Ariana narrowed her eyes when she heard the ridiculous question from her brother after she already finished the enemy.

"What now? Don't tell me you want to know something else. He's already a corpse. " She nagged him instantly.

"Geez... You should play with him longer. I need his iris scan and doing it when he's already dead is not really appropriate."

Ariana was a little surprised to hear that from Ashton's mouth as he was usually the cruelest of them all. Tonight he is not in action like he usually is but he is assisting Ariana with his other talent which is breaking the security code of the building. His second ability is hacking and he really is good with that.

"Anyway, good job. Come out now. Our team will handle the cleaning."

Ashton, who still accompanied Ariana through the line finally said the words she was waiting for. As it means her mission has been accomplished.

"She's finished already?" Aiden asked while eating peanuts outside their black van whose door was open.

"Shut up. I need to concentrate here." Ashton, who was in the van was a little angry with his twin for interrupting. He needs to finish his coding perfectly so that there is absolutely no room for mistakes. Before the police arrived, all evidence in the cyber must be deleted first.

Even if the mission didn't require all of them to be here, as they didn't have any work that day, they just tagged along like they usually do before hanging out together here and there.

"She took more time than her previous records. Looks like she's starting to get rusty because she hasn't been on the field for a long time." Ariel started mocking and laughing at his own little sister even if she wasn't there yet.

"Ayy... I bet she is just hungry. She didn't finish eating earlier because of this mission. You know how many portions she needs to eat to be full right? " Asher was defending Ariana while imagining the portion she always eats. It's even made him shudder.

How can a small person like her, eat each 10-pack of ramen in one sitting? She even can eat 10 bowls of rice with lots of side dishes. That doesn't even include snacks and desserts!

"Are you guys talking about me?"

Suddenly, Ariana's voice echoed there. She just got there so she didn't actually hear what they were saying, but knowing her brothers, she knows she always becomes their hot topic.

But, her messy state at that time after doing the mission, made the four brothers gape for a while. She never looked so unmanageable like this from their previous mission even tougher one. This is just an easy-level mission anyway!

Did the guy just now have a lot of blood that exploded or what? This began to be in the minds of the brothers at the time.

"Humph..." Aiden could only sigh, watching her.

"Why you... Look like that? " Ashton, who already finished his work can't help but ask.

While Asher was at a loss for words. *gaped his mouth wide*

Ariel quickly took the towel that was in the van and threw it at Ariana.

"Wipe the blood first, would you?"

He said in his usual irritated voice after throwing a towel at Ariana. The clean freak mode started to kick in.

"Are you trying to become a vampire or what? Use water to wash your face now. " Of course, his nagging is going on and on starting from that moment.

However, Ariana's face changed slightly after seeing her brothers which she felt was strange at the time. Realizing something, she then held her face with her palm.


Her four brothers couldn't help and started moaning in disgust seeing her being like that as if they were just looking at a crazy person.

Seeing the red particle in her hand, she finally remembered something.

'Ah, no wonder I feel sticky since earlier. So this is why they look at me like that.  Did they think I am a monster or what?'

"It's not blood."  She's began explaining while showing her palm to her brothers.  Her briefly explanation clearly didn't bring her any justice as the brothers still not understand a thing.

"What do you mean? If it's not blood, what is it? " Of course, Ariel counter-attacked her with the questions back while the other brothers just waited.

Slowly, Ariana put her hand into the jacket she was wearing to take something out of the inner pocket. She was wearing two layers of clothes at that time. The black jacket on the outside and the inner layer she is wearing is a white shirt. That's why her brothers are in a horror state right now as her white t-shirt looks like it has been smeared with blood.

"TA-DA!" She said happily after she took out her hand while holding an object that looked like...

Soda can?!

All of her brothers began to widen their eyes, seeing the unexpected thing.

"I didn't get to drink my strawberry soda while having the quick dinner before, and totally forgot about it. It burst while I'm too excited moving around during the mission. Brother Ashton, please make sure that our people clean the area really well.  Even though having soda around the corpse might not be suspicious to the police, it's better to be careful."

Ariana said that with a very innocent face, making all of her brothers start slapping their foreheads.

"You..." Aiden couldn't even say his next word.

"How on earth can the soda look like real blood?" Ashton really wondered about that when he shouldn't have.

Ariel, who tried to hold back, exploded at the end.

"You are 19 years old for crying out loud! How can you carry food while doing a mission?!"

"Hey... Enough all of you. She's still completed the job so this kind of thing is not a big deal. Here, change to this for now. You didn't bring extra clothes, did you? "

Asher was being sweet trying to stop his little sister from being interrogated about these small things and giving her his spare clothes that were always in the van to her. It's pretty big, but isn't oversized clothing a trend now?

"Yeah. Brother Asher was right and this is my mission anyway. You suppose to follow my orders as I'm the leader. Why do I have to hear you get angry like this? " Ariana fought Ariel back, as usual, while she took the clothes and let herself be pushed around by Asher to approach their van.

Ashton already got out of the vehicle after seeing them approach.

"Now get in and change your clothes and call us when you're ready."

But, before she got in, Ariana looked at Ariel and said,

"Wait, I forgot. You ask me how can I bring food while doing the mission earlier, my jacket has a pocket inside so it fits to bring food as long as it is not too big. Of course, I will not bring anything if there is no place where I can put something. You are 25 but you didn't know these basic things?"

All of them now seemed to see more hot smoke coming out of Ariel's head.

Before anything bad happened, Asher pushed Ariana into the van and closed the door while Aiden and Ashton held onto Ariel who was now swearing hysterically.

"That is not the point you little **beep****beep******."

It was just 15 minutes for that chaos. Now, all of them have finally calmed down and started feeling excited about their next plan.

They are on their way to their favorite amusement arcade.

Even though their ages are different and Ariana is a much younger sister than them, they are lucky to have the same interest so that they can spend time together like this. To them, this is important to strengthen the family relationship that they put a lot of emphasis on.

That's why Ariana never feels awkward being the only girl as her brothers in silence cherish her so much and she knows it very well. She too felt the same.

So, their night is just getting started.

Ariana plays to her heart's content with her brothers here and there without even getting tired. All of them really smash all the games which are in the arcade. The arcade is quite big so there are various things they can play together without getting bored.

Once tired of playing, they are now at Ariana's favorite fast-food restaurant. She doesn't always eat this, as their parents, even though they are not strict about this and when it comes to food nutrition, they are very careful.

So, on days like today, her brothers would take her to places like this as a reward (cheating day). Of course, unhealthy food is the best when eaten sometimes.

All of them ordered the food they wanted, while Ariana, who had a big appetite, ordered the most, which were 6 different burgers, 2 types of fried chicken, 3 cheese balls, and 2 types of French fries. Including the sodas, it's almost 20 items!

"Why did you eat so little tonight?" Asher, who will pay for all that ask her.

"I will order more later if it is not enough," Ariana answered while feeling excited and thinking about the deliciousness of the food.

Hearing this, the waiter at the fast food counter was sweating. Her four brothers were already familiar with the situation and were not surprised at all.

They just sat down, but Ariana already finished two of her foods just like that. After some more time passed, she was already in her last food while on the table there were many empty food wrappers as evident she eating all that.

Even so, while she was eating her last meal, her eyes once again looked at Aiden's plate which still contained some chicken nuggets and cheese balls. Her eyes look at it with glitter making it hard for Aiden not to notice it.

In silence, he pushed his plate toward Ariana, making her smile. Ariel, who was aware of that can't help but comment.

"Are you that happy?"