

He was so excited for Thomas to permanently stay with them. Maybe they could make him one of Techno's head soldiers, or they could give him a general position in foreign relations or something.

"If we just lock the door on him while he's asleep then he'll think the door is jammed or Tubbo blew something up and we don't want him falling through the floor." He complained realizing they couldn't do this the easy way.

"Then we tell Ranboo about the discussion and get Ranboo to tell Thomas and since we had Carl moved to the royal pens, because of the blizzard, Thomas won't be able to leave since he can't find his horse then whoever he asks about where Carl is will just say they need to tell him something in private, bring him to his room, explain the actual discussion then lock the door on Thomas!" Dream explained, still the one with the elaborate plans.

"We just have to hope Thomas doesn't talk to any of the servants or knights." Techno huffed.

"Tom has made it very apparent that he would rather lose his sword wielding hand than talk to someone he doesn't know." Tubbo laughed.

"Well then that's settled. We will execute the plan immediately." Phil chimed, clapping his hands to enjoy the meeting

He was laying in Ran's room on his fluffy bed. Ran haven decided to ease up a bit and happily cuddling up with him.

They both silently agreed to not tell anyone about them cuddling up together when no one was watching.

They we're trading stories. Ran shared stories about how he became Techno's apprentice and his life before then and how he was a orphan that teleported into the capital one day and ended up being raised with human children in a tavern.

He told Ran how he got this dream where he was being carried by his brother back in the place he came from and had a friend named Purpled who had mage parents.

Ran suggested that it could be a memory but he didn't think it was. Why would his one memory of being a child before becoming a soldier be a memory like that?

Ran had started to make purring sound as he messed with his hair.

"Catboo." He whispered as he lightly scratched Ran's head.

Ran leaned into his touch even more and his face all relaxed and happy.

"Have I ever told you how cute you look when you get all happy like that?" He coed, wanting to see Ran get all flustered while also being able to admit his feelings a little.

Ran curled up a bit and hide his head in his shoulder.

"Is this the first time someone's called you cute? What a shame." He hummed, seeing if it would fluster him even more.

He could tell Ran liked the compliments because he was purring as loud as a fast moving mine cart and leaning into him enough to break his ribs.

He heard a knock at the door and quickly sat up to make it look like he was just chatting with Ran instead of cuddling with him.

"Hey Ranbo- well never mind. I was going to tell you to go tell Thomas we decided to not accept the treaty but it seems you don't have to." Sam hummed before leaving.

The room was abnormally quiet.

He looked at Ran and Ran looked at him.

"Seemed I'll be leaving tomorrow." He stated, the usual happiness in his voice completely drained.

Ran shot up and hugged him, chocking down sobs. Nothing going down the enderman's cheeks.

He hugged Ran and turned his head away from him so his tears wouldn't burn the man's skin.

"I don't want to leave you!" He cried, hugging Ran as tight as he could.

"I don't want you to leave either." Ran cried, hugging him just as hard.

He couldn't understand why he was having such intense emotions right now. Was it because of his crush, or was it his body being dramatic? Maybe it was what normal people do when someone's leaving.

Ran and him ended up sleeping in Ran's room that night.

When Ran fell asleep he ran his fingers through the man's silky hair and kissed the top his head as well as hummed to him trying to make this the best sleep he's ever had.