oppai mathematician told them "i dont have have enough data of girls but i know a person who has all data around the world" shota said"who" mathematician "his name is "Hemaburu rucha" he is our senpai (upperclassmen) but he is worse than us he hacked the goverment data and copied all data to his gentlemen laptop he is idol for meee"shota said "lets meet him" everyone agrees !mathematican said his base is in a bunker of school its his castle no one can go there because it highly security by cameras but you guys are lucky i got permit to meet him by exchanging data we will meet him at 6 ok! " everyone go to their usual classes and at 6 shota and everyone gathers and go there mathimatician scanned id and do some biometric scan and then they suddenly saw a fatass man with glasses codename" gentlemeneyes" ok then gentlemen eyes show them the data of their dream girl name "rihu osaka" a highschooler of shinjuki highschool but prooblem is that riyul high is rival for them!!